Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


652 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics0.5 mmFigure 19−1 A hydra reproduces bybudding. This form of asexual reproductioninvolves the production of buds (arrows),which eventually pinch off to form progenythat are genetically identical to their parent.(Courtesy of Amata Hornbruch.)ECB5 e19.02/19.01THE BENEFITS OF SEXMost of the creatures we see around us reproduce sexually. However,many organisms, especially those invisible to the naked eye, can produceoffspring without resorting to sex. Most bacteria and other single-celledorganisms multiply by simple cell division. Many plants also reproduceasexually, forming multicellular offshoots that later detach from the parentto make new independent plants. Even in the animal kingdom, thereare species that can procreate without sex. Hydra produce young by budding(Figure 19−1). Certain worms, when split in two, can regenerate the“missing halves” to form two complete individuals. And in some speciesof insects, lizards, and even birds, the females can lay eggs that developparthenogenetically—without the help of males, sperm, or fertilization—into healthy daughters that can also reproduce the same way.But while such forms of asexual reproduction are simple and direct,they give rise to offspring that are genetically identical to the parentorganism. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves the mixingof DNA from two individuals to produce offspring that are geneticallydistinct from one another and from both their parents. In this section, weoutline briefly the cellular mechanisms that make this mode of reproductionpossible. Sexual reproduction apparently has great advantages, asthe vast majority of plants and animals on Earth have adopted it.Sexual Reproduction Involves both Diploid andHaploid CellsOrganisms that reproduce sexually are generally diploid: their cells containtwo sets of chromosomes—one inherited from each parent. Thematernal chromosome set and the paternal chromosome set are verysimilar, except for their sex chromosomes, which, in many species, distinguishmales from females. In humans, for example, the Y chromosomecarries genes that specify the development of a male. Males inherit a Ychromosome from their father and an X chromosome from their mother;females inherit one X chromosome from each parent. Aside from thesesex chromosomes, the maternal and paternal versions of every chromosome—calledthe maternal and paternal homologs, or homologouschromosomes—carry the same set of genes. Each diploid cell, therefore,carries two copies of every gene (except for those found on the sex chromosomes,which may be present in only one copy).Unlike the majority of cells in a diploid organism, the specialized cellsthat carry out the central process in sexual reproduction—the gametes—are haploid: they each contain only one set of chromosomes. For mostorganisms, the males and females produce different types of gametes. Inanimals, one is large and nonmotile and is referred to as the egg; the otheris small and motile and is referred to as the sperm (Figure 19−2). Thesetwo dissimilar haploid gametes join together to regenerate a diploid cell,called the fertilized egg, or zygote, which has homologous chromosomesfrom both the mother and father. The zygote thus produced develops intoa new individual with a diploid set of chromosomes that is distinct fromthat of either parent (Figure 19−3).For almost all multicellular animals, including vertebrates, most of thelife cycle is spent in the diploid state. The haploid cells exist only brieflyand are highly specialized for their function as genetic ambassadors.These haploid gametes are generated from diploid precursor cells by aspecialized form of reductive division called meiosis. This precursor celllineage is called the germ line. The cells forming the rest of the animal’sbody—the somatic cells—ultimately leave no progeny of their own(Figure 19−4 and see Figure 9−3). They exist, in effect, only to help thecells of the germ line survive and propagate.

The Benefits of Sex653Figure 19−2 Despite their tremendousdifference in size, sperm and eggcontribute equally to the geneticcharacter of the offspring. This differencein size between male and female gametes(in which eggs contain a large quantity ofcytoplasm, whereas sperm contain almostnone) is consistent with the fact that thecytoplasm is not the basis of inheritance.If it were, the female’s contribution to themakeup of the offspring would be muchgreater than the male’s. Shown here is ascanning electron micrograph of an eggwith human sperm bound to its surface.Although many sperm are bound to theegg, only one will fertilize it. (David M.Philips/Science Source.)25 µmThe sexual reproductive cycle thus involves an alternation of haploidcells, each carrying a single set of chromosomes, with generations ofdiploid cells, each carrying two sets of chromosomes. One benefit of thisarrangement is that it allows sexually reproducing organisms to produceoffspring that are genetically ECB5 diverse, e19.03/19.02 as we discuss next.motherdiploid parentsfatherSexual Reproduction Generates Genetic DiversitySexual reproduction produces novel chromosome combinations. Duringmeiosis, the maternal and paternal chromosome sets in the diploid germlinecells are partitioned into the single chromosome sets of the gametes.Each gamete will receive a mixture of maternal homologs and paternalhomologs; when the genomes of two gametes combine during fertilization,they produce a zygote with a unique chromosomal complement.If the maternal and paternal homologs carry the same genes, why shouldsuch chromosomal reassortment matter? One answer is that althoughthe set of genes on each homolog is the same, the paternal and maternalversion of each gene is not. Genes occur in variant versions, calledalleles, with slightly different DNA sequences. For any given gene, manydifferent alleles may be present in the “gene pool” of a species. The existenceof these variant alleles means that the two copies of any given genein a particular individual are likely to be somewhat different from eachother—and from those carried by other individuals. What makes individualswithin a species genetically unique is the inheritance of differentcombinations of alleles. And with its cycles of diploidy, meiosis, haploidy,and cell fusion, sex breaks up old combinations of alleles and generatesnew ones.Sexual reproduction also generates genetic diversity through a secondmechanism—homologous recombination. We discuss this process, whichscrambles the genetic information on each chromosome during meiosis,a bit later.Figure 19−3 Sexual reproduction involves both haploid and diploid cells.Sperm and egg are produced by meiosis of diploid germ-line cells. Duringfertilization, a haploid egg and a haploid sperm fuse to form a diploid zygote.For simplicity, only one chromosome is shown for each gamete, and the spermcell has been greatly enlarged. Human gametes have 23 chromosomes, andthe egg is much larger than the sperm (see, for example, Figure 19−2).haploid eggone pairof homologsMEIOSISFERTILIZATIONdiploid zygoteMITOSIShaploid spermgenetically uniquediploid organismcomposed of many cellsmaternalhomologpaternalhomolog

