Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


578 CHAPTER 17 Cytoskeletonbasal cell of epidermis(A)40 µm(B)basal laminahemidesmosomes(C)defective keratinfilament networkFigure 17–6 A mutant form of keratinmakes skin more prone to blistering.A mutant gene encoding a truncatedkeratin protein was introduced into amouse. The defective protein assembleswith the normal keratins and therebydisrupts the keratin filament network inthe skin. (A) Light micrograph of a crosssection of normal skin, which is resistantto mechanical pressure. (B) Cross sectionof skin from a mutant mouse showing theformation of a blister, which results from therupturing of cells in the basal layer of themutant epidermis (short red arrow). (C) Asketch of three cells in the basal layer of themutant epidermis. As indicated by the redarrow, the cells rupture between the nucleusand the hemidesmosomes that connectthe cells—via their keratin filaments—tothe underlying basal lamina. (From P.A.Coulombe et al., J. Cell Biol. 115:1661–1674,1991. With permission from The RockefellerUniversity Press.)Figure 17–7 Intermediate filamentssupport and strengthen the nuclearenvelope. (A) Schematic cross sectionthrough the nuclear envelope. Theintermediate filaments of the nuclearlamina line the inner face of the nuclearenvelope and are thought to provideattachment sites for the chromosomes.(B) Electron micrograph of a portionof the nuclear lamina from a frog egg.The lamina is formed from a lattice ofintermediate filaments composed oflamins. The nuclear lamina in other celltypes is not always as regularly organizedas the one shown here. (B, from U. Aebiet al., Nature 323:560–564, 1986. Withpermission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.)Defects in neurofilaments can also lead to disease. Neurofilaments areintermediate filaments that are found along the axons of vertebrate neurons,where they provide strength and stability to the long axons thatnerve ECB5 m16.69/17.06 cells use to transmit information. The neurodegenerative diseaseamyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease)is associated with an abnormal accumulation of neurofilaments in thecell bodies and axons of motor neurons. This accretion may precipitatethe axon degeneration and muscle weakness seen in these patients.The Nuclear Envelope Is Supported by a Meshwork ofIntermediate FilamentsWhereas cytoplasmic intermediate filaments form ropelike structures, theintermediate filaments lining and strengthening the inside surface of theinner nuclear membrane are organized as a two-dimensional meshwork(Figure 17–7). As mentioned earlier, the intermediate filaments that formthis tough nuclear lamina are constructed from a class of intermediatefilament proteins called lamins (not to be confused with laminin, whichis an extracellular matrix protein). The nuclear lamina disassembles andre-forms at each cell division, when the nuclear envelope breaks downduring mitosis and then re-forms in each daughter cell (discussed inChapter 18).The collapse and reassembly of the nuclear lamina is controlled by thephosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the lamins. Phosphorylationof lamins by protein kinases (discussed in Chapter 4) weakens the interactionsbetween the lamin tetramers and causes the filaments to fallapart. Dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases at the end of mitosisallows the lamins to reassemble (see Figure 18–30).CYTOSOLnuclear envelopenuclearlaminanuclearporeNUCLEUSchromatin(A) (B) 1 µm

Intermediate Filaments579Figure 17–8 Defects in a nuclear lamin can cause a rare class ofpremature aging disorders called progeria. (A) In a normal cell,the protein lamin A (green) is assembled into a uniform nuclearlamina inside the nuclear envelope. (B) In a cell with a lamin Amutant that is found in patients with progeria, the nuclear lamina isdefective, resulting in structural defects in the nuclear envelope.(C) Children with progeria begin to show features of advancedaging early in life. (A and B, from P. Taimen et al., Proc. Natl Acad.Sci. USA 106:20788–20793, 2009. With permission from NationalAcademy of Sciences; C, courtesy of The Progeria ResearchFoundation, µmDefects in a particular nuclear lamin are associated with certain typesof progeria—rare disorders that cause affected individuals to age prematurely.Children with progeria have wrinkled skin, lose their teeth and hair,and often develop severe cardiovascular disease by the time they reachtheir teens (Figure 17–8). How the loss of a nuclear lamin could lead tothis devastating condition is not yet clear, but it may be that the resultingnuclear instability leads to impaired cell division, increased cell death,a diminished capacity for tissue repair, or some combination of these.Because the nuclear lamina also helps properly position chromosomes,defects in lamins might also lead to altered chromosome movement and,ultimately, changes in gene expression.Linker Proteins Connect Cytoskeletal Filaments andBridge the Nuclear EnvelopeMany intermediate filaments are further stabilized and reinforced byaccessory proteins, such as plectin, that cross-link the filaments intobundles and connect them to microtubules, to actin filaments, and toadhesive structures in desmosomes (Figure 17–9). Mutations in the genefor plectin cause a devastating human disease that combines featuresof epidermolysis bullosa simplex (caused by disruption of skin keratin),muscular dystrophy (caused by disruption of intermediate filaments inmuscle), and neurodegeneration (caused by disruption of neurofilaments).Mice lacking a functional plectin gene die within a few days ofbirth, with blistered skin and abnormal skeletal and heart muscle. Thus,although plectin may not be necessary for the initial formation of intermediatefilaments, its cross-linking action is required to provide cellswith the strength they need to withstand mechanical stress.Plectin and other proteins also interact with protein complexes that linkthe cytoplasmic cytoskeleton to structures in the nuclear interior, includingchromosomes and the nuclear lamina (Figure 17–10). These bridges,which span the nuclear envelope, mechanically couple the nucleus tothe cytoskeleton, and they are involved in many processes, including themovement and positioning of the nucleus within the cell interior and theoverall organization of the cytoskeleton.0.5 µm(C)QUESTION 17–1Which of the following types of cellswould you expect to contain a highdensity of intermediate filamentsin their cytoplasm? Explain youranswers.A. Amoeba proteus (a free-livingamoeba)B. Skin epithelial cellC. Smooth muscle cell in thedigestive tractD. Escherichia ECB5 e17.09/17.08 coliE. Nerve cell in the spinal cordF. Sperm cellG. Plant cellFigure 17–9 Plectin aids in the bundlingof intermediate filaments and linksthese filaments to other cytoskeletalprotein networks. In this scanningelectron micrograph of the cytoskeletalprotein network from cultured fibroblasts,the actin filaments have been removed,and the plectin, intermediate filaments,and microtubules have been artificiallycolored. Note how the plectin (orange)links an intermediate filament (blue) tomicrotubules (green). The yellow dots aregold particles linked to antibodies thatrecognize plectin. (From T.M. Svitkina,A.B. Verkhovsky, and G.G. Borisy, J. CellBiol. 135:991–1007, 1996. With permissionfrom The Rockefeller University Press.)

