Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


622 CHAPTER 18 The Cell-Division CycleFigure 18−15 DNA damage can arrest thecell cycle in G 1 . When DNA is damaged,specific protein kinases respond by bothactivating the p53 protein and halting itsotherwise rapid degradation. Activated p53protein thus accumulates and stimulatesthe transcription of the gene that encodesthe Cdk inhibitor protein p21. The p21protein binds to G 1 /S-Cdk and S-Cdk andinactivates them, so that the cell cyclearrests in G 1 .p53DNAX-RAYS DAMAGE DNAACTIVATION OF PROTEIN KINASESTHAT PHOSPHORYLATE p53,STABILIZING AND ACTIVATING ITPstable,activated p53IN ABSENCE OFDNA DAMAGE,p53 IS DEGRADEDIN PROTEASOMESPACTIVE p53 BINDS TOREGULATORY REGIONOF p21 GENEp21 geneTRANSCRIPTIONTRANSLATIONp21 mRNAp21 (Cdkinhibitor protein)ACTIVEG 1/S-Cdkand S-CdkINACTIVEG 1 /S-Cdk and S-Cdkcomplexed with p21damaged DNA. They can also withdraw from the cell cycle for prolongedperiods—either temporarily or permanently.QUESTION 18–4What might be the consequencesif a cell replicated damaged DNAbefore repairing it?The most radical decision that the cell-cycle control system can makeis to withdraw the cell from the cell cycle permanently. This decisionhas a special importance in multicellular organisms. Many cells in thehuman body permanently stop dividing when they differentiate. In suchterminally differentiated cells, such as nerve or muscle cells, the cell-cyclecontrol system is dismantled completely and genes encoding the relevantcyclins and Cdks are irreversibly ECB5 e18.15/18.15 shut down.In the absence of appropriate signals, other cell types withdraw fromthe cell cycle only temporarily, entering an arrested state called G 0 . Theyretain the ability to reassemble the cell-cycle control system quickly andto divide again. Most liver cells, for example, are in G 0 , but they can bestimulated to proliferate if the liver is damaged.Much of the diversity in cell-division rates in the adult body lies in the variationin the time that cells spend in G 0 or in G 1 . Some cell types, includingliver cells, normally divide only once every year or two, whereas certainepithelial cells in the gut divide more than twice a day to renew the liningof the gut continually. Many of our cells fall somewhere in between: theycan divide if the need arises but normally do so infrequently.

S Phase623S PHASEBefore a cell divides, it must replicate its DNA. As we discuss in Chapter 6,this replication must occur with extreme accuracy to minimize the risk ofmutations in the next cell generation. Of equal importance, every nucleotidein the genome must be copied once—and only once—to prevent thedamaging effects of gene amplification. In this section, we consider theelegant molecular mechanisms by which the cell-cycle control systeminitiates DNA replication and, at the same time, prevents replication fromhappening more than once per cell cycle.S-Cdk Initiates DNA Replication and Blocks Re-ReplicationLike any monumental task, configuring chromosomes for replicationrequires a certain amount of preparation. For eukaryotic cells, thispreparation begins early in G 1 , when DNA is made replication-ready bythe recruitment of proteins to the sites along each chromosome wherereplication will begin. These nucleotide sequences, called origins of replication,serve as landing pads for the proteins and protein complexes thatcontrol and carry out DNA synthesis, as discussed in Chapter 6.One of these protein complexes, called the origin recognition complex(ORC), remains perched on the replication origins throughout the cellcycle. To prepare the DNA for replication, the ORC recruits a proteincalled Cdc6, whose concentration rises early in G 1 . Together, these proteinsload the DNA helicases that will ultimately open up the double helixat the origin of replication. Once this prereplicative complex is in place, thereplication origin is loaded and ready to “fire.”The signal to commence replication comes from S-Cdk, the cyclin–Cdkcomplex that triggers S phase. S-Cdk is assembled and activated at theend of G 1 . During S phase, S-Cdk activates the DNA helicases in the prereplicativecomplex and promotes the assembly of the rest of the proteinsthat form the replication fork (see Figure 6−20). In doing so, S-Cdk essentially“pulls the trigger” that initiates DNA replication (Figure 18−16).In addition to triggering the initiation of DNA synthesis at a replicationorigin, S-Cdk also helps prevent re-replication. It does so by phosphorylatingboth Cdc6 and the ORC. Phosphorylation inactivates these proteinsand helps prevent the reassembly of the prereplicative complex. Thesesafeguards help ensure that DNA replication cannot be reinitiated later inthe same cell cycle. When Cdks are inactivated in the next G 1 phase, theORC and Cdc6 are reactivated, thereby allowing origins to be preparedfor the following S phase.Incomplete Replication Can Arrest the Cell Cycle in G 2Earlier, we described how DNA damage can signal the cell-cycle controlsystem to delay progress through the G 1 -to-S transition, preventing thecell from replicating damaged DNA. But what if errors occur during DNAreplication—or if replication is delayed? How does the cell keep fromdividing with DNA that is incorrectly or incompletely replicated?To address these issues, the cell-cycle control system uses a mechanismthat can delay entry into M phase. As we saw in Figure 18−10, the activityof M-Cdk is inhibited by phosphorylation at particular sites. For the cellto progress into mitosis, these inhibitory phosphates must be removed byan activating protein phosphatase called Cdc25. If DNA replication stalls,the appearance of single-stranded DNA at the replication fork triggersa DNA damage response. Part of this response includes the inhibitionof the phosphatase Cdc25, which prevents the removal of the inhibitory

622 CHAPTER 18 The Cell-Division Cycle

Figure 18−15 DNA damage can arrest the

cell cycle in G 1 . When DNA is damaged,

specific protein kinases respond by both

activating the p53 protein and halting its

otherwise rapid degradation. Activated p53

protein thus accumulates and stimulates

the transcription of the gene that encodes

the Cdk inhibitor protein p21. The p21

protein binds to G 1 /S-Cdk and S-Cdk and

inactivates them, so that the cell cycle

arrests in G 1 .









activated p53









p21 gene



p21 mRNA

p21 (Cdk

inhibitor protein)


G 1/S-Cdk

and S-Cdk


G 1 /S-Cdk and S-Cdk

complexed with p21

damaged DNA. They can also withdraw from the cell cycle for prolonged

periods—either temporarily or permanently.


What might be the consequences

if a cell replicated damaged DNA

before repairing it?

The most radical decision that the cell-cycle control system can make

is to withdraw the cell from the cell cycle permanently. This decision

has a special importance in multicellular organisms. Many cells in the

human body permanently stop dividing when they differentiate. In such

terminally differentiated cells, such as nerve or muscle cells, the cell-cycle

control system is dismantled completely and genes encoding the relevant

cyclins and Cdks are irreversibly ECB5 e18.15/18.15 shut down.

In the absence of appropriate signals, other cell types withdraw from

the cell cycle only temporarily, entering an arrested state called G 0 . They

retain the ability to reassemble the cell-cycle control system quickly and

to divide again. Most liver cells, for example, are in G 0 , but they can be

stimulated to proliferate if the liver is damaged.

Much of the diversity in cell-division rates in the adult body lies in the variation

in the time that cells spend in G 0 or in G 1 . Some cell types, including

liver cells, normally divide only once every year or two, whereas certain

epithelial cells in the gut divide more than twice a day to renew the lining

of the gut continually. Many of our cells fall somewhere in between: they

can divide if the need arises but normally do so infrequently.

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