Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Muscle Contraction




10 nm








end-on view

of actin filament


+ Ca 2+

– Ca 2+


site exposed by

Ca 2+ -mediated



proteins is tropomyosin, a rigid, rod-shaped molecule that binds in the

groove of the actin helix, where it prevents the myosin heads from associating

with the actin filament. The other is troponin, a protein complex

that includes a Ca 2+ -sensitive protein associated with the end of a tropomyosin

molecule. When the concentration of Ca 2+ in the cytosol rises,

Ca 2+ binds to troponin and induces a change ECB5 e17.46-17.46 in its shape. This in turn

causes the tropomyosin molecules to shift their positions slightly, allowing

myosin heads to bind to the actin filaments, initiating contraction

(Figure 17–46B).

Because the signal from the plasma membrane is passed within milliseconds

(via the T tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum) to every sarcomere

in the cell, all the myofibrils in the cell contract at the same time. The

increase in Ca 2+ in the cytosol is transient because, when the nerve signal

terminates, the Ca 2+ is rapidly pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

by abundant Ca 2+ pumps in its membrane (discussed in Chapter 12).

As soon as the Ca 2+ concentration returns to the resting level, troponin

and tropomyosin molecules move back to their original positions. This

reconfiguration once again blocks myosin binding to actin filaments,

thereby ending the contraction.

Different Types of Muscle Cells Perform Different


The highly specialized contractile machinery in muscle cells is thought

to have evolved from the simpler contractile bundles of myosin and actin

filaments found in all eukaryotic cells. The myosin-II in nonmuscle cells

is also activated by a rise in cytosolic Ca 2+ , but the mechanism of activation

is different from that of the muscle-specific myosin-II. An increase in

Ca 2+ leads to the phosphorylation of nonmuscle myosin-II, which alters

the myosin conformation and enables it to interact with actin. A similar

activation mechanism operates in smooth muscle, which is present

in the walls of the stomach, intestine, uterus, and arteries, and in many

other structures that undergo slow and sustained involuntary contractions.

This mode of myosin activation is relatively slow, because time is

needed for enzyme molecules to diffuse to the myosin heads and carry

out the phosphorylation and subsequent dephosphorylation. However,

this mechanism has the advantage that—unlike the mechanism used

by skeletal muscle cells—it can be activated by a variety of extracellular

signals: thus smooth muscle, for example, is triggered to contract by epinephrine,

serotonin, prostaglandins, and several other signal molecules.

In addition to skeletal and smooth muscle, other forms of muscle each

perform a specific mechanical function. Heart—or cardiac—muscle, for

instance, drives the circulation of blood. The heart contracts autonomously

for the entire life of the organism—some 3 billion (3 × 10 9 ) times

in an average human lifetime. Even subtle abnormalities in the actin or

myosin of heart muscle can lead to serious disease. For example, mutations

in the genes that encode cardiac myosin-II or other proteins in the

sarcomere cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a hereditary disorder

responsible for sudden death in young athletes.

Figure 17–46 Skeletal muscle contraction

is controlled by tropomyosin and

troponin complexes. (A) An actin filament

in muscle showing the positions of

tropomyosin and troponin complexes along

the filament. Every tropomyosin molecule

has seven evenly spaced regions with a

similar amino acid sequence, each of which

is thought to bind to an actin monomer in

the filament. (B) This cross section of the

muscle actin filament reveals how Ca 2+

binding to the troponin complex (not

shown) leads to movement of tropomyosin

away from the myosin-binding site.


A. Note that in Figure 17−46,

troponin molecules are evenly

spaced along an actin filament,

with one troponin found every

seventh actin molecule. How do you

suppose troponin molecules can be

positioned this regularly? What does

this tell you about the binding of

troponin to actin filaments?

B. What do you suppose would

happen if you mixed actin

filaments with (i) troponin alone,

(ii) tropomyosin alone, or

(iii) troponin plus tropomyosin, and

then added myosin? Would the

effects be dependent on Ca 2+ ?

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