Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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586 CHAPTER 17 Cytoskeleton


Dynamic instability causes

microtubules either to grow or to

shrink rapidly. Consider an individual

microtubule that is in its shrinking


A. What must happen at the end

of the microtubule in order for it to

stop shrinking and to start growing


B. How would a change in the

tubulin concentration affect this


C. What would happen if only GDP,

but no GTP, were present in the


D. What would happen if the

solution contained an analog of GTP

that cannot be hydrolyzed?

Figure 17–19 Motor proteins move

along microtubules using their globular

heads. (A) Kinesins and cytoplasmic

dyneins are microtubule motor proteins

that generally move in opposite directions

along a microtubule. Most kinesins move

toward the plus end of a microtubule,

whereas dyneins move toward the minus

end (Movie 17.4). Each of these proteins

(drawn here roughly to scale) is a dimer

composed of two identical subunits. Each

dimer has two globular heads at one end,

which bind and hydrolyze ATP and interact

with microtubules, and a single tail at the

other end, which interacts with cargo,

either directly or indirectly through adaptor

proteins (see Figure 17–20). (B) Schematic

diagram of a kinesin motor protein “walking”

hand-over-hand along a filament. The two

heads use the energy of ATP binding and

hydrolysis to move in one direction along

the filament (ATP in red, ADP in pink). As

shown here, ATP hydrolysis and phosphate

release by the rear motor head loosens

its attachment to the microtubule. ADP

release and ATP binding by the front motor

head then cause a dramatic conformational

change that flips the rear motor head to the

front, thereby completing a single step. (See

also Figure 17–23B.)

others link microtubules to other cell components, including the other

types of cytoskeletal filaments (see Figure 17–9). Still others are motor

proteins that actively transport organelles, vesicles, and other macromolecules

along microtubules, as we discuss next.

Motor Proteins Drive Intracellular Transport

If a living cell is observed in a light microscope, its cytoplasm is seen

to be in continual motion. Mitochondria and the smaller membraneenclosed

organelles and vesicles travel in small, jerky steps—moving for

a short period, stopping, and then moving again. This saltatory movement

is much more sustained and directional than the continual, small,

Brownian movements caused by random thermal motions. Saltatory

movements can occur along either microtubules or actin filaments. In

both cases, the movements are driven by motor proteins, which use the

energy derived from repeated cycles of ATP hydrolysis to travel steadily

along the microtubule or actin filament in a single direction (see Figure

4–50). Because the motor proteins also attach to other cell components,

they can transport this cargo along the filaments.

The motor proteins that move along cytoplasmic microtubules, such as

those in the axon of a nerve cell, belong to two families: the kinesins

generally move toward the plus end of a microtubule (outward from

the cell body in Figure 17–17); the dyneins move toward the minus end

(toward the cell body in Figure 17–17). Kinesins and cytoplasmic dyneins

are generally dimers that have two globular ATP-binding heads and a

single tail (Figure 17–19A); members of a second class of dyneins, the

ciliary dyneins, have a different structure and will be discussed later. The

heads of kinesin and cytoplasmic dynein interact with microtubules in a

stereospecific manner, so that the motor protein will attach to a microtubule

in only one direction. The tail of a motor protein generally binds

stably to some cell component, such as a vesicle or an organelle, and

thereby determines the type of cargo that the motor protein can transport

(Figure 17–20). The globular heads of kinesin and dynein are enzymes

with ATP-hydrolyzing (ATPase) activity. This reaction provides the energy

for driving a directed series of conformational changes in the head that

enable the motor protein to move along the microtubule by a cycle of

binding, release, and rebinding to the microtubule (Figure 17–19B and

see Figure 4−50). For a discussion of the discovery and study of motor

proteins, see How We Know, pp. 588–589.



minus end






10 nm


plus end







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