Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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326 CHAPTER 9 How Genes and Genomes Evolve

The instructions needed to produce a multicellular animal from a fertilized

egg are provided, in large part, by the regulatory DNA sequences

associated with each gene. These noncoding DNA sequences contain,

scattered within them, dozens of separate regulatory elements, including

short DNA segments that serve as binding sites for specific transcription

regulators (discussed in Chapter 8). Regulatory DNA sequences ultimately

dictate each organism’s developmental program—the rules its

cells follow as they proliferate, assess their positions in the embryo, and

specialize by switching on and off specific genes at the right time and

place. The evolution of species is likely to have more to do with innovations

in regulatory DNA sequences than in the proteins or functional

RNAs the genes encode.

Given the importance of regulatory DNA sequences in defining the characteristics

of a species, one place to begin searching for clues to identity is

in the regulatory DNA sequences that are highly conserved across mammalian

species, but are altered or absent in our own genome. One study

identified more than 500 such sequences, providing some intriguing clues

as to what makes us human. One of these regulatory DNA sequences,

missing in humans, seems to suppress the proliferation of neurons in the

brain. Although further investigation is required, it is possible that the

loss of this sequence—or changes in other neural-specific regulatory DNA

sequences—played an instrumental role in the evolution of the human


Another regulatory DNA sequence lost in the human lineage directs the

formation of penile spines—structures present in a wide variety of mammals

including chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, gibbons,

rhesus monkeys, and bushbabies. Whether the loss of these structures

provides some advantage to humans is not known; it could be that the

change is neutral—neither advantageous nor harmful. Regardless, it is a

characteristic that makes us unique.

Thanks to such genetic comparisons, we are beginning to unravel the

secrets of how our genome evolved to produce the qualities that define us

as a species. But these analyses can only provide information about our

distant evolutionary past. To learn about the more recent events in the

history of modern Homo sapiens, we are turning to the genomes of our

closest extinct relations, as we see next.

The Genome of Extinct Neanderthals Reveals Much

about What Makes Us Human

In 2010, investigators completed their analysis of the first Neanderthal

genome. One of our closest evolutionary relatives, Neanderthals lived

side-by-side with the ancestors of modern humans in Europe and Western

Asia. By comparing the Neanderthal genome sequence—obtained from

DNA that was extracted from a fossilized bone fragment found in a

cave in Croatia—with those of people from different parts of the world,

researchers identified a handful of genomic regions that have undergone

a sudden spurt of changes in modern humans. These regions include

genes involved in metabolism, brain development, the voice box, and

the shape of the skeleton, particularly the rib cage and brow—all features

thought to differ between modern humans and our extinct cousins.

Remarkably, these studies also revealed that many modern humans—

particularly those that hail from Europe and Asia—share about 2% of

their genomes with Neanderthals. This genetic overlap indicates that our

ancestors mated with Neanderthals—before outcompeting or actively

exterminating them—on the way out of Africa (Figure 9−37). This ancient

relationship left a permanent mark in the human genome.

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