Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


446 CHAPTER 13 How Cells Obtain Energy from FoodElectron Transport Drives the Synthesis of the Majority ofthe ATP in Most CellsWe now return briefly to the final stage in the oxidation of food molecules:oxidative phosphorylation. It is in this stage that the chemical energycaptured by the activated carriers produced during glycolysis and the citricacid cycle is used to generate ATP. During oxidative phosphorylation,NADH and FADH 2 transfer their high-energy electrons to the electrontransportchain—a series of electron carriers embedded in the innermitochondrial membrane in eukaryotic cells (and in the plasma membraneof aerobic prokaryotes). As the electrons pass through the series ofelectron acceptor and donor molecules that form the chain, they fall tosuccessively lower energy states. At specific sites in the chain, the energyreleased is used to drive protons (H + ) across the inner membrane, fromthe mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space (see Figure 13–2).This movement generates a proton gradient across the inner membrane,which serves as a source of energy (like a battery) that can be tapped todrive a variety of energy-requiring reactions (discussed in Chapter 12).The most prominent of these reactions is the phosphorylation of ADP togenerate ATP on the matrix side of the inner membrane (Figure 13–19).QUESTION 13–5What, if anything, is wrong withthe following statement? “Theoxygen consumed during thecomplete oxidation of glucose inanimal cells is returned as part ofCO 2 to the atmosphere.” Howcould you support your answerexperimentally?At the end of the transport chain, the electrons are added to molecules ofO 2 that have diffused into the mitochondrion, and the resulting reducedoxygen molecules immediately combine with protons from the surroundingsolution to produce water (see Figure 13–19). The electrons have nowreached their lowest energy level, and all the available energy has beenextracted from the food molecule being oxidized. In total, the completeoxidation of a molecule of glucose to H 2 O and CO 2 can produce about 30molecules of ATP. In contrast, only two molecules of ATP are producedper molecule of glucose by glycolysis alone.Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in both eukaryotic cells and in aerobicprokaryotes. It represents a remarkable evolutionary achievement,and the ability to extract energy from food with such great efficiencyhas shaped the entire character of life on Earth. In the next chapter, wedescribe the mechanisms behind this game-changing molecular processand discuss how it likely arose.pyruvatefrom glycolysisNADHfrom glycolysisMITOCHONDRIONFigure 13–19 Oxidative phosphorylationcompletes the catabolism of foodmolecules and generates the bulk of theATP made by the cell. Electron-bearingactivated carriers produced by the citricacid cycle and glycolysis donate their highenergyelectrons to an electron-transportchain in the inner mitochondrial membrane(or in the plasma membrane of aerobicprokaryotes). This electron transfer pumpsprotons (H + ) across the inner membrane(red arrows). The resulting proton gradientis then used to drive the synthesis ofATP through the process of oxidativephosphorylation, as we discuss in detail inthe next chapter.pyruvateacetylCoAHS–CoAinnermitochondrialmembraneCITRICACIDCYCLECO 2O 2outermitochondrialmembraneNADHNAD +O 2electrontransportATP synthesis2 e – P +ADP ATPH 2 OH +H +H + H + H +OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION

Regulation of Metabolism447REGULATION OF METABOLISMA cell is an intricate chemical machine, and our discussion of metabolism—witha focus on glycolysis and the citric acid cycle—has reviewedonly a tiny fraction of the many enzymatic reactions that can take place ina cell at any time (Figure 13–20). For all these pathways to work togethersmoothly, as is required to allow the cell to survive and to respond to itsenvironment, the choice of which pathway each metabolite will followmust be carefully regulated at every branch point.Many sets of reactions need to be coordinated and controlled. For example,to maintain order within their cells, all organisms need to replenishtheir ATP pools continuously through the oxidation of sugars or fats.Yet animals have only periodic access to food, and plants need to survivewithout sunlight overnight, when they are unable to produce sugarthrough photosynthesis. Animals and plants have evolved several waysto cope with this transient deprivation. One way is to synthesize foodreserves in times of plenty that can later be consumed when other energysources are scarce. Thus, depending on conditions, a cell must decidewhether to route key metabolites into anabolic or catabolic pathways—inother words, whether to use them to build other molecules or burn themto provide immediate energy. In this section, we discuss how a cell regulatesits intricate web of interconnected metabolic pathways to best serveboth its immediate and long-term needs.Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions Are Organized andRegulatedAll the reactions shown in Figure 13–20 occur in a cell that is less than0.1 mm in diameter, and each step requires a different enzyme. To addto the complexity, the same substrate is often a part of many differentpathways. Pyruvate, for example, is a substrate for half a dozen or moredifferent enzymes, each of which modifies it chemically in a differentway. We have already seen that the pyruvate dehydrogenase complexuses pyruvate to produce acetyl CoA (see Figure 13−10), and that, duringfermentation, lactate dehydrogenase can convert pyruvate to lactate(see Figure 13−6A). A third enzyme converts pyruvate to the amino acidalanine (see Figure 13−14), a fourth to oxaloacetate, and so on. All thesepathways compete for pyruvate molecules, and similar competitions forthousands of other small molecules go on in cells all the time.To balance the activities of these interrelated reactions—and to alloworganisms to adapt swiftly to changes in food availability or energyexpenditure—an elaborate network of control mechanisms regulates andcoordinates the activity of the enzymes that catalyze the myriad metabolicreactions that go on in a cell. As we discuss in Chapter 4, theactivity of enzymes can be controlled by covalent modification—suchas the addition or removal of a phosphate group (see Figure 4−46)—andby the binding of small regulatory molecules, often a metabolite (seepp. 150–152). Such regulation can either enhance the activity of theenzyme or inhibit it. As we see next, both types of regulation—positiveand negative—control the activity of key enzymes involved in the breakdownand synthesis of glucose.pyruvateglucose 6-phosphateacetyl CoAFigure 13–20 Glycolysis and the citricacid cycle constitute a small fractionof the reactions that occur in a cell. Inthis diagram,ECB5 e13.20/13.20the filled circles representmolecules in some of the best-characterizedmetabolic pathways, and the lines thatconnect them represent the enzymaticreactions that convert one metabolite toanother. The reactions of glycolysis andthe citric acid cycle are shown in red. Manyother reactions either lead into these twocentral catabolic pathways—deliveringsmall organic molecules to be oxidized forenergy—or lead outward to the anabolicpathways that supply carbon compounds forbiosynthesis.QUESTION 13–6A cyclic reaction pathway requiresthat the starting material beregenerated and available at theend of each cycle. If compounds ofthe citric acid cycle are siphoned offas building blocks to make otherorganic molecules via a variety ofmetabolic reactions (see Figure13−14), why does the citric acidcycle not quickly grind to a halt?Feedback Regulation Allows Cells to Switch fromGlucose Breakdown to Glucose SynthesisAnimals need an ample supply of glucose. Active muscles need glucoseto power their contraction, and brain cells depend almost exclusively onglucose for energy. During periods of fasting or intense physical exercise,

