Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


590 CHAPTER 17 CytoskeletonFigure 17–24 Many hairlike cilia projectfrom the surface of the epithelial cellsthat line the human respiratory tract. Inthis scanning electron micrograph, thicktufts of cilia can be seen extended fromthese ciliated cells, which are interspersedwith the dome-shaped surfaces ofnonciliated epithelial cells. (Reproducedfrom R.G. Kessel and R.H. Kardon, Tissuesand Organs. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman& Co., 1979.)5 µmthe Golgi membranes pull the Golgi apparatus along microtubules in theopposite direction, inward toward the nucleus (Figure 17–21C). In thisway, the regional differencesECB5inE17.23/17.24these internal membranes—crucial fortheir respective functions—are created and maintained.When cells are treated with colchicine—a drug that promotes microtubuledisassembly—both the ER and the Golgi apparatus change theirlocation dramatically. The ER, which is physically connected to thenuclear envelope, collapses around the nucleus; the Golgi apparatus,which is not attached to any other organelle, fragments into small vesicles,which then disperse throughout the cytoplasm. When the colchicineis removed, the organelles return to their original positions, dragged bymotor proteins moving along the re-formed microtubules.power strokeFigure 17–25 A cilium beats byperforming a repetitive cycle ofmovements, consisting of a power strokefollowed by a recovery stroke. In the fastpower stroke, the cilium is fully extendedand fluid is driven over the surface of thecell; in the slower recovery stroke, thecilium curls back into position with minimaldisturbance to the surrounding fluid. EachECB5 e17.24/17.25cycle typically requires 0.1–0.2 second andgenerates a force parallel to the cell surface.Cilia and Flagella Contain Stable Microtubules Movedby DyneinWe mentioned earlier that many microtubules in cells are stabilizedthrough their association with other proteins and therefore do not showdynamic instability. Cells use such stable microtubules as stiff supports inthe construction of a variety of polarized structures, including motile ciliaand flagella. Cilia are hairlike structures about 0.25 μm in diameter, coveredby plasma membrane, that extend from the surface of many kindsof eukaryotic cells. Each cilium contains a core of stable microtubules,arranged in a bundle, that grow from a cytoplasmic basal body, whichserves as an organizing center (see Figure 17–11D).Motile cilia beat in a whiplike fashion, either to move fluid over the surfaceof a cell or to propel single cells through a fluid. Some protozoa, forexample, use cilia to collect food particles, and others use them for locomotion.On the epithelial cells lining the human respiratory tract (Figure17–24), huge numbers of beating cilia (more than a billion per squarecentimeter) sweep layers of mucus containing trapped dust particles anddead cells up toward the throat, to be swallowed and eventually eliminatedfrom the body. Similarly, beating cilia on the cells of the oviductwall create a current that helps to carry eggs away from the ovary. Eachcilium acts as a small oar, moving in a repeated cycle that generates themovement of fluid over the cell surface (Figure 17–25).The flagella (singular flagellum) that propel sperm and many protozoaare usually very much longer than cilia are. They are designed to move

Microtubules591Figures 17–26 Flagella propel a cell through fluid usingrepetitive wavelike motion. The movement of a singleflagellum on an invertebrate sperm is seen in a series of imagescaptured by stroboscopic illumination at 400 flashes per second.(Courtesy of Charles J. Brokaw.)the entire cell, rather than moving fluid across the cell surface. Flagellapropagate regular waves along their length, propelling the attached cellalong (Figure 17–26).Despite these slight differences in operation, cilia and flagella share asimilar internal structure. The microtubules in both cilia and flagella arearranged in an elaborate and distinctive pattern, which was one of themost striking revelations of early electron microscopy. A cross sectionthrough a cilium shows nine doublet microtubules arranged in a ringaround a pair of single microtubules (Figure 17–27A). This “9 + 2” arrayis characteristic of almost all eukaryotic cilia and flagella—from those ofprotozoa to those in humans.The movement of a cilium or a flagellum is produced by bending thattakes place as its microtubules slide against each other. The microtubulesare associated with numerous accessory proteins (Figure 17–27B),which project at regular positions along the length of the microtubulebundle. Some of these proteins serve as cross-links to hold the bundle ofmicrotubules together; others generate the force that causes the ciliumor flagellum to bend.The most important of the accessory proteins is the motor protein ciliarydynein, which generates the bending motion of the structure. Ciliarydynein is attached by its tail to one microtubule in each outer doublet,while its globular heads interact with the adjacent microtubule to generatea sliding force between the two microtubules. Because of the multiplelinks that hold the adjacent microtubule doublets together, the slidingforce between adjacent microtubules is converted to a bending motion(Figure 17–28). Other ciliary components, including the central pair,inner sheath, and radial spokes, control dynein activity, leading to thecomplex wave forms seen in cilia and flagella.outer dynein armECB5 e17.25/17.2625 µmradial spokeinner dynein arminner sheathcentral singletmicrotubulelinkingproteinplasma membrane(A)100 nm(B)A microtubule B microtubuleouter doublet microtubuleFigure 17–27 Microtubules in a cilium or flagellum are arranged in a “9 + 2” array. (A) Electron micrograph of a flagellum of theunicellular alga Chlamydomonas shown in cross section, illustrating the distinctive 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules. (B) Diagram ofthe flagellum in cross section. The nine outer microtubules (each a special paired structure) carry two rows of dynein molecules. Theheads of each dynein molecule appear in this view like arms reaching toward the adjacent doublet microtubule. In a living cilium, thesedynein heads periodically make contact with the adjacent doublet microtubule and move along it, thereby producing the force forciliary beating. The various other links and projections shown are proteins that serve to hold the bundle of microtubules together and toconvert the sliding force produced by dyneins into bending, as illustrated in Figure 17–28. (A, courtesy of Lewis Tilney.)

