Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


494 CHAPTER 14 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplaststo add ADP and P i to the external medium and shine lightinto the suspension of vesicles.A. What do you observe?B. What do you observe if not all the detergent is removedand the vesicle membrane therefore remains leaky to ions?C. You tell a friend over dinner about your newexperiments, and he questions the validity of an approachthat utilizes components from so widely divergent,unrelated organisms: “Why would anybody want to mixvanilla pudding with brake fluid?” Defend your approachagainst his critique.QUESTION 14–19FADH 2 is produced in the citric acid cycle by amembrane-embedded enzyme complex, called succinatedehydrogenase, that contains bound FAD and carries outthe reactionsandsuccinate + FAD → fumarate + FADH 2FADH 2 → FAD + 2H + + 2e –The redox potential of FADH 2 , however, is only –220 mV.Referring to Panel 14–1 (p. 472) and Figure 14–22, suggest aplausible mechanism by which its electrons could be fed intothe electron-transport chain. Draw a diagram to illustrateyour proposed mechanism.QUESTION 14–20Some bacteria have become specialized to live in anenvironment of high pH (pH ~10). Do you suppose thatthese bacteria use a proton gradient across their plasmamembrane to produce their ATP? (Hint: all cells mustmaintain their cytoplasm at a pH close to neutrality.)QUESTION 14–23You mix the following components in a reconstitutedmembrane-bound system. Assuming that the electronsmust follow the path specified in Figure 14–14, in whichexperiments would you expect a net transfer of electrons tocytochrome c? Discuss why electron transfer does not occurin the other experiments.A. reduced ubiquinone and oxidized cytochrome cB. oxidized ubiquinone and oxidized cytochrome cC. reduced ubiquinone and reduced cytochrome cD. oxidized ubiquinone and reduced cytochrome cE. reduced ubiquinone, oxidized cytochrome c, andcytochrome c reductase complexF. oxidized ubiquinone, oxidized cytochrome c, andcytochrome c reductase complexG. reduced ubiquinone, reduced cytochrome c, andcytochrome c reductase complexH. oxidized ubiquinone, reduced cytochrome c, andcytochrome c reductase complex(A)MITOCHONDRIONH + gradientNADHH +pumpH +e – pumpH +pumpe –QUESTION 14–21Figure Q14–21 summarizes the circuitry used bymitochondria and chloroplasts to interconvert differentforms of energy. Is it accurate to sayA. that the products of chloroplasts are the substrates formitochondria?B. that the activation of electrons by the photosystemsenables chloroplasts to drive electron transfer from H 2 O tocarbohydrate, which is the opposite direction of electrontransfer in the mitochondrion?C. that the citric acid cycle is the reverse of the normalcarbon-fixation cycle?fats andcarbohydratemolecules(B)CHLOROPLASTLIGHTcitricacidcycleH + gradientCO 2productsNADPHLIGHTe –e – H +pumpH 2 OO 2QUESTION 14–22A manuscript has been submitted for publication to aprestigious scientific journal. In the paper, the authorsdescribe an experiment in which they have succeeded intrapping an individual ATP synthase molecule and thenmechanically rotating its head by applying a force to it.The authors show that upon rotating the head of theATP synthase, ATP is produced, in the absence of an H +gradient. What might this mean about the mechanismwhereby ATP synthase functions? Should this manuscript beconsidered for publication in one of the best journals?photosystem Iphotosystem IIcarbonfixationCO 2H 2 OcycleOcarbohydrate2 moleculesFigure Q14–21products

