Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Molecular Mechanisms of Electron Transport and Proton Pumping


membranes of the mitochondria in these cells contain a

carrier protein that allows protons to move down their

electrochemical gradient, circumventing ATP synthase.

As a result, the cells oxidize their fat stores at a rapid

rate and produce much more heat than ATP. Tissues

containing brown fat serve as biological heating pads,

helping to revive hibernating animals and to protect

sensitive areas of newborn human babies (such as the

backs of their necks) from the cold.

Artificial ATP generation

If disrupting the electrochemical proton gradient across

the mitochondrial inner membrane terminates ATP synthesis,

then, conversely, generating an artificial proton

gradient should stimulate ATP synthesis. Again, this

is exactly what happens. When a proton gradient is

imposed artificially by lowering the pH on the outside of

the mitochondrial inner membrane, out pours ATP.

How does the electrochemical proton gradient drive

ATP production? This is where the ATP synthase comes

in. In 1974, Efraim Racker and Walther Stoeckenius

demonstrated that they could assemble an artificial

ATP-generating system by combining an ATP synthase

isolated from the mitochondria of cow heart muscle with

a proton pump purified from the purple membrane of

the archaean Halobacterium halobium. As discussed in

Chapter 11, the plasma membrane of this prokaryote is

packed with bacteriorhodopsin, a protein that pumps H +

out of the cell in response to sunlight (see Figure 11−28).

When bacteriorhodopsin alone was reconstituted

into artificial lipid vesicles (liposomes), Racker and

Stoeckenius showed that, in the presence of light, the

protein pumps H + into the vesicles, generating a proton

gradient. (The orientation of the protein is reversed in

these membranes, so that protons are transported into

the vesicles; in the organism, protons are pumped out.)

When the bovine ATP synthase was then incorporated

into these vesicles, much to the amazement of many biochemists,

the system catalyzed the synthesis of ATP from

ADP and inorganic phosphate in response to light. This

ATP formation showed an absolute dependence on an

intact proton gradient, as either eliminating bacteriorhodopsin

from the system or adding uncoupling agents

such as DNP abolished ATP synthesis (Figure 14–27).

This remarkable experiment demonstrated without a

doubt that a proton gradient can cause ATP synthase

to make ATP. Thus, although biochemists had initially

hoped to discover a high-energy intermediate involved

in oxidative phosphorylation, the experimental evidence

eventually convinced them that their search was in vain

and that the chemiosmotic hypothesis was correct.

Mitchell was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1978.


H +



H +

sealed vesicle


H +

H +

H + H +

H +

H + H +


ATP synthase






ATP synthase







H +


H +

H +


Figure 14–27 Experiments in which

bacteriorhodopsin and bovine

mitochondrial ATP synthase were

introduced into liposomes provided

direct evidence that proton gradients

can power ATP production. (A) When

bacteriorhodopsin is added to artificial lipid

vesicles (liposomes), the protein generates

a proton gradient in response to light.

(B) In artificial vesicles containing both

bacteriorhodopsin and an ATP synthase,

a light-generated proton gradient drives

the formation of ATP from ADP and P i.

(C ) Artificial vesicles containing only ATP

synthase do not on their own produce

ATP in response to light. (D) In vesicles

containing both bacteriorhodopsin and ATP

synthase, uncoupling agents that abolish

the proton gradient eliminate light-induced

ATP synthesis.

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