Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


486 CHAPTER 14 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplastsplants maintain a surplus of Rubisco to ensure the efficient productionof sugars. The enzyme generally represents more than 50% of the totalchloroplast protein, and it is widely claimed to be the most abundantprotein on Earth.Although the production of carbohydrates from CO 2 and H 2 O is extremelyenergetically unfavorable, the fixation of CO 2 catalyzed by Rubisco isactually an energetically favorable reaction. That’s because a continuoussupply of energy-rich ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is fed into the reaction.As this compound is consumed—by the addition of CO 2 (see Figure14–40)—it must be replenished. The energy and reducing power neededto regenerate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate come from the ATP and NADPHproduced by the photosynthetic light reactions.QUESTION 14–10A. How do cells in plant rootssurvive, since they contain nochloroplasts and are not exposed tolight?B. Unlike mitochondria,chloroplasts do not have atransporter that allows them toexport ATP to the cytosol. How,then, do plant cells obtain the ATPthat they need to carry out energyrequiringmetabolic reactions in thecytosol?The elaborate series of reactions in which CO 2 combines with ribulose1,5-bisphosphate to produce a simple three-carbon sugar—a portion ofwhich is used to regenerate the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate that’s consumed—formsa cycle, called the carbon-fixation cycle, or the Calvin cycle(Figure 14–41). For every three molecules of CO 2 that enter the cycle, onemolecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is ultimately produced, at the3 ADP3 ATP2 P3 × ribulose1,5-bisphosphate5C5 × glyceraldehyde3-phosphate3C3 × CO 21C 1C 1CRubisco CARBON FIXATION6 × 3-phosphoglycerateNET RESULT OFCARBON-FIXATION(CALVIN) CYCLEFor every 3 molecules of CO 2that enter the cycle, 1 moleculeof glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate isproduced and 9 molecules of ATP+ 6 molecules of NADPH areconsumed3C6 ATP6 ADP6 × 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate3C6 × glyceraldehyde3-phosphate3C6 NADPH6 NADP +6 PSUGARFORMATIONREGENERATIONOF RIBULOSE1,5-BISPHOSPHATEHHC OC OHCH 2 O1 MOLECULE OFGLYCERALDEHYDE 3-PHOSPHATELEAVES THE CYCLEPsugars, fats,amino acidsglyceraldehyde 3-phosphateFigure 14–41 The carbon-fixation cycle consumes ATP and NADPH to formglyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from CO 2 and H 2 O. In the first stage of the cycle(highlighted in yellow ), CO 2 is added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (as shownin Figure 14–40). In the second stage (highlighted in red ), ATP and NADPH areconsumed to convert 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. In thefinal stage (highlighted in blue), most of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate producedis used to regenerate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate; the rest is transported out ofthe chloroplast stroma into the cytosol. The number of carbon atoms in eachtype of molecule is indicated in yellow. There are many intermediates betweenglyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, but they have beenomitted here for clarity. The entry of water into the cycle is also not shown.EBC5 m14.41/14.41

