Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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The movement of organelles throughout the cell cytoplasm

has been a subject of observation, measurement,

and speculation since the middle of the nineteenth

century. But it was not until the mid-1980s that biologists

identified the molecules that drive this movement

of organelles and vesicles from one part of the cell to


Why the lag between observation and understanding?

The problem was in the proteins—or, more precisely, in

the difficulty of studying them in isolation outside the cell.

To investigate the activity of an enzyme, for example,

biochemists first purify the protein: they break open cells

or tissues and separate the enzyme from other molecular

components (see Panels 4–4 and 4–5, pp. 166–167).

They can then study the enzyme in a test tube (in vitro),

controlling its exposure to substrates, inhibitors, ATP,

and so on. Unfortunately, this approach did not seem to

work for studies of the motile machinery that underlies

intracellular transport. It is not possible to break open a

cell and pull out an intact, fully active transport system,

free of extraneous material, that continues to carry mitochondria

and vesicles from place to place.

That problem was solved by technical advances in

two separate fields. First, improvements in microscopy

allowed biologists to see that an operational transport

system (with extraneous material still attached) could be

squeezed from the right kind of living cell. At the same

time, biochemists realized that they could assemble a

working transport system from scratch—using purified

cytoskeletal filaments, motors, and cargo—outside the

cell. One such breakthrough started with a squid.

Teeming cytoplasm

Neuroscientists interested in the electrical properties of

nerve cell membranes have long studied the giant axon

from squid (see How We Know, pp. 412−413). Because

of its large size, researchers found that they could

squeeze the cytoplasm from the axon like toothpaste,

and then study how ions move back and forth through

various channels in the empty, tubelike plasma membrane

(see Figure 12–33). These investigators discarded

the extruded cytoplasmic jelly, as it appeared to be inert

(and thus uninteresting) when examined under a standard

light microscope.

Then along came video-enhanced microscopy. This

type of microscopy, developed by Shinya Inoué, Robert

Allen, and others, allows one to detect structures that

are smaller than the resolving power of standard light

microscopes, which is only about 0.2 μm, or 200 nm

(see Panel 1−1, pp. 12–13). The resulting images are

captured by a video camera and then enhanced by computer

processing to reduce the background and heighten

contrast. When researchers in the early 1980s applied

this new technique to preparations of squid axon cytoplasm

(axoplasm), they observed, for the first time, the

motion of vesicles and other organelles along cytoskeletal


Under the video-enhanced microscope, extruded axoplasm

is seen to be teeming with tiny particles—from

vesicles 30–50 nm in diameter to mitochondria some

5000 nm long—all moving to and fro along cytoskeletal

filaments at speeds of up to 5 μm per second. If the axoplasm

is spread thinly enough, individual filaments can

be seen.

The movement continues for hours, allowing researchers

to manipulate the preparation and study the effects.

Ray Lasek and Scott Brady discovered, for example, that

the organelle movement requires ATP. Substitution of

ATP analogs, such as AMP-PNP, which resemble ATP

but cannot be hydrolyzed (and thus provide no energy),

inhibit the translocation.

Snaking tubes

More work was needed to identify the individual components

that comprise the transport system in squid

axoplasm. What kind of filaments support this movement?

What are the molecular motors that shuttle the

vesicles and organelles along these filaments? Identifying

the filaments was relatively easy: antibodies to tubulin

revealed that they are microtubules. But what about the

motor proteins? To find these, Ron Vale, Thomas Reese,

and Michael Sheetz set up a system in which they could

fish for proteins that power organelle movement.

Their strategy was simple yet elegant: add together

microtubules and organelles and then look for molecules

that induce motion. They used purified microtubules

from squid brain, added organelles isolated from squid

axons, and showed that organelle movement could be

triggered by the addition of an extract from squid axoplasm.

In this preparation, the researchers could either

watch the organelles travel along the microtubules or

watch the microtubules glide snakelike over the surface

of a glass cover slip that had been coated with an axoplasm

extract (see Question 17–18). Their challenge was

to isolate the protein responsible for movement in this

reconstituted system.

To do that, Vale and his colleagues took advantage

of the earlier work with the ATP analog AMP-PNP.

Although this analog inhibits the movement of vesicles

along microtubules, it still allows organelles to attach to

the microtubule filaments. So the researchers incubated

the axoplasm extract with microtubules and organelles

in the presence of AMP-PNP; they then pulled out the

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