Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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550 CHAPTER 16 Cell Signaling

Figure 16–20 The concentration of

cyclic AMP rises rapidly in response to

an extracellular signal. A nerve cell in

culture responds to the binding of the

neurotransmitter serotonin to a GPCR by

synthesizing cyclic AMP. The concentration

of intracellular cyclic AMP was monitored

by injecting into the cell a fluorescent

protein whose fluorescence changes when

it binds cyclic AMP. Blue indicates a low

level of cyclic AMP, yellow an intermediate

level, and red a high level. (A) In the resting

cell, the cyclic AMP concentration is about

5 × 10 –8 M. (B) Fifty seconds after adding

serotonin to the culture medium, the

intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP

has risen more than twentyfold (to >10 –6 M)

in the parts of the cell where the serotonin

receptors are concentrated. (From B.J.

Bacskai et al. Science 260:222–226, 1993.)


time 0 sec

+ serotonin

Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase is continuously active inside the cell.

Because it eliminates cyclic AMP so quickly, the cytosolic concentration

of this second messenger can change rapidly in response to extracellular

signals, rising or falling tenfold in a matter of seconds (Figure 16–20).

Cyclic AMP is water-soluble, so it can, in some cases, carry the signal

throughout the cell, traveling from the site on the membrane where

it is synthesized to interact with proteins located in the cytosol, in the

nucleus, or on other organelles.

Cyclic AMP exerts most of its effects by activating the enzyme cyclic-

AMP-dependent protein kinase ECB5 e16.24/16.20

(PKA). This enzyme is normally held

inactive in a complex with a regulatory protein. The binding of cyclic AMP

to the regulatory protein forces a conformational change that releases

the inhibition and unleashes the active kinase. Activated PKA then catalyzes

the phosphorylation of particular serines or threonines on specific

intracellular proteins, thus altering the activity of these target proteins. In

different cell types, different sets of proteins are available to be phosphorylated,

which largely explains why the effects of cyclic AMP vary with the

type of target cell.

Many kinds of cell responses are mediated by cyclic AMP; a few are listed

in Table 16−3. As the table shows, different target cells respond very

differently to extracellular signals that change intracellular cyclic AMP

concentrations. When we are frightened or excited, for example, the

adrenal gland releases the hormone epinephrine (also called adrenaline),

which circulates in the bloodstream and binds to a class of GPCRs called

adrenergic receptors (see Figure 16–14B), which are present on many

types of cells. The consequences of epinephrine binding vary from one

cell type to another, but all the cell responses help prepare the body for


time 50 sec


Extracellular Signal


Target Tissue

Major Response

Epinephrine heart increase in heart rate and force of


Epinephrine skeletal muscle glycogen breakdown




hormone (ACTH)


adrenal gland

fat breakdown

cortisol secretion

*Although all of the signal molecules listed here are hormones, some responses

to local mediators and to neurotransmitters are also mediated by cyclic AMP.

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