Chloroplasts and Photosynthesis487starch granules chloroplast envelope thylakoidVACUOLEFigure 14–42 Chloroplasts oftencontain large stores of carbohydratesand fatty acids. An electron micrographof a thin section of a single chloroplastshows the chloroplast envelope and thestarch granules and fat droplets that haveaccumulated in the stroma as a result ofthe biosynthetic processes that occur there.(Courtesy of K. Plaskitt.)EXTRACELLULAR SPACEcell wall of plant cellgranafat droplet1 µmexpense of nine molecules of ATP and six molecules of NADPH, which areconsumed in the process. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, the three-carbonsugar that is the final product of the cycle, provides the starting materialfor the synthesis of the many ECB5 other e14.41/14.42 sugars and other organic moleculesthat the plant needs.Sugars Generated by Carbon Fixation Can Be Storedas Starch or Consumed to Produce ATPThe glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate generated by carbon fixation in the chloroplaststroma can be used in a number of ways, depending on the needsof the plant. During periods of excess photosynthetic activity, much of thesugar is retained in the chloroplast stroma and converted to starch. Likeglycogen in animal cells, starch is a large polymer of glucose that servesas a carbohydrate reserve, and it is stored as large granules in the chloroplaststroma. Starch forms an important part of the diet of all animals thateat plants. Other glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules are converted tofat in the stroma. This material, which accumulates as fat droplets, likewiseserves as an energy reserve (Figure 14–42).At night, this stored starch and fat can be broken down to sugars andfatty acids, which are exported to the cytosol to help support the metabolicneeds of the plant. Some of the exported sugar enters the glycolyticpathway (see Figure 13−5), where it is converted to pyruvate. Most of thatpyruvate, along with the fatty acids, enters the plant cell mitochondriaand is fed into the citric acid cycle, ultimately leading to the productionof ATP by oxidative phosphorylation (Figure 14–43). Plants use this ATPto power a huge variety of metabolic reactions, just as animal cells andother nonphotosynthetic organisms do.LIGHTH 2 O CO 2CO 2 O 2NADPH carbonfixation+sugars sugarsATP cycleO 2starchchloroplastCYTOSOLmetabolitescitricacidcyclemitochondrionoxidativephosphorylationATPFigure 14–43 In plants, the chloroplastsand mitochondria collaborate tosupply cells with metabolites and ATP.The chloroplast’s inner membrane isimpermeable to the ATP and NADPH thatare produced in the stroma during thelight reactions of photosynthesis. Thesemolecules are funneled into the carbonfixationcycle, where they are used to makesugars. The resulting sugars and theirmetabolites are either stored within thechloroplast—in the form of starch or fat—or exported to the rest of the plant cell.There, they can enter the energy-generatingpathway that ends in ATP synthesis in themitochondria. Unlike those chloroplasts,mitochondrial membranes are permeableto ATP, as indicated. Note that some ofthe O 2 released to the atmosphere byphotosynthesis in chloroplasts is used foroxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria;similarly, some of the CO 2 released by thecitric acid cycle in mitochondria is used forcarbon fixation in chloroplasts.

486 CHAPTER 14 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

plants maintain a surplus of Rubisco to ensure the efficient production

of sugars. The enzyme generally represents more than 50% of the total

chloroplast protein, and it is widely claimed to be the most abundant

protein on Earth.

Although the production of carbohydrates from CO 2 and H 2 O is extremely

energetically unfavorable, the fixation of CO 2 catalyzed by Rubisco is

actually an energetically favorable reaction. That’s because a continuous

supply of energy-rich ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is fed into the reaction.

As this compound is consumed—by the addition of CO 2 (see Figure

14–40)—it must be replenished. The energy and reducing power needed

to regenerate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate come from the ATP and NADPH

produced by the photosynthetic light reactions.


A. How do cells in plant roots

survive, since they contain no

chloroplasts and are not exposed to


B. Unlike mitochondria,

chloroplasts do not have a

transporter that allows them to

export ATP to the cytosol. How,

then, do plant cells obtain the ATP

that they need to carry out energyrequiring

metabolic reactions in the


The elaborate series of reactions in which CO 2 combines with ribulose

1,5-bisphosphate to produce a simple three-carbon sugar—a portion of

which is used to regenerate the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate that’s consumed—forms

a cycle, called the carbon-fixation cycle, or the Calvin cycle

(Figure 14–41). For every three molecules of CO 2 that enter the cycle, one

molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is ultimately produced, at the



2 P

3 × ribulose



5 × glyceraldehyde



3 × CO 2

1C 1C 1C


6 × 3-phosphoglycerate




For every 3 molecules of CO 2

that enter the cycle, 1 molecule

of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is

produced and 9 molecules of ATP

+ 6 molecules of NADPH are





6 × 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate


6 × glyceraldehyde




6 NADP +

6 P










CH 2 O





sugars, fats,

amino acids

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

Figure 14–41 The carbon-fixation cycle consumes ATP and NADPH to form

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from CO 2 and H 2 O. In the first stage of the cycle

(highlighted in yellow ), CO 2 is added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (as shown

in Figure 14–40). In the second stage (highlighted in red ), ATP and NADPH are

consumed to convert 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. In the

final stage (highlighted in blue), most of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate produced

is used to regenerate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate; the rest is transported out of

the chloroplast stroma into the cytosol. The number of carbon atoms in each

type of molecule is indicated in yellow. There are many intermediates between

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, but they have been

omitted here for clarity. The entry of water into the cycle is also not shown.

EBC5 m14.41/14.41

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