Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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318 CHAPTER 9 How Genes and Genomes Evolve


Virus Genome Type Disease

Herpes simplex virus double-stranded DNA recurrent cold sores

Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) double-stranded DNA infectious mononucleosis

Varicella-zoster virus double-stranded DNA chickenpox and shingles

Smallpox virus double-stranded DNA smallpox

Hepatitis B virus

Human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV)

part single-, part

double-stranded DNA

single-stranded RNA

serum hepatitis

acquired immune

deficiency syndrome


Influenza virus type A single-stranded RNA respiratory disease (flu)

Poliovirus single-stranded RNA poliomyelitis

Rhinovirus single-stranded RNA common cold

Hepatitis A virus single-stranded RNA infectious hepatitis

Hepatitis C virus single-stranded RNA non-A, non-B type


Yellow fever virus single-stranded RNA yellow fever

Rabies virus single-stranded RNA rabies encephalitis

Mumps virus single-stranded RNA mumps

Measles virus single-stranded RNA measles


Discuss the following statement:

“Viruses exist in the twilight zone

of life: outside cells they are simply

dead assemblies of molecules; inside

cells, however, they are alive.”

Most viruses that cause human disease have genomes made of either

double-stranded DNA or single-stranded RNA (Table 9−1). However,

viral genomes composed of single-stranded DNA and of double-stranded

RNA are also known. The simplest viruses found in nature have a small

genome, composed of as few as three genes, enclosed by a protein coat

built from many copies of a single polypeptide chain. More complex

viruses have larger genomes of up to several hundred genes, surrounded

by an elaborate shell composed of many different proteins (Figure 9−28).

The amount of genetic material that can be packaged inside a viral protein

shell is limited. Because these shells are too small to encase the

genes needed to encode the many enzymes and other proteins that are

required to replicate even the simplest virus, viruses must hijack their

host’s biochemical machinery to reproduce themselves (Figure 9−29). A

viral genome will typically encode both viral coat proteins and proteins

that help the virus to commandeer the host enzymes needed to replicate

its genetic material.

Retroviruses Reverse the Normal Flow of Genetic


Although there are many similarities between bacterial and eukaryotic

viruses, one important class of viruses—the retroviruses—is found only

in eukaryotic cells. In many respects, retroviruses resemble the retrotransposons

we just discussed. A key feature of the replication cycle of

both is a step in which DNA is synthesized using RNA as a template—

hence the prefix retro, which refers to the reversal of the usual flow of

information from DNA to RNA. Retroviruses are thought to have derived

from a retrotransposon that long ago acquired additional genes encoding

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