Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Mitochondria and Oxidative Phosphorylation



H + H + H + H + H + H + H +

H +

H + H +

H +

H + H +

H + H +

H + H + H + H +



H + H +

F 0 rotor

H + H +



H + H +






F 1 ATPase



Figure 14–17 ATP synthase is a reversible

coupling device. The protein can either

(A) synthesize ATP by harnessing the

electrochemical H + gradient or (B) pump

protons against this gradient by hydrolyzing

ATP. The direction of operation (and of

rotation) at any given instant depends on

the net free-energy change (ΔG, discussed

in Chapter 3) for the coupled processes

of H + translocation across the membrane

and the synthesis of ATP from ADP and P i .

For example, if the electrochemical proton

gradient falls below a certain level, the

ΔG for H + transport into the matrix will

no longer be large enough to drive ATP

production; instead, ATP will be hydrolyzed

by the ATP synthase to rebuild the proton

gradient. A tribute to the activity of this

all-important protein complex is shown in

Movie 14.7.

mitochondrial matrix from the cytosol, while others, such as ATP, must be

transported in the opposite direction. Carrier proteins that bind some of

these molecules couple their transport ECB5 e14.17/14.17 to the energetically favorable flow

of H + into the matrix (see the “coupled transporters” in Figure 12−15).

Pyruvate and P i , for example, are each co-transported inward, along with

protons, as the protons move down their electrochemical gradient into

the matrix.

Other transporters take advantage of the membrane potential generated

by the electrochemical proton gradient, which makes the matrix side of

the inner mitochondrial membrane more negatively charged than the

side that faces the intermembrane space (see Figure 14−15). A special

antiport carrier protein exploits this voltage gradient to export ATP from

the mitochondrial matrix and to bring ADP in. This exchange allows the

ATP synthesized in the mitochondrion to be exported rapidly, which is

important for energizing the rest of the cell (Figure 14–18).

The electrochemical proton gradient is also required for the translocation

of proteins across the inner mitochondrial membrane and into the

matrix. As mentioned earlier, although mitochondria retain their own

genome—and synthesize some of their own proteins—most of the proteins

required for mitochondrial function are made in the cytosol and

must be actively imported into the organelle. We discuss this transport

process—which requires energy supplied by the electrochemical proton

gradient as well as ATP hydrolysis—in Chapter 15.

In eukaryotic cells, therefore, the electrochemical proton gradient is

used to drive both the generation of ATP and the transport of selected

metabolites and proteins across the inner mitochondrial membrane. In

bacteria, the proton gradient across the plasma membrane is similarly

used to drive ATP synthesis and metabolite transport. But it also serves

as an important source of directly usable energy: in motile bacteria, for

instance, the flow of protons into the cell drives the rapid rotation of the

bacterial flagellum, which propels the bacterium along (Movie 14.8).


The remarkable properties that

allow ATP synthase to run in either

direction allow the interconversion

of energy stored in the H + gradient

and energy stored in ATP to proceed

in either direction. (A) If ATP

synthase making ATP can be likened

to a water-driven turbine producing

electricity, what would be an

appropriate analogy when it works

in the opposite direction? (B) Under

what conditions would one expect

the ATP synthase to stall, running

neither forward nor backward?

(C) What determines the direction in

which the ATP synthase operates?

The Rapid Conversion of ADP to ATP in Mitochondria

Maintains a High ATP/ADP Ratio in Cells

As a result of the nucleotide exchange shown in Figure 14−18, ADP molecules—produced

by hydrolysis of ATP in the cytosol—are rapidly drawn

back into mitochondria for recharging, while the bulk of the ATP molecules

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