Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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308 CHAPTER 9 How Genes and Genomes Evolve

Figure 9−14 The insertion of a mobile

genetic element helped produce modern

corn. Today’s corn plants were originally

bred from a wild plant called teosinte (A).

This wild ancestor produced numerous

ears that contained small, hard seeds.

(B) Modern corn, by contrast, produces

fewer cobs—but they contain numerous

plump, sweet kernels. The insertion of

a mobile genetic element near a gene

involved in seed development helped drive

the change. Here, the two plants are drawn

to the same scale; for simplicity, the leaves

are not shown.


male flowers




(B) modern corn

Finally, mobile genetic elements ECB5 n9.300-9.14 provide opportunities for genome rearrangements

by serving as targets of homologous recombination (see

Figure 9−8). For example, the duplications that gave rise to the β-globin

gene cluster are thought to have occurred by crossovers between the

abundant mobile genetic elements sprinkled throughout the human

genome. Later in the chapter, we describe these elements in more detail

and discuss the mechanisms that have allowed them to establish a

stronghold within our genome.


Why do you suppose that horizontal

gene transfer is more prevalent

in single-celled organisms than in

multicellular organisms?

sex pilus

Genes Can Be Exchanged Between Organisms by

Horizontal Gene Transfer

So far we have considered genetic changes that take place within the

genome of an individual organism. However, genes and other portions of

genomes can also be exchanged between individuals of different species.

This mechanism of horizontal gene transfer is rare among eukaryotes

but common among bacteria, which can exchange DNA by the process of

conjugation (Figure 9–15 and Movie 9.1).

E. coli, for example, has acquired about one-fifth of its genome from other

bacterial species within the past 100 million years. And such genetic

exchanges are currently responsible for the rise of new and potentially

dangerous strains of drug-resistant bacteria. Genes that confer resistance

to antibiotics are readily transferred from species to species, providing

the recipient bacterium with an enormous selective advantage in evading

the antimicrobial compounds that constitute modern medicine’s

frontline attack against bacterial infection. As a result, many antibiotics

are no longer effective against the common bacterial infections for

which they were originally used; as an example, most strains of Neisseria

gonorrhoeae, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea, are now resistant to

penicillin, which is therefore no longer the primary drug used to treat this




0.5 µm

Figure 9−15 Bacterial cells can exchange DNA through

conjugation. Conjugation begins when a donor cell captures a

recipient cell using a fine appendage called a sex pilus. Following

capture, DNA moves from the donor cell, through the pilus, into the

recipient cell. In this cryoelectron micrograph, the sex pilus is clearly

distinguished from the flagellum. Conjugation is one of several ways

in which bacteria carry out horizontal gene transfer. (From C.M.

Oikonomou and G.J. Jensen, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 14:205–220, 2016.

With permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.)

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