CHAPTER FIFTEEN15Intracellular Compartmentsand Protein TransportAt any one time, a typical eukaryotic cell carries out thousands of differentchemical reactions, many of which are mutually incompatible. Oneseries of reactions makes glucose, for example, while another breaks itdown; some enzymes synthesize peptide bonds, whereas others hydrolyzethem, and so on. Indeed, if the cells of an organ such as the liver arebroken apart and their contents are mixed together in a test tube, theresult is chemical chaos, and the cells’ enzymes and other proteins arequickly degraded by their own proteolytic enzymes. For a cell to operateeffectively, the different intracellular processes that occur simultaneouslymust somehow be segregated.Cells have evolved several strategies for isolating and organizing theirchemical reactions. One strategy used by both prokaryotic and eukaryoticcells is to aggregate the different enzymes required to catalyze aparticular sequence of reactions into large, multicomponent complexes.Such complexes—which can form large biochemical subcompartmentswith distinct functions—are involved in many important cell processes,including the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and the assembly of ribosomes(as discussed in Chapter 4, pp. 155–158). A second strategy, which is mosthighly developed in eukaryotic cells, is to confine different metabolicprocesses—and the proteins required to perform them—within differentmembrane-enclosed compartments. As discussed in Chapters 11 and 12,cell membranes provide selectively permeable barriers through whichthe transport of most molecules can be controlled. In this chapter, weconsider this strategy of membrane-dependent compartmentalization.In the first section, we describe the principal membrane-enclosed compartments,or membrane-enclosed organelles, of eukaryotic cells andMEMBRANE-ENCLOSEDORGANELLESPROTEIN SORTINGVESICULAR TRANSPORTSECRETORY PATHWAYSENDOCYTIC PATHWAYS

494 CHAPTER 14 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

to add ADP and P i to the external medium and shine light

into the suspension of vesicles.

A. What do you observe?

B. What do you observe if not all the detergent is removed

and the vesicle membrane therefore remains leaky to ions?

C. You tell a friend over dinner about your new

experiments, and he questions the validity of an approach

that utilizes components from so widely divergent,

unrelated organisms: “Why would anybody want to mix

vanilla pudding with brake fluid?” Defend your approach

against his critique.


FADH 2 is produced in the citric acid cycle by a

membrane-embedded enzyme complex, called succinate

dehydrogenase, that contains bound FAD and carries out

the reactions


succinate + FAD → fumarate + FADH 2

FADH 2 → FAD + 2H + + 2e –

The redox potential of FADH 2 , however, is only –220 mV.

Referring to Panel 14–1 (p. 472) and Figure 14–22, suggest a

plausible mechanism by which its electrons could be fed into

the electron-transport chain. Draw a diagram to illustrate

your proposed mechanism.


Some bacteria have become specialized to live in an

environment of high pH (pH ~10). Do you suppose that

these bacteria use a proton gradient across their plasma

membrane to produce their ATP? (Hint: all cells must

maintain their cytoplasm at a pH close to neutrality.)


You mix the following components in a reconstituted

membrane-bound system. Assuming that the electrons

must follow the path specified in Figure 14–14, in which

experiments would you expect a net transfer of electrons to

cytochrome c? Discuss why electron transfer does not occur

in the other experiments.

A. reduced ubiquinone and oxidized cytochrome c

B. oxidized ubiquinone and oxidized cytochrome c

C. reduced ubiquinone and reduced cytochrome c

D. oxidized ubiquinone and reduced cytochrome c

E. reduced ubiquinone, oxidized cytochrome c, and

cytochrome c reductase complex

F. oxidized ubiquinone, oxidized cytochrome c, and

cytochrome c reductase complex

G. reduced ubiquinone, reduced cytochrome c, and

cytochrome c reductase complex

H. oxidized ubiquinone, reduced cytochrome c, and

cytochrome c reductase complex



H + gradient


H +


H +

e – pump

H +


e –


Figure Q14–21 summarizes the circuitry used by

mitochondria and chloroplasts to interconvert different

forms of energy. Is it accurate to say

A. that the products of chloroplasts are the substrates for


B. that the activation of electrons by the photosystems

enables chloroplasts to drive electron transfer from H 2 O to

carbohydrate, which is the opposite direction of electron

transfer in the mitochondrion?

C. that the citric acid cycle is the reverse of the normal

carbon-fixation cycle?

fats and









H + gradient

CO 2




e –

e – H +


H 2 O

O 2


A manuscript has been submitted for publication to a

prestigious scientific journal. In the paper, the authors

describe an experiment in which they have succeeded in

trapping an individual ATP synthase molecule and then

mechanically rotating its head by applying a force to it.

The authors show that upon rotating the head of the

ATP synthase, ATP is produced, in the absence of an H +

gradient. What might this mean about the mechanism

whereby ATP synthase functions? Should this manuscript be

considered for publication in one of the best journals?

photosystem I

photosystem II


CO 2

H 2 O




2 molecules

Figure Q14–21


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