Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Figure 18−26). Although the forces that act to bring the chromosomes

to the equator are not completely understood, both the continual growth

and shrinkage of the microtubules and the action of microtubule motor

proteins are required. A continuous balanced addition and loss of tubulin

subunits is also required to maintain the metaphase spindle: when tubulin

addition to the ends of microtubules is blocked by the drug colchicine,

tubulin loss continues until the metaphase spindle disappears.

The chromosomes gathered at the equator of the metaphase spindle

oscillate back and forth, continually adjusting their positions, indicating

that the tug-of-war between the microtubules attached to opposite

poles of the spindle continues to operate after the chromosomes are all

aligned. If the kinetochore attachments on one side of a duplicated chromosome

are artificially severed with a laser beam during metaphase,

the entire chromosome immediately moves toward the pole to which it

remains attached. Similarly, if the attachment between sister chromatids

is cut, the two chromosomes separate and move toward opposite poles.

These experiments show that the duplicated chromosomes are not simply

deposited at the metaphase plate. They are suspended there under

tension. In anaphase, that tension will pull the sister chromatids apart.

Proteolysis Triggers Sister-Chromatid Separation at


Anaphase begins abruptly with the breakage of the cohesin linkages

that hold together the sister chromatids in a duplicated chromosome

(see Figure 18−18A). This release allows each chromosome to be pulled

toward the spindle pole to which it is attached (Figure 18−27). The movement

segregates the two identical sets of chromosomes to opposite ends

of the spindle (see Panel 18−1, pp. 628–629).

The cohesin linkage is destroyed by a protease called separase. Before

anaphase begins, this protease is held in an inactive state by an inhibitory

protein called securin. At the beginning of anaphase, securin is targeted

for destruction by APC/C—the same protein complex, discussed earlier,

that marks M cyclin for degradation. Once securin has been removed,

separase is then free to sever the cohesin linkages (Figure 18−28).

4 µm

Figure 18−26 During metaphase,

duplicated chromosomes gather halfway

between the two spindle poles. This

fluorescence micrograph shows multiple

mitotic spindles at metaphase in a fruit fly

(Drosophila) embryo. The microtubules are

stained green, and the chromosomes are

stained blue. At this stage of Drosophila

development, there are multiple nuclei in

one large cytoplasmic compartment, and

ECB5 E18.26/18.26

all of the nuclei divide synchronously, which

is why all of the nuclei shown here are at

the same metaphase stage of the cell cycle

(Movie 18.8). Metaphase spindles are

usually pictured in two dimensions, as they

are here; when viewed in three dimensions,

however, the chromosomes are seen to be

gathered at a platelike region at the equator

of the spindle—the so-called metaphase

plate. (Courtesy of William Sullivan.)


20 µm


Figure 18−27 Sister chromatids separate at anaphase. In the transition from (A) metaphase to (B) anaphase, the sister chromatids of

duplicated chromosomes (stained blue) suddenly separate, allowing the chromosomes to move toward opposite poles, as seen in these

plant cells stained with gold-labeled antibodies to label the microtubules (red ). Plant cells generally do not have centrosomes and

therefore have less sharply defined spindle poles than do animal cells (see also Figure 18−35); nonetheless, spindle poles are present

here at the top and bottom of each micrograph, although they cannot be seen. (Courtesy of Andrew Bajer.)

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