Intermediate Filaments


Figure 17–8 Defects in a nuclear lamin can cause a rare class of

premature aging disorders called progeria. (A) In a normal cell,

the protein lamin A (green) is assembled into a uniform nuclear

lamina inside the nuclear envelope. (B) In a cell with a lamin A

mutant that is found in patients with progeria, the nuclear lamina is

defective, resulting in structural defects in the nuclear envelope.

(C) Children with progeria begin to show features of advanced

aging early in life. (A and B, from P. Taimen et al., Proc. Natl Acad.

Sci. USA 106:20788–20793, 2009. With permission from National

Academy of Sciences; C, courtesy of The Progeria Research




10 µm

Defects in a particular nuclear lamin are associated with certain types

of progeria—rare disorders that cause affected individuals to age prematurely.

Children with progeria have wrinkled skin, lose their teeth and hair,

and often develop severe cardiovascular disease by the time they reach

their teens (Figure 17–8). How the loss of a nuclear lamin could lead to

this devastating condition is not yet clear, but it may be that the resulting

nuclear instability leads to impaired cell division, increased cell death,

a diminished capacity for tissue repair, or some combination of these.

Because the nuclear lamina also helps properly position chromosomes,

defects in lamins might also lead to altered chromosome movement and,

ultimately, changes in gene expression.

Linker Proteins Connect Cytoskeletal Filaments and

Bridge the Nuclear Envelope

Many intermediate filaments are further stabilized and reinforced by

accessory proteins, such as plectin, that cross-link the filaments into

bundles and connect them to microtubules, to actin filaments, and to

adhesive structures in desmosomes (Figure 17–9). Mutations in the gene

for plectin cause a devastating human disease that combines features

of epidermolysis bullosa simplex (caused by disruption of skin keratin),

muscular dystrophy (caused by disruption of intermediate filaments in

muscle), and neurodegeneration (caused by disruption of neurofilaments).

Mice lacking a functional plectin gene die within a few days of

birth, with blistered skin and abnormal skeletal and heart muscle. Thus,

although plectin may not be necessary for the initial formation of intermediate

filaments, its cross-linking action is required to provide cells

with the strength they need to withstand mechanical stress.

Plectin and other proteins also interact with protein complexes that link

the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton to structures in the nuclear interior, including

chromosomes and the nuclear lamina (Figure 17–10). These bridges,

which span the nuclear envelope, mechanically couple the nucleus to

the cytoskeleton, and they are involved in many processes, including the

movement and positioning of the nucleus within the cell interior and the

overall organization of the cytoskeleton.

0.5 µm



Which of the following types of cells

would you expect to contain a high

density of intermediate filaments

in their cytoplasm? Explain your


A. Amoeba proteus (a free-living


B. Skin epithelial cell

C. Smooth muscle cell in the

digestive tract

D. Escherichia ECB5 e17.09/17.08 coli

E. Nerve cell in the spinal cord

F. Sperm cell

G. Plant cell

Figure 17–9 Plectin aids in the bundling

of intermediate filaments and links

these filaments to other cytoskeletal

protein networks. In this scanning

electron micrograph of the cytoskeletal

protein network from cultured fibroblasts,

the actin filaments have been removed,

and the plectin, intermediate filaments,

and microtubules have been artificially

colored. Note how the plectin (orange)

links an intermediate filament (blue) to

microtubules (green). The yellow dots are

gold particles linked to antibodies that

recognize plectin. (From T.M. Svitkina,

A.B. Verkhovsky, and G.G. Borisy, J. Cell

Biol. 135:991–1007, 1996. With permission

from The Rockefeller University Press.)

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