Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


472PANEL 14–1 REDOX POTENTIALSHOW REDOX POTENTIALS ARE MEASUREDe –A reduced and A oxidizedin equimolar amountsvoltmetersalt bridge1 M H + and1 atmosphere H 2 gasTHE STANDARD REDOX POTENTIAL, E′The standard redox potential for a redox pair,defined as E 0 , is measured for a standard statewhere all of the reactants are at a concentration of1 M, including H + . Since biological reactions occur atpH 7, biologists instead define the standard state asA reduced = A oxidized and H + = 10 –7 M. This standardredox potential is designated by the symbol E 0′ , inplace of E 0 .0One beaker (left) contains substance A with an equimolarmixture of the reduced (A reduced ) and oxidized (A oxidized )members of its redox pair. The other beaker contains thehydrogen reference standard (2H + + 2e – H 2 ), whose redoxpotential is arbitrarily assigned as zero by internationalagreement. (A salt bridge formed from a concentrated KClsolution allows K + and Cl – to move between the beakers asrequired to neutralize the charges when electrons flowbetween the beakers.) The metal wire (dark blue) provides aresistance-free path for electrons, and a voltmeter thenmeasures the redox potential of substance A. If electrons flowfrom A reduced to H + , as indicated here, the redox pair formedby substance A is said to have a negative redox potential. Ifthey instead flow from H 2 to A oxidized , the redox pair is said tohave a positive redox potential.examples of redox reactionsstandard redoxpotential E 0′–H 2 O ½O 2 + 2H + + 2e – +820 mVNADH NAD + + H + + 2e –320 mVreduced oxidizedubiquinone ubiquinone+ 2H + + 2e – +30 mVcytochrome reducedcoxidizedcytochrome c+ e – +230 mVCALCULATION OF ΔG o FROMREDOX POTENTIALSTo determine the energy change for an electrontransfer, the ΔG o of the reaction (kJ/mole) iscalculated as follows:ΔG o = –n(0.096) ΔE 0′ , where n is the number ofelectrons transferred across a redox potentialchange of ΔE′0 millivolts (mV), andΔE 0′ = E 0′(acceptor) – E 0′(donor)EXAMPLE:e –EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION CHANGESAs explained in Chapter 3 (see p. 93), the actualfree-energy change for a reaction, ΔG, depends on theconcentrations of the reactants and generally will bedifferent from the standard free-energy change, ΔG o .The standard redox potentials are for a 1:1 mixture ofthe redox pair. For example, the standard redoxpotential of –320 mV is for a 1:1 mixture of NADH andNAD + . But when there is an excess of NADH over NAD + ,electron transfer from NADH to an electron acceptorbecomes more favorable. This is reflected by a morenegative redox potential and a more negative ΔG forelectron transfer.NADHoxidizedubiquinoneNAD + NAD +1:1 mixture ofNADH and NAD +reducedubiquinone1:1 mixture of oxidizedand reduced ubiquinoneFor the transfer of one electron from NADH toubiquinone:ΔE′0 = +30 – (–320) = +350 mVΔG o = –n(0.096) ΔE 0′ = –1(0.096)(350) = –34 kJ/moleA similar calculation reveals that the transfer of oneelectron from ubiquinone to oxygen has an even morefavorable ΔG o of –76 kJ/mole. The ΔG o value for thetransfer of one electron from NADH to oxygen is thesum of these two values, –110 kJ/mole.excess NADH standard 1:1excess NAD +mixtureNADHstronger electrondonation(more negative E′ )standard redoxpotential of–320 mVweaker electrondonation(more positive E′ )Panel e14.01/panel 14.01