590 CHAPTER 17 Cytoskeleton

Figure 17–24 Many hairlike cilia project

from the surface of the epithelial cells

that line the human respiratory tract. In

this scanning electron micrograph, thick

tufts of cilia can be seen extended from

these ciliated cells, which are interspersed

with the dome-shaped surfaces of

nonciliated epithelial cells. (Reproduced

from R.G. Kessel and R.H. Kardon, Tissues

and Organs. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman

& Co., 1979.)

5 µm

the Golgi membranes pull the Golgi apparatus along microtubules in the

opposite direction, inward toward the nucleus (Figure 17–21C). In this

way, the regional differences




these internal membranes—crucial for

their respective functions—are created and maintained.

When cells are treated with colchicine—a drug that promotes microtubule

disassembly—both the ER and the Golgi apparatus change their

location dramatically. The ER, which is physically connected to the

nuclear envelope, collapses around the nucleus; the Golgi apparatus,

which is not attached to any other organelle, fragments into small vesicles,

which then disperse throughout the cytoplasm. When the colchicine

is removed, the organelles return to their original positions, dragged by

motor proteins moving along the re-formed microtubules.

power stroke

Figure 17–25 A cilium beats by

performing a repetitive cycle of

movements, consisting of a power stroke

followed by a recovery stroke. In the fast

power stroke, the cilium is fully extended

and fluid is driven over the surface of the

cell; in the slower recovery stroke, the

cilium curls back into position with minimal

disturbance to the surrounding fluid. Each

ECB5 e17.24/17.25

cycle typically requires 0.1–0.2 second and

generates a force parallel to the cell surface.

Cilia and Flagella Contain Stable Microtubules Moved

by Dynein

We mentioned earlier that many microtubules in cells are stabilized

through their association with other proteins and therefore do not show

dynamic instability. Cells use such stable microtubules as stiff supports in

the construction of a variety of polarized structures, including motile cilia

and flagella. Cilia are hairlike structures about 0.25 μm in diameter, covered

by plasma membrane, that extend from the surface of many kinds

of eukaryotic cells. Each cilium contains a core of stable microtubules,

arranged in a bundle, that grow from a cytoplasmic basal body, which

serves as an organizing center (see Figure 17–11D).

Motile cilia beat in a whiplike fashion, either to move fluid over the surface

of a cell or to propel single cells through a fluid. Some protozoa, for

example, use cilia to collect food particles, and others use them for locomotion.

On the epithelial cells lining the human respiratory tract (Figure

17–24), huge numbers of beating cilia (more than a billion per square

centimeter) sweep layers of mucus containing trapped dust particles and

dead cells up toward the throat, to be swallowed and eventually eliminated

from the body. Similarly, beating cilia on the cells of the oviduct

wall create a current that helps to carry eggs away from the ovary. Each

cilium acts as a small oar, moving in a repeated cycle that generates the

movement of fluid over the cell surface (Figure 17–25).

The flagella (singular flagellum) that propel sperm and many protozoa

are usually very much longer than cilia are. They are designed to move

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