Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Actin Filaments






Figure 17–36 Activation of Rho-family

GTPases can have a dramatic effect on

the organization of actin filaments in

fibroblasts. In these micrographs, actin is

stained with fluorescently labeled phalloidin

(see Table 17−2, p. 594). (A) Unstimulated

fibroblasts have actin filaments primarily in

the cortex. (B) Microinjection of an activated

form of Rho promotes the rapid assembly

of bundles of long, unbranched actin

filaments; because myosin is associated

with these bundles, they are contractile.

(C) Microinjection of an activated form

of Rac, a GTP-binding protein similar to

Rho, causes the formation of an enormous

lamellipodium that extends from the entire

circumference of the cell. (D) Microinjection

of an activated form of Cdc42, another Rho

family member, stimulates the protrusion

of a forest of filopodia at the cell periphery.

(Courtesy of Catherine Nobes.)





20 µm

Rho family member triggers the bundling of actin filaments and activation

of the formin proteins that promote the formation of filopodia. Another

Rho GTPase might stimulate ARP complexes at the cell’s leading edge,

promoting the formation of lamellipodia and membrane ruffling. Finally,

activation of the founding member of the Rho family drives the bundling

of actin filaments with myosin motor proteins and the clustering of cellsurface

integrins, actions that promote cell crawling (see Figure 17−33).

ECB5 e17.37/17.36

Examples of these dramatic, Rho-driven cytoskeletal rearrangements are

shown in Figure 17–36.

Actin Associates with Myosin to Form Contractile


Perhaps the most familiar of all the actin-binding proteins is myosin.

Myosins belong to a family of motor proteins that bind to and hydrolyze

ATP, which provides the energy for their movement along actin filaments

toward the plus end. Myosin, like actin, was first discovered in skeletal

muscle, and much of what we know about the interaction of these two

proteins was learned from studies of muscle. There are numerous types of

myosins in cells, of which the myosin-I and myosin-II subfamilies are the

most abundant.

Myosin-I molecules, which are present in all cell types, have a head

domain and a tail (Figure 17–37A). The head domain binds to an actin

filament and has the ATP-hydrolyzing motor activity that enables it to

move along the filament in a repetitive cycle of binding, detachment,

and rebinding (Movie 17.10). The tail varies among the different types

of myosin-I and determines what type of cargo the myosin will carry.

For example, the tail may bind to a particular type of vesicle and propel

it through the cell along actin filament tracks (Figure 17–37B), or it may

bind to the plasma membrane and pull it into a different shape (Figure


Myosin-II is structurally and mechanistically more complex than myosin-I.

Muscle cells make use of a specialized form of myosin-II to drive

muscle contraction, as we discuss next.


At the leading edge of a crawling

cell, the plus ends of actin filaments

are located close to the plasma

membrane, and actin monomers

are added at these ends, pushing

the membrane outward to form

lamellipodia or filopodia. What do

you suppose holds the filaments at

their other ends to prevent them

from just being pushed into the

cell’s interior?

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