Molecular Mechanisms of Electron Transport and Proton Pumping473O CH e – + H + e – + H +3O CH Figure 14–21 Quinones carry electrons3within the lipid bilayer. The quinone in themitochondrial electron-transport chain isOO CH 3H OO CH 3 called ubiquinone. It picks up one H + fromthe aqueous environment for every electronit accepts, and it can carry two electrons asH 3 COH 3 CO H part of its hydrogen atoms (red). When thisreduced ubiquinone donates its electrons tothe next carrier in the chain, the protons arehydrophobicreleased. Its long, hydrophobic hydrocarbonhydrocarbon tailtail confines ubiquinone to the innermitochondrial membrane.oxidizedreducedubiquinoneubiquinoneto a respiratory complex, it can move within the complex by skippingfrom one embedded metal ion to another ion with an even greater affinityfor electrons.When electrons pass from one respiratory complex to the next, in contrast,they are ferried by electron carriers that can diffuse freely within oralong the lipid bilayer. These mobile molecules pick up electrons fromone complex and deliver them to the next in line. In the mitochondrialrespiratory chain, for example, a small, hydrophobic molecule calledECB5 e14.23/14.23ubiquinone picks up electrons from the NADH dehydrogenase complexand delivers them to the cytochrome c reductase complex (see Figure14–14). A related quinone functions similarly during electron transport inphotosynthesis. A ubiquinone molecule can accept or donate either oneor two electrons, and it picks up one H + from water with each electronthat it carries (Figure 14–21). Its redox potential of +30 mV places ubiquinonebetween the NADH dehydrogenase complex and the cytochrome QUESTION 14–6c reductase complex in terms of its tendency to gain or lose electrons—which explains why ubiquinone receives electrons from the former and At many steps in the electrontransportchain, Fe ions are useddonates them to the latter (Figure 14–22). Ubiquinone also serves as theentry point for electrons donated by the FADH 2 that is generated both as part of heme or FeS clusters toduring the citric acid cycle and from fatty acid oxidation (see Figures bind the electrons in transit. Why13−11 and 13−12).do these functional groups thatcarry out the chemistry of electronThe redox potentials of different metal complexes influence where they transfer need to be bound toare used along the electron-transport chain. Iron–sulfur centers have relativelylow affinities for electrons and thus are prominent in the electron why this is necessary.proteins? Provide several reasonscarriers that operate in the early part of the chain. An iron–sulfur center_ 400_NADH NAD +300redox potential (mV)_ 200_ 1000100200300400500600QNADHdehydrogenasecomplexH + H +ubiquinoneccytochrome creductase complexH + H +cytochrome coxidase complexcytochrome c10080604020free energy per electron (kJ/mole)700800½ O 2 + 2direction of electron flowH 2 O0Figure 14–22 Redox potential increasesalong the mitochondrial electrontransportchain. The biggest increases inredox potential occur across each of thethree respiratory enzyme complexes, whichallows each of them to pump protons.




e –

A reduced and A oxidized

in equimolar amounts


salt bridge

1 M H + and

1 atmosphere H 2 gas


The standard redox potential for a redox pair,

defined as E 0 , is measured for a standard state

where all of the reactants are at a concentration of

1 M, including H + . Since biological reactions occur at

pH 7, biologists instead define the standard state as

A reduced = A oxidized and H + = 10 –7 M. This standard

redox potential is designated by the symbol E 0

′ , in

place of E 0 .


One beaker (left) contains substance A with an equimolar

mixture of the reduced (A reduced ) and oxidized (A oxidized )

members of its redox pair. The other beaker contains the

hydrogen reference standard (2H + + 2e – H 2 ), whose redox

potential is arbitrarily assigned as zero by international

agreement. (A salt bridge formed from a concentrated KCl

solution allows K + and Cl – to move between the beakers as

required to neutralize the charges when electrons flow

between the beakers.) The metal wire (dark blue) provides a

resistance-free path for electrons, and a voltmeter then

measures the redox potential of substance A. If electrons flow

from A reduced to H + , as indicated here, the redox pair formed

by substance A is said to have a negative redox potential. If

they instead flow from H 2 to A oxidized , the redox pair is said to

have a positive redox potential.

examples of redox reactions

standard redox

potential E 0

H 2 O ½O 2 + 2H + + 2e – +820 mV

NADH NAD + + H + + 2e –320 mV

reduced oxidized

ubiquinone ubiquinone

+ 2H + + 2e – +30 mV

cytochrome reduced



cytochrome c

+ e – +230 mV



To determine the energy change for an electron

transfer, the ΔG o of the reaction (kJ/mole) is

calculated as follows:

ΔG o = –n(0.096) ΔE 0

′ , where n is the number of

electrons transferred across a redox potential

change of ΔE′

0 millivolts (mV), and

ΔE 0

′ = E 0

′(acceptor) – E 0



e –


As explained in Chapter 3 (see p. 93), the actual

free-energy change for a reaction, ΔG, depends on the

concentrations of the reactants and generally will be

different from the standard free-energy change, ΔG o .

The standard redox potentials are for a 1:1 mixture of

the redox pair. For example, the standard redox

potential of –320 mV is for a 1:1 mixture of NADH and

NAD + . But when there is an excess of NADH over NAD + ,

electron transfer from NADH to an electron acceptor

becomes more favorable. This is reflected by a more

negative redox potential and a more negative ΔG for

electron transfer.





1:1 mixture of

NADH and NAD +



1:1 mixture of oxidized

and reduced ubiquinone

For the transfer of one electron from NADH to



0 = +30 – (–320) = +350 mV

ΔG o = –n(0.096) ΔE 0

′ = –1(0.096)(350) = –34 kJ/mole

A similar calculation reveals that the transfer of one

electron from ubiquinone to oxygen has an even more

favorable ΔG o of –76 kJ/mole. The ΔG o value for the

transfer of one electron from NADH to oxygen is the

sum of these two values, –110 kJ/mole.

excess NADH standard 1:1

excess NAD +



stronger electron


(more negative E′ )

standard redox

potential of

–320 mV

weaker electron


(more positive E′ )

Panel e14.01/panel 14.01

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