Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


510 CHAPTER 15 Intracellular Compartments and Protein Transportthan it is for soluble proteins, as some parts of the polypeptide chain mustbe translocated completely across the lipid bilayer, whereas other partsremain fixed within the membrane.QUESTION 15–4A. Predict the membraneorientation of a protein that issynthesized with an uncleaved,internal signal sequence (shown asthe red start-transfer sequence inFigure 15–17) but does not contain astop-transfer sequence.B. Similarly, predict the membraneorientation of a protein that issynthesized with an N-terminalcleaved signal sequence followed bya stop-transfer sequence, followedby a start-transfer sequence.C. What arrangement of signalsequences would enable theinsertion of a multipass protein withan odd number of transmembranesegments?In the simplest case, that of a transmembrane protein with a singlemembrane-spanning segment, the N-terminal signal sequence initiatestranslocation—as it does for a soluble protein. But the transfer processis then halted by an additional sequence of hydrophobic amino acids, astop-transfer sequence, further along the polypeptide chain. At this point,the protein translocator releases the growing polypeptide chain sidewaysinto the lipid bilayer. The N-terminal signal sequence is cleaved off,and the stop-transfer sequence remains in the bilayer, where it forms anα-helical membrane-spanning segment that anchors the protein in themembrane. As a result, the protein ends up as a single-pass transmembraneprotein inserted in the membrane with a defined orientation—theN-terminus on the lumenal side of the lipid bilayer and the C-terminuson the cytosolic side (Figure 15–16). Once inserted into the membrane,a transmembrane protein will never change its orientation; its cytosolicportion will always remain in the cytosol, even if the protein is subsequentlytransported to another organelle via vesicle budding and fusion(see Figure 11−18).In some transmembrane proteins, an internal, rather than an N-terminal,signal sequence is used to start the protein transfer; this internal signalsequence, called a start-transfer sequence, is never removed fromthe polypeptide. This arrangement occurs in some transmembrane proteinsin which the polypeptide chain passes back and forth across thelipid bilayer. In these cases, hydrophobic signal sequences are thoughtto work in pairs: an internal start-transfer sequence serves to initiatetranslocation, which continues until a stop-transfer sequence is reached;the two hydrophobic sequences are then released into the bilayer, wherethey remain as membrane-spanning α helices (Figure 15–17). In complexmultipass proteins, in which many hydrophobic α helices span the bilayer,additional pairs of start- and stop-transfer sequences come into play: onesequence reinitiates translocation further down the polypeptide chain,and the other stops translocation and causes polypeptide release, andso on for subsequent starts and stops. In this way, multipass membraneproteins are stitched into the lipid bilayer as they are being synthesized,by a mechanism resembling the workings of a sewing machine.Figure 15–16 A single-passtransmembrane protein is retainedin the lipid bilayer. An N-terminal ERsignal sequence (red ) initiates transferas in Figure 15–15. In addition to thissequence, the protein also containsa second hydrophobic sequence,which acts as a stop-transfer sequence(orange). When this sequence entersthe protein translocator, the growingpolypeptide chain is discharged intothe lipid bilayer. The N-terminal signalsequence is cleaved off, leaving thetransmembrane protein anchored inthe membrane (Movie 15.4). Proteinsynthesis on the cytosolic side thencontinues to completion.hydrophobicstop-transfersequenceCYTOSOLER LUMENNH 2protein translocatorER signalsequencestop-transfersequence enterstranslocatorsignalpeptidaseNH 2COOHmature single-pass transmembrane proteinin ER membrane

