Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


398CYTOSOLCHAPTER 12 Transport Across Cell Membranesplasma membraneNa +Figure 12–11 The Na + pump uses the+ +energy of ATP hydrolysis to pump Na +out of animal cells and K + in. In this+ ++way, the pump helps keep the cytosolic+ + +concentrations of Na + 1low BINDSand K + high.K +6Na +electrochemicalgradient+plasmamembrane+ + + +– – – –2 K +P3 Na +EXTRACELLULARSPACE+ + + +– – – –CYTOSOLATP++PUMP RETURNSTO ORIGINALCONFORMATION The Na + pump is very efficient: the whole pumping cycle takes only 10AND K + IS EJECTEDmilliseconds. Furthermore, the tight coupling between steps in the cycleensures that the pump operates only when the appropriate ions—bothNa + and K + —are available to be transported, thereby avoiding a wastefulhydrolysis of ATP.The Na + Pump Generates a Steep ConcentrationGradient of Na + Across the Plasma MembraneThe Na + pump functions like a bilge pump in a leaky ship, ceaselesslyexpelling the Na + that is constantly slipping into the cell through otherECB5 e12.11/12.11ADP+K +electrochemicalgradient++K ++P+4+K + BINDS+K +K + PUMP RETURNS TOPUMP DEPHOSPHORYLATESNa +EXTRACELLULARplasma membraneSPACEPHOSPHORYLATION TRIGGERSPUMP PHOSPHORYLATESITSELF, HYDROLYZING ATPCONFORMATIONAL CHANGEAND Na + IS EJECTEDNa +2 3CYTOSOLPPNa +phosphate inhigh-energy4 K + BINDSNa + BINDS 1linkagePK +65ORIGINAL CONFORMATIONITSELFAND K + IS EJECTEDPFigure 12−12 The Na + pump undergoes a series of conformational changes as it exchanges Na + ions for K + .The binding of cytosolic Na + (1) and the subsequent phosphorylation by ATP of the cytosolic face of the pump (2)induce the protein to undergo conformational changes that transfer the Na + across the membrane and releaseit outside the cell (3). The high-energy linkage of the phosphate to the protein provides the energy to drive theconformational changes. The binding of K + from the extracellular space (4) and the subsequent dephosphorylation(5) allow the protein to return to its original conformation, which transfers the K + across the membrane and releasesit into the cytosol (6).The cycle is shown in Movie 12.2. The changes in conformation are analogous to those shown for theglucose transporter in Figure 12−9, except that here the Na + -dependent phosphorylation and K + -dependentdephosphorylation of the protein cause the conformational changes to occur in an orderly fashion, enabling theprotein to do useful work. For simplicity, only one binding site is shown for each ion. The real pump in mammaliancells contains three binding sites for Na + and two for K + . The net result of one cycle of the pump is therefore thetransport of three Na + out and two K + in. Ouabain inhibits the pump by preventing K + binding (4).

Transporters and Their Functions399Figure 12−13 The high concentration of Na + outside the cell is likewater behind a high dam. The water behind the dam has potentialenergy, which can be used to drive energy-requiring processes. Inthe same way, an ion gradient across a membrane can be used todrive active processes in a cell, including the active transport of othermolecules across the plasma membrane. Shown here is the Table RockDam in Branson, Missouri, USA. (Gary Saxe/Shutterstock.)transporters and ion channels in the plasma membrane. In this way,the pump keeps the Na + concentration in the cytosol about 10–30 timeslower than that in the extracellular fluid and the K + concentration about10–30 times higher (see Table 12–1, p. 391).This steep concentration gradient of Na + across the plasma membraneacts together with the membrane potential to create a large Na + electrochemicalgradient (see Figure 12–5A). This high concentration of Na +outside the cell, on the uphill side of its electrochemical gradient, is likea large volume of water behind a high dam: it represents a very largestore of energy (Figure 12−13). Even if one artificially halts the operationof the Na + pump with ouabain, this stored energy is sufficient to sustainfor many minutes the various gradient-driven pumps in the plasmamembrane that are fueled by the downhill flow of Na + , which we discussshortly.Ca 2+ Pumps Keep the Cytosolic Ca 2+ Concentration LowCa 2+ , like Na + , is also kept at a low concentration in the cytosol comparedwith its concentration in the extracellular fluid. But Ca 2+ is muchless plentiful than Na + , both inside and outside cells (see Table 12–1).The movement of this ion across cell membranes is nonetheless crucial,because Ca 2+ can bind tightly to a variety of proteins in the cell, alteringtheir activities. An influx of Ca 2+ into the cytosol through Ca 2+ channels,for example, is used by different cells as an intracellular signal to triggervarious complex processes, such as muscle contraction (discussed inChapter 17), fertilization (discussed in Chapters 16 and 19), and nerve cellcommunication, which is discussed later.The lower the background concentration of free Ca 2+ in the cytosol, themore sensitive the cell is to an increase in cytosolic Ca 2+ . Thus eukaryoticcells in general maintain a very low concentration of free Ca 2+ in theircytosol (about 10 –4 mM) compared to the much higher concentration ofCa 2+ outside of the cell (typically 1–2 mM). This huge concentration differenceis achieved mainly by means of ATP-driven Ca 2+ pumps in boththe plasma membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, whichactively remove Ca 2+ from the cytosol.Ca 2+ pumps are ATPases that work in much the same way as the Na +pump depicted in Figure 12–12. The main difference is that Ca 2+ pumpsreturn to their original conformation without a requirement for bindingand transporting a second ion (Figure 12−14). The Na + and Ca 2+ pumpshave similar amino acid sequences and structures, indicating that theyshare a common evolutionary origin.Gradient-driven Pumps Exploit Solute Gradients toMediate Active TransportA gradient of any solute across a membrane, like the electrochemicalNa + gradient generated by the Na + pump, can be used to drive the activetransport of a second molecule. The downhill movement of the first solutedown its gradient provides the energy to power the uphill transportof the second solute. The active transporters that work in this way are

