Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Membrane-Enclosed Organelles












outer nuclear






eukaryotic cell




Membrane-enclosed Organelles Evolved in Different Ways

In trying to understand the relationships between the different compartments

of a modern eukaryotic cell, it is helpful to consider how they

evolved. The precursors of the first eukaryotic cells are thought to have

been simple microorganisms, resembling present-day archaea, which had

a plasma membrane but no internal membranes. The plasma membrane

in such cells would have provided all membrane-dependent functions,

including ATP synthesis and lipid synthesis, as does the plasma membrane

in most modern prokaryotes. Archaea and bacteria can get by with

this arrangement because of their small size, which gives them a high

surface-to-volume ratio: ECB5 their e15.03/15.03

plasma membrane area is thus sufficient to

sustain all the vital functions for which membranes are required. Presentday

eukaryotic cells, by contrast, have volumes that are 1000 to 10,000

times greater. Such a large cell has a small surface-to-volume ratio and

presumably could not survive with a plasma membrane as its only membrane.

Thus, the increase in size typical of eukaryotic cells probably could

not have occurred without the development of internal membranes.

Membrane-enclosed organelles are thought to have arisen in evolution

in stages. The nuclear membranes and the membranes of the ER,

Golgi apparatus, endosomes, and lysosomes most likely originated by

invagination of the plasma membrane, as illustrated for the nuclear and

ER membranes in Figure 15−3. The ER, Golgi apparatus, peroxisomes,

endosomes, and lysosomes are all part of what is collectively called the

endomembrane system. As we discuss later, the interiors of these organelles

communicate extensively with one another and with the outside

of the cell by means of small vesicles that bud off from one of these

organelles and fuse with another. Consistent with this proposed evolutionary

origin, the interiors of these organelles are treated by the cell in

many ways as “extracellular,” as we will see. The hypothetical scheme

shown in Figure 15–3 also explains why the nucleus is surrounded by two


Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have originated in a different

way. They differ from all other organelles in that they possess their

own small genomes and can make some of their own proteins, as discussed

in Chapter 14. The similarity of their genomes to those of bacteria

and the close resemblance of some of their proteins to bacterial proteins

strongly suggest that both these organelles evolved from bacteria that

were engulfed by primitive eukaryotic cells with which they initially lived

in symbiosis (Figure 15–4). As might be expected from their origins, mitochondria

and chloroplasts remain isolated from the extensive vesicular

Figure 15–3 Nuclear membranes and

the ER may have evolved through

invagination of the plasma membrane.

In modern bacteria and archaea, a single

DNA molecule is typically attached to the

plasma membrane. It is possible that, in

a very ancient anaerobic archaeon, the

plasma membrane, with its attached DNA,

could have invaginated and, in subsequent

generations, formed a two-layered envelope

of membrane completely surrounding the

DNA. This envelope is presumed to have

eventually pinched off completely from the

plasma membrane, ultimately producing

a nuclear compartment penetrated by

channels called nuclear pores, which enable

communication with the cytosol. Other

portions of the invaginated membrane may

have formed the ER, which would explain

why the space between the inner and outer

nuclear membranes is continuous with the

ER lumen.


As shown in the drawings in

Figure 15–3, the lipid bilayer

of the inner and outer nuclear

membranes forms a continuous

sheet, joined around the nuclear

pores. As membranes are twodimensional

fluids, this would

imply that membrane proteins can

diffuse freely between the two

nuclear membranes. Yet each of

these two nuclear membranes has

a different protein composition,

reflecting different functions. How

could you reconcile this apparent


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