Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Essential Concepts



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Figure 14–47 Methanococcus represents

life-forms that might have existed

early in Earth’s history. (A) Scanning

electron micrograph showing individual

Methanococcus cells. These deep-sea

archaea use the hydrogen gas (H 2 ) that

bubbles from deep-sea vents (B) as the

source of reducing power to generate

energy via chemiosmotic coupling.

(A, from C.B. Park & D.S. Clark, Appl.

Environ. Microbiol. 68:1458–1463, 2002.

With permission from the American Society

for Microbiology; B, National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration’s Pacific Marine

Environmental Laboratory Vents Program.)

of the energy that Methanococcus requires for both processes is derived

from the transfer of electrons from H 2 to CO 2 , with the release of large

amounts of methane (CH 4 ) as ECB4 a waste e14.46/14.47 product (thus producing natural

gas and giving the organism its name). Part of this electron transfer

occurs in the plasma membrane and results in the pumping of protons

(H + ) across it. The resulting electrochemical proton gradient drives an

ATP synthase in the same membrane to make ATP.

The fact that such chemiosmotic coupling exists in an organism like

Methanococcus suggests that the storage of energy in a proton gradient

derived from electron transport is an extremely ancient process. Thus,

chemiosmotic coupling may have fueled the evolution of nearly all lifeforms

on Earth.


• Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and many prokaryotes generate energy

by a membrane-based mechanism known as chemiosmotic coupling,

which involves using an electrochemical proton gradient to drive the

synthesis of ATP.

• In animal cells, mitochondria produce most of the ATP, using energy

derived from the oxidation of sugars and fatty acids.

• Mitochondria have an inner and an outer membrane. The inner membrane

encloses the mitochondrial matrix; there, the citric acid cycle

produces large amounts of NADH and FADH 2 from the oxidation of

acetyl CoA derived from sugars and fats.

• In the inner mitochondrial membrane, high-energy electrons donated

by NADH and FADH 2 move along an electron-transport chain and

eventually combine with molecular oxygen (O 2 ) to form water.

• Much of the energy released by electron transfers along the electrontransport

chain is harnessed to pump protons (H + ) out of the matrix,

creating an electrochemical proton gradient. The proton pumping is

carried out by three large respiratory enzyme complexes embedded

in the inner membrane.

• The electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial

membrane is harnessed to make ATP when protons move back into

the matrix through an ATP synthase located in the inner membrane.

• The electrochemical proton gradient also drives the active transport

of selected metabolites into and out of the mitochondrial matrix.

• During photosynthesis in chloroplasts and photosynthetic bacteria,

the energy of sunlight is captured by chlorophyll molecules embedded

in large protein complexes known as photosystems; in plants,

these photosystems are located in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

in leaf cells.

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