Transporters and Their Functions


Figure 12−13 The high concentration of Na + outside the cell is like

water behind a high dam. The water behind the dam has potential

energy, which can be used to drive energy-requiring processes. In

the same way, an ion gradient across a membrane can be used to

drive active processes in a cell, including the active transport of other

molecules across the plasma membrane. Shown here is the Table Rock

Dam in Branson, Missouri, USA. (Gary Saxe/Shutterstock.)

transporters and ion channels in the plasma membrane. In this way,

the pump keeps the Na + concentration in the cytosol about 10–30 times

lower than that in the extracellular fluid and the K + concentration about

10–30 times higher (see Table 12–1, p. 391).

This steep concentration gradient of Na + across the plasma membrane

acts together with the membrane potential to create a large Na + electrochemical

gradient (see Figure 12–5A). This high concentration of Na +

outside the cell, on the uphill side of its electrochemical gradient, is like

a large volume of water behind a high dam: it represents a very large

store of energy (Figure 12−13). Even if one artificially halts the operation

of the Na + pump with ouabain, this stored energy is sufficient to sustain

for many minutes the various gradient-driven pumps in the plasma

membrane that are fueled by the downhill flow of Na + , which we discuss


Ca 2+ Pumps Keep the Cytosolic Ca 2+ Concentration Low

Ca 2+ , like Na + , is also kept at a low concentration in the cytosol compared

with its concentration in the extracellular fluid. But Ca 2+ is much

less plentiful than Na + , both inside and outside cells (see Table 12–1).

The movement of this ion across cell membranes is nonetheless crucial,

because Ca 2+ can bind tightly to a variety of proteins in the cell, altering

their activities. An influx of Ca 2+ into the cytosol through Ca 2+ channels,

for example, is used by different cells as an intracellular signal to trigger

various complex processes, such as muscle contraction (discussed in

Chapter 17), fertilization (discussed in Chapters 16 and 19), and nerve cell

communication, which is discussed later.

The lower the background concentration of free Ca 2+ in the cytosol, the

more sensitive the cell is to an increase in cytosolic Ca 2+ . Thus eukaryotic

cells in general maintain a very low concentration of free Ca 2+ in their

cytosol (about 10 –4 mM) compared to the much higher concentration of

Ca 2+ outside of the cell (typically 1–2 mM). This huge concentration difference

is achieved mainly by means of ATP-driven Ca 2+ pumps in both

the plasma membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, which

actively remove Ca 2+ from the cytosol.

Ca 2+ pumps are ATPases that work in much the same way as the Na +

pump depicted in Figure 12–12. The main difference is that Ca 2+ pumps

return to their original conformation without a requirement for binding

and transporting a second ion (Figure 12−14). The Na + and Ca 2+ pumps

have similar amino acid sequences and structures, indicating that they

share a common evolutionary origin.

Gradient-driven Pumps Exploit Solute Gradients to

Mediate Active Transport

A gradient of any solute across a membrane, like the electrochemical

Na + gradient generated by the Na + pump, can be used to drive the active

transport of a second molecule. The downhill movement of the first solute

down its gradient provides the energy to power the uphill transport

of the second solute. The active transporters that work in this way are

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