Vesicular Transport511hydrophobicstart-transfersequenceCYTOSOLER LUMENproteintranslocatorhydrophobicstop-transfer sequenceNH 2NH 2NH 2stop-transfersequence enterstranslocatorCOOHNH 2mature double-passtransmembrane proteinin ER membraneHaving considered how proteins enter the ER lumen or become embeddedin the ER membrane, we now discuss how they are carried onwardby vesicular transport.Figure 15–17 A double-passtransmembrane protein has an internalER signal sequence. This internalsequence (red ) not only acts as a starttransfersignal, it also helps to anchorthe final protein in the membrane. Likethe N-terminal ER signal sequence, theinternal signal sequence is recognizedby an SRP, which brings the ribosome tothe ER membrane (not shown). When astop-transfer sequence (orange) entersthe protein translocator, the translocatordischarges both sequences into the lipidbilayer. Neither the start-transfer nor thestop-transfer sequence is cleaved off,and the entire polypeptide chain remainsanchored in the membrane as a doublepasstransmembrane protein. Proteinsthat span the membrane more than twicecontain additional pairs of start- andstop-transfer sequences, and the sameprocess is repeated for each pair.VESICULAR TRANSPORTEntry into the ER lumen or membrane is usually only the first step onthe pathway to another destination. ECB4 e15.17-15.17 That destination, initially at least,is generally the Golgi apparatus; there, proteins and lipids are modifiedand sorted for shipment to other sites. Transport from the ER to the Golgiapparatus—and from the Golgi apparatus to other compartments of theendomembrane system—is carried out by the continual budding andfusion of transport vesicles. This vesicular transport extends outwardfrom the ER to the plasma membrane, where it allows proteins and othermolecules to be secreted by exocytosis, and it reaches inward from theplasma membrane to lysosomes, allowing extracellular molecules to beimported by endocytosis (Figure 15−18). Together, these pathways thusprovide routes of communication between the interior of the cell and itssurroundings.In this section, we discuss how vesicles shuttle proteins and membranesbetween intracellular compartments, allowing cells to eat, drink, andsecrete. We also consider how these transport vesicles are directed totheir proper destination, be it an organelle of the endomembrane systemor the plasma membrane.plasma membraneCYTOSOLCYTOSOLTransport Vesicles Carry Soluble Proteins andMembrane Between CompartmentsVesicular transport between membrane-enclosed compartments of theendomembrane system is highly organized. A major outward secretorypathway starts with the synthesis of proteins on the ER membraneand their entry into the ER, and it leads through the Golgi apparatus tothe cell surface; at the Golgi apparatus, a side branch leads off throughendosomes to lysosomes. A major inward endocytic pathway, which isresponsible for the ingestion and degradation of extracellular molecules,moves materials from the plasma membrane, through endosomes, tolysosomes (Figure 15–19).(A) exocytosis(B) endocytosisFigure 15–18 Vesicular transport allowsmaterials to exit or enter the cell.(A) During exocytosis, a vesicle fuses withthe plasma membrane, releasing its contentto the cell’s surroundings. (B) Duringendocytosis, extracellular materials arecaptured by ECB5 vesicles m13.01/15.18 that bud inward fromthe plasma membrane and are carried intothe cell.

510 CHAPTER 15 Intracellular Compartments and Protein Transport

than it is for soluble proteins, as some parts of the polypeptide chain must

be translocated completely across the lipid bilayer, whereas other parts

remain fixed within the membrane.


A. Predict the membrane

orientation of a protein that is

synthesized with an uncleaved,

internal signal sequence (shown as

the red start-transfer sequence in

Figure 15–17) but does not contain a

stop-transfer sequence.

B. Similarly, predict the membrane

orientation of a protein that is

synthesized with an N-terminal

cleaved signal sequence followed by

a stop-transfer sequence, followed

by a start-transfer sequence.

C. What arrangement of signal

sequences would enable the

insertion of a multipass protein with

an odd number of transmembrane


In the simplest case, that of a transmembrane protein with a single

membrane-spanning segment, the N-terminal signal sequence initiates

translocation—as it does for a soluble protein. But the transfer process

is then halted by an additional sequence of hydrophobic amino acids, a

stop-transfer sequence, further along the polypeptide chain. At this point,

the protein translocator releases the growing polypeptide chain sideways

into the lipid bilayer. The N-terminal signal sequence is cleaved off,

and the stop-transfer sequence remains in the bilayer, where it forms an

α-helical membrane-spanning segment that anchors the protein in the

membrane. As a result, the protein ends up as a single-pass transmembrane

protein inserted in the membrane with a defined orientation—the

N-terminus on the lumenal side of the lipid bilayer and the C-terminus

on the cytosolic side (Figure 15–16). Once inserted into the membrane,

a transmembrane protein will never change its orientation; its cytosolic

portion will always remain in the cytosol, even if the protein is subsequently

transported to another organelle via vesicle budding and fusion

(see Figure 11−18).

In some transmembrane proteins, an internal, rather than an N-terminal,

signal sequence is used to start the protein transfer; this internal signal

sequence, called a start-transfer sequence, is never removed from

the polypeptide. This arrangement occurs in some transmembrane proteins

in which the polypeptide chain passes back and forth across the

lipid bilayer. In these cases, hydrophobic signal sequences are thought

to work in pairs: an internal start-transfer sequence serves to initiate

translocation, which continues until a stop-transfer sequence is reached;

the two hydrophobic sequences are then released into the bilayer, where

they remain as membrane-spanning α helices (Figure 15–17). In complex

multipass proteins, in which many hydrophobic α helices span the bilayer,

additional pairs of start- and stop-transfer sequences come into play: one

sequence reinitiates translocation further down the polypeptide chain,

and the other stops translocation and causes polypeptide release, and

so on for subsequent starts and stops. In this way, multipass membrane

proteins are stitched into the lipid bilayer as they are being synthesized,

by a mechanism resembling the workings of a sewing machine.

Figure 15–16 A single-pass

transmembrane protein is retained

in the lipid bilayer. An N-terminal ER

signal sequence (red ) initiates transfer

as in Figure 15–15. In addition to this

sequence, the protein also contains

a second hydrophobic sequence,

which acts as a stop-transfer sequence

(orange). When this sequence enters

the protein translocator, the growing

polypeptide chain is discharged into

the lipid bilayer. The N-terminal signal

sequence is cleaved off, leaving the

transmembrane protein anchored in

the membrane (Movie 15.4). Protein

synthesis on the cytosolic side then

continues to completion.






NH 2

protein translocator

ER signal



sequence enters




NH 2


mature single-pass transmembrane protein

in ER membrane

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