Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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358 CHAPTER 10 Analyzing the Structure and Function of Genes

Genes Can Be Edited with Great Precision Using the

Bacterial CRISPR System

Bacteria employ several mechanisms to protect themselves from foreign

DNA. One line of defense is provided by the restriction enzymes, as previously

discussed. Recently, the discovery of another bacterial defense

system led to the development of a powerful new method for editing

genes in a variety of cells, tissues, and organisms. This system, called

CRISPR, relies on a bacterial enzyme called Cas9, which produces a double-strand

break in a molecule of DNA. Unlike restriction enzymes, Cas9

is not sequence-specific; to direct Cas9 to its target sequence, investigators

provide the enzyme with a guide RNA molecule. This guide RNA,

carried by Cas9, allows the enzyme to search the genome and bind to a

segment of DNA with a complementary sequence (Figure 10−31A). The

gene coding for Cas9 has been genetically engineered into a variety of

organisms; thus, to use the CRISPR system to target a gene—or multiple

genes—researchers need only introduce the appropriate guide RNAs

(Movie 10.2).

As we saw in Chapter 6, double-strand breaks, like the one induced by

Cas9, are often repaired by homologous recombination—a process that

uses the information on an undamaged segment of DNA to repair the

break. Thus, to replace a target gene using CRISPR, investigators simply

provide an altered version of the gene to serve as a template for the

homologous repair. In this way, a target gene can be selectively cut by

the CRISPR system and replaced at high efficiency by an experimentally

altered version of the gene (Figure 10−31B).The CRISPR system therefore

provides another means of generating transgenic organisms.

Researchers are also adapting the CRISPR system for turning selected

genes on or off. In this case, a catalytically inactive Cas9 protein can be


guide RNA

Figure 10–31 The CRISPR system can be

used to study gene function in a variety

of species. (A) The Cas9 protein, along with

a guide RNA designed by the experimenter,

are both artificially expressed in the cell or

species of interest. One portion of the guide

RNA (light blue) associates with Cas9, and

another segment (dark blue) is designed to

match a particular target sequence in the

genome. (B) Once Cas9 has made a doublestrand

break in the target gene, that gene

can be replaced with an experimentally

altered gene by the enzymes that repair

double-strand breaks through homologous

recombination (see Figure 6−31). In this way,

the CRISPR system promotes the precise

and rapid replacement of a target gene.

(C and D) By using a mutant form of Cas9

that can no longer cleave DNA, Cas9 can

be used to activate a normally dormant

gene (C) or turn off an actively expressed

gene (D). (Adapted from P. Mali et al., Nat.

Methods 10:957–963, 2013.)






double-strand break

made by Cas9


catalytically inactive Cas9 fused

with transcription activator





target gene



cleavage site

cleavage site

altered version of

target gene produced

by genetic engineering




DNA in genome

target gene replaced

by altered version

catalytically inactive Cas9 fused

with transcription repressor




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