Regulation of Metabolism



A cell is an intricate chemical machine, and our discussion of metabolism—with

a focus on glycolysis and the citric acid cycle—has reviewed

only a tiny fraction of the many enzymatic reactions that can take place in

a cell at any time (Figure 13–20). For all these pathways to work together

smoothly, as is required to allow the cell to survive and to respond to its

environment, the choice of which pathway each metabolite will follow

must be carefully regulated at every branch point.

Many sets of reactions need to be coordinated and controlled. For example,

to maintain order within their cells, all organisms need to replenish

their ATP pools continuously through the oxidation of sugars or fats.

Yet animals have only periodic access to food, and plants need to survive

without sunlight overnight, when they are unable to produce sugar

through photosynthesis. Animals and plants have evolved several ways

to cope with this transient deprivation. One way is to synthesize food

reserves in times of plenty that can later be consumed when other energy

sources are scarce. Thus, depending on conditions, a cell must decide

whether to route key metabolites into anabolic or catabolic pathways—in

other words, whether to use them to build other molecules or burn them

to provide immediate energy. In this section, we discuss how a cell regulates

its intricate web of interconnected metabolic pathways to best serve

both its immediate and long-term needs.

Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions Are Organized and


All the reactions shown in Figure 13–20 occur in a cell that is less than

0.1 mm in diameter, and each step requires a different enzyme. To add

to the complexity, the same substrate is often a part of many different

pathways. Pyruvate, for example, is a substrate for half a dozen or more

different enzymes, each of which modifies it chemically in a different

way. We have already seen that the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

uses pyruvate to produce acetyl CoA (see Figure 13−10), and that, during

fermentation, lactate dehydrogenase can convert pyruvate to lactate

(see Figure 13−6A). A third enzyme converts pyruvate to the amino acid

alanine (see Figure 13−14), a fourth to oxaloacetate, and so on. All these

pathways compete for pyruvate molecules, and similar competitions for

thousands of other small molecules go on in cells all the time.

To balance the activities of these interrelated reactions—and to allow

organisms to adapt swiftly to changes in food availability or energy

expenditure—an elaborate network of control mechanisms regulates and

coordinates the activity of the enzymes that catalyze the myriad metabolic

reactions that go on in a cell. As we discuss in Chapter 4, the

activity of enzymes can be controlled by covalent modification—such

as the addition or removal of a phosphate group (see Figure 4−46)—and

by the binding of small regulatory molecules, often a metabolite (see

pp. 150–152). Such regulation can either enhance the activity of the

enzyme or inhibit it. As we see next, both types of regulation—positive

and negative—control the activity of key enzymes involved in the breakdown

and synthesis of glucose.


glucose 6-phosphate

acetyl CoA

Figure 13–20 Glycolysis and the citric

acid cycle constitute a small fraction

of the reactions that occur in a cell. In

this diagram,

ECB5 e13.20/13.20

the filled circles represent

molecules in some of the best-characterized

metabolic pathways, and the lines that

connect them represent the enzymatic

reactions that convert one metabolite to

another. The reactions of glycolysis and

the citric acid cycle are shown in red. Many

other reactions either lead into these two

central catabolic pathways—delivering

small organic molecules to be oxidized for

energy—or lead outward to the anabolic

pathways that supply carbon compounds for



A cyclic reaction pathway requires

that the starting material be

regenerated and available at the

end of each cycle. If compounds of

the citric acid cycle are siphoned off

as building blocks to make other

organic molecules via a variety of

metabolic reactions (see Figure

13−14), why does the citric acid

cycle not quickly grind to a halt?

Feedback Regulation Allows Cells to Switch from

Glucose Breakdown to Glucose Synthesis

Animals need an ample supply of glucose. Active muscles need glucose

to power their contraction, and brain cells depend almost exclusively on

glucose for energy. During periods of fasting or intense physical exercise,

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