652 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics

0.5 mm

Figure 19−1 A hydra reproduces by

budding. This form of asexual reproduction

involves the production of buds (arrows),

which eventually pinch off to form progeny

that are genetically identical to their parent.

(Courtesy of Amata Hornbruch.)

ECB5 e19.02/19.01


Most of the creatures we see around us reproduce sexually. However,

many organisms, especially those invisible to the naked eye, can produce

offspring without resorting to sex. Most bacteria and other single-celled

organisms multiply by simple cell division. Many plants also reproduce

asexually, forming multicellular offshoots that later detach from the parent

to make new independent plants. Even in the animal kingdom, there

are species that can procreate without sex. Hydra produce young by budding

(Figure 19−1). Certain worms, when split in two, can regenerate the

“missing halves” to form two complete individuals. And in some species

of insects, lizards, and even birds, the females can lay eggs that develop

parthenogenetically—without the help of males, sperm, or fertilization—

into healthy daughters that can also reproduce the same way.

But while such forms of asexual reproduction are simple and direct,

they give rise to offspring that are genetically identical to the parent

organism. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves the mixing

of DNA from two individuals to produce offspring that are genetically

distinct from one another and from both their parents. In this section, we

outline briefly the cellular mechanisms that make this mode of reproduction

possible. Sexual reproduction apparently has great advantages, as

the vast majority of plants and animals on Earth have adopted it.

Sexual Reproduction Involves both Diploid and

Haploid Cells

Organisms that reproduce sexually are generally diploid: their cells contain

two sets of chromosomes—one inherited from each parent. The

maternal chromosome set and the paternal chromosome set are very

similar, except for their sex chromosomes, which, in many species, distinguish

males from females. In humans, for example, the Y chromosome

carries genes that specify the development of a male. Males inherit a Y

chromosome from their father and an X chromosome from their mother;

females inherit one X chromosome from each parent. Aside from these

sex chromosomes, the maternal and paternal versions of every chromosome—called

the maternal and paternal homologs, or homologous

chromosomes—carry the same set of genes. Each diploid cell, therefore,

carries two copies of every gene (except for those found on the sex chromosomes,

which may be present in only one copy).

Unlike the majority of cells in a diploid organism, the specialized cells

that carry out the central process in sexual reproduction—the gametes—

are haploid: they each contain only one set of chromosomes. For most

organisms, the males and females produce different types of gametes. In

animals, one is large and nonmotile and is referred to as the egg; the other

is small and motile and is referred to as the sperm (Figure 19−2). These

two dissimilar haploid gametes join together to regenerate a diploid cell,

called the fertilized egg, or zygote, which has homologous chromosomes

from both the mother and father. The zygote thus produced develops into

a new individual with a diploid set of chromosomes that is distinct from

that of either parent (Figure 19−3).

For almost all multicellular animals, including vertebrates, most of the

life cycle is spent in the diploid state. The haploid cells exist only briefly

and are highly specialized for their function as genetic ambassadors.

These haploid gametes are generated from diploid precursor cells by a

specialized form of reductive division called meiosis. This precursor cell

lineage is called the germ line. The cells forming the rest of the animal’s

body—the somatic cells—ultimately leave no progeny of their own

(Figure 19−4 and see Figure 9−3). They exist, in effect, only to help the

cells of the germ line survive and propagate.

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