Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


32 CHAPTER 1 Cells: The Fundamental Units of Life(A)1 cmroots of crops. Smaller and simpler than Drosophila, this creature developswith clockwork precision from a fertilized egg cell into an adult thathas exactly 959 body cells (plus a variable number of egg and spermcells)—an unusual degree of regularity for an animal. We now have aminutely detailed description of the sequence of events by which thisoccurs—as the cells divide, move, and become specialized according tostrict and predictable rules. And a wealth of mutants are available fortesting how the worm’s genes direct this developmental ballet. Some 70%of human genes have some counterpart in the worm, and C. elegans, likeDrosophila, has proved to be a valuable model for many of the developmentalprocesses that occur in our own bodies. Studies of nematodedevelopment, for example, have led to a detailed molecular understandingof apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death by which animalsdispose of surplus cells, a topic discussed in Chapter 18. This process isalso of great importance in the development of cancer, as we discuss inChapter 20.(B)ECB5 e1.37/1.381 mmFigure 1–38 Zebrafish are popular modelsfor studies of vertebrate development.(A) These small, hardy, tropical fish—a staplein many home aquaria—are easy and cheapto breed and maintain. (B) They are alsoideal for developmental studies, as theirtransparent embryos develop outside themother, making it easy to observe cellsmoving and changing their characters inthe living organism as it develops. In thisimage of a two-day-old embryo, taken witha confocal microscope, a green fluorescentprotein marks the developing lymphaticvessels and a red fluorescent protein marksdeveloping blood vessels; regions wherethe two fluorescent markers coincide appearyellow. (A, courtesy of Steve Baskauf;B, from H.M. Jung et al., Development144:2070–2081, 2017.)Another animal that is providing molecular insights into developmentalprocesses, particularly in vertebrates, is the zebrafish (Figure 1–38A).Because this creature is transparent for the first two weeks of its life, itprovides an ideal system in which to observe how cells behave duringdevelopment in a living animal (Figure 1–38B).Mammals are among the most complex of animals, and the mouse haslong been used as the model organism in which to study mammaliangenetics, development, immunology, and cell biology. Thanks to modernmolecular biological techniques, it is possible to breed mice withdeliberately engineered mutations in any specific gene, or with artificiallyconstructed genes introduced into them (as we discuss in Chapter 10).In this way, one can test what a given gene is required for and how itfunctions. Almost every human gene has a counterpart in the mouse,with a similar DNA sequence and function. Thus, this animal has provenan excellent model for studying genes that are important in both humanhealth and disease.Biologists Also Directly Study Humans and Their CellsHumans are not mice—or fish or flies or worms or yeast—and so manyscientists also study human beings themselves. Like bacteria or yeast,our individual cells can be harvested and grown in culture, where investigatorscan study their biology and more closely examine the genes thatgovern their functions. Given the appropriate surroundings, many humancell types—indeed, many cell types of animals or plants—will survive,proliferate, and even express specialized properties in a culture dish.Experiments using such cultured cells are sometimes said to be carriedout in vitro (literally, “in glass”) to contrast them with experiments onintact organisms, which are said to be carried out in vivo (literally, “in theliving”).Although not true for all cell types, many cells—including those harvestedfrom humans—continue to display the differentiated properties appropriateto their origin when they are grown in culture: fibroblasts, a major celltype in connective tissue, continue to secrete proteins that form the extracellularmatrix; embryonic heart muscle cells contract spontaneously inthe culture dish; nerve cells extend axons and make functional connectionswith other nerve cells; and epithelial cells join together to formcontinuous sheets, as they do inside the body (Figure 1–39 and Movie1.7). Because cultured cells are maintained in a controlled environment,they are accessible to study in ways that are often not possible in vivo. Forexample, cultured cells can be exposed to hormones or growth factors,

