Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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592 CHAPTER 17 Cytoskeleton

Figure 17–28 The movement of dynein

causes the flagellum to bend. (A) If the

outer doublet microtubules and their

associated dynein molecules are freed from

other components of a sperm flagellum and

then exposed to ATP, the doublets slide

against each other, telescope-fashion, due

to the repetitive action of their associated

dyneins. (B) In an intact flagellum, however,

the doublets are tied to each other by

flexible protein links so that the action of

the system produces bending rather than


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In humans, hereditary defects in ciliary dynein cause Kartagener’s syndrome.

Men with this disorder are infertile because their sperm are

nonmotile, and they have an increased susceptibility to bronchial infections

because the cilia that line their respiratory tract are paralyzed and

thus unable to clear bacteria and debris from the lungs.


Dynein arms in a cilium are arranged

so that, when activated, the heads

push their neighboring outer

doublet outward toward the tip of

the cilium. Consider a cross section

of a cilium (see Figure 17−27). Why

would no bending motion of the

cilium result if all dynein molecules

were active at the same time?

What pattern of dynein activity can

account for the bending of a cilium

in one direction?

Many animal cells that lack beating cilia contain a single, nonmotile primary

cilium. This appendage is much shorter than a beating cilium and

functions as an antenna for sensing certain extracellular signal molecules.

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Actin filaments, polymers of the protein actin, are present in most

eukaryotic cells and are essential for many of the cell’s movements,

especially those involving the cell surface. Without actin filaments, for

example, an animal cell could not crawl along a surface, engulf a large

particle by phagocytosis, or divide in two. Like microtubules, many actin

filaments are unstable, but by associating with other proteins they can

also form stable structures in cells, such as the contractile apparatus of

muscle cells. Actin filaments interact with a large number of actin-binding

proteins that enable the filaments to serve a variety of functions in cells.

Depending on which of these proteins they associate with, actin filaments

can form stiff and stable structures, such as the microvilli on the epithelial

cells lining the intestine (Figure 17–29A) or the small contractile bundles

that can contract and act like tiny muscles in most animal cells (Figure

17–29B and E). They can also form temporary structures, such as the

dynamic protrusions formed at the leading edge of a crawling cell (Figure

17–29C) or the contractile ring that pinches the cytoplasm in two when an

animal cell divides (Figure 17–29D). Actin-dependent movements usually

require actin’s association with a motor protein called myosin.

In this section, we see how the arrangements of actin filaments in a cell

depend on the types of actin-binding proteins present. Even though actin

filaments and microtubules are formed from unrelated types of subunit

proteins, we will see that the principles by which they assemble and disassemble,

control cell structure, and work with motor proteins to bring

about movement are strikingly similar.

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