Model Organisms33(A) (B) (C)50 µm 50 µm 50 µmFigure 1–39 Cells in culture often display properties that reflect their origin. These phase-contrast micrographsshow a variety of cell types in culture. (A) Fibroblasts from human skin. (B) Human neurons make connections withone another in culture. (C) Epithelial cells from human cervix form a cell sheet in culture. (Micrographs courtesy ofScienCell Research Laboratories, Inc.)and the effects that these signal molecules have on the shape or behaviorof the cells can be easily explored. Remarkably, certain human embryocells can be coaxed into differentiating into multiple cell types, whichcan self-assemble into organlike structures that closely resemble a normalorgan such as an eye or brain. Such organoids can be used to studyECB5 n1.101/1.39developmental processes—and how they are derailed in certain humangenetic diseases (discussed in Chapter 20).In addition to studying our cells in culture, humans are also examineddirectly in clinics. Much of the research on human biology has been drivenby medical interests, and the medical database on the human species isenormous. Although naturally occurring, disease-causing mutations inany given human gene are rare, the consequences are well documented.This is because humans are unique among animals in that they reportand record their own genetic defects: in no other species are billions ofindividuals so intensively examined, described, and investigated.Nevertheless, the extent of our ignorance is still daunting. The mammalianbody is enormously complex, being formed from thousands of billionsof cells, and one might despair of ever understanding how the DNA in afertilized mouse egg cell directs the generation of a mouse rather thana fish, or how the DNA in a human egg cell directs the development ofa human rather than a mouse. Yet the revelations of molecular biologyhave made the task seem eminently approachable. As much as anything,this new optimism has come from the realization that the genes of onetype of animal have close counterparts in most other types of animals,apparently serving similar functions (Figure 1–40). We all have a commonevolutionary origin, and under the surface it seems that we sharethe same molecular mechanisms. Flies, worms, fish, mice, and humansthus provide a key to understanding how animals in general are madeand how their cells work.Comparing Genome Sequences Reveals Life’s CommonHeritageAt a molecular level, evolutionary change has been remarkably slow.We can see in present-day organisms many features that have beenpreserved through more than 3 billion years of life on Earth—about onefifthof the age of the universe. This evolutionary conservatism provides

Model Organisms


(A) (B) (C)

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

Figure 1–39 Cells in culture often display properties that reflect their origin. These phase-contrast micrographs

show a variety of cell types in culture. (A) Fibroblasts from human skin. (B) Human neurons make connections with

one another in culture. (C) Epithelial cells from human cervix form a cell sheet in culture. (Micrographs courtesy of

ScienCell Research Laboratories, Inc.)

and the effects that these signal molecules have on the shape or behavior

of the cells can be easily explored. Remarkably, certain human embryo

cells can be coaxed into differentiating into multiple cell types, which

can self-assemble into organlike structures that closely resemble a normal

organ such as an eye or brain. Such organoids can be used to study

ECB5 n1.101/1.39

developmental processes—and how they are derailed in certain human

genetic diseases (discussed in Chapter 20).

In addition to studying our cells in culture, humans are also examined

directly in clinics. Much of the research on human biology has been driven

by medical interests, and the medical database on the human species is

enormous. Although naturally occurring, disease-causing mutations in

any given human gene are rare, the consequences are well documented.

This is because humans are unique among animals in that they report

and record their own genetic defects: in no other species are billions of

individuals so intensively examined, described, and investigated.

Nevertheless, the extent of our ignorance is still daunting. The mammalian

body is enormously complex, being formed from thousands of billions

of cells, and one might despair of ever understanding how the DNA in a

fertilized mouse egg cell directs the generation of a mouse rather than

a fish, or how the DNA in a human egg cell directs the development of

a human rather than a mouse. Yet the revelations of molecular biology

have made the task seem eminently approachable. As much as anything,

this new optimism has come from the realization that the genes of one

type of animal have close counterparts in most other types of animals,

apparently serving similar functions (Figure 1–40). We all have a common

evolutionary origin, and under the surface it seems that we share

the same molecular mechanisms. Flies, worms, fish, mice, and humans

thus provide a key to understanding how animals in general are made

and how their cells work.

Comparing Genome Sequences Reveals Life’s Common


At a molecular level, evolutionary change has been remarkably slow.

We can see in present-day organisms many features that have been

preserved through more than 3 billion years of life on Earth—about onefifth

of the age of the universe. This evolutionary conservatism provides

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