Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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DNA Replication


that is, the direction in which the replication fork is moving. For that to

be true, one strand would have to be synthesized in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction

and the other in the 3ʹ-to-5ʹ direction.

Does the cell have two types of DNA polymerase, one for each direction?

The answer is no: all DNA polymerases add new subunits only to the 3ʹ

end of a DNA strand (see Figure 6–11A). As a result, a new DNA chain

can be synthesized only in a 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction. This can easily account

for the synthesis of one of the two strands of DNA at the replication fork,

but what happens on the other? This conundrum is solved by the use of

a “backstitching” maneuver. The DNA strand that appears to grow in the

incorrect 3ʹ-to-5ʹ direction is actually made discontinuously, in successive,

separate, small pieces—with the DNA polymerase moving backward

with respect to the direction of replication-fork movement so that each

new DNA fragment can be polymerized in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction.

The resulting small DNA pieces—called Okazaki fragments after the

pair of biochemists who discovered them—are later joined together to

form a continuous new strand. The DNA strand that is made discontinuously

in this way is called the lagging strand, because the cumbersome

backstitching mechanism imparts a slight delay to its synthesis; the other

strand, which is synthesized continuously, is called the leading strand

(Figure 6–13).

Although they differ in subtle details, the replication forks of all cells,

prokaryotic and eukaryotic, have leading and lagging strands. This common

feature arises from the fact that all DNA polymerases work only in

the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction—a restriction that allows DNA polymerase to “check

its work,” as we discuss next.



newly synthesized







DNA helix

direction of replicationfork


ECB5 e6.12/6.12



Figure 6–12 At a replication fork, the

two newly synthesized DNA strands are

of opposite polarities. This is because

the two template strands are oriented in

opposite directions.

DNA Polymerase Is Self-correcting

DNA polymerase is so accurate that it makes only about one error in

every 10 7 nucleotide pairs it copies. This error rate is much lower than

can be explained simply by the accuracy of complementary base-pairing.

Although A-T and C-G are by far the most stable base pairs, other,

less stable base pairs—for example, G-T and C-A—can also be formed.

Such incorrect base pairs are formed much less frequently than correct

ones, but, if allowed to remain, they would result in an accumulation of

Okazaki fragments



leading-strand template

of left-hand fork

5′ 3′ 5′ 3′ 5′


direction of fork movement

lagging-strand template

of right-hand fork


most recently


synthesized DNA

3′ 5′

lagging-strand template

of left-hand fork

leading-strand template

of right-hand fork



Figure 6–13 At each replication fork, the

lagging DNA strand is synthesized in

pieces. Because both of the new strands

at a replication fork are synthesized in the

5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction, the lagging strand of

DNA must be made initially as a series of

short DNA strands, which are later joined

together. The upper diagram shows two

replication forks moving in opposite

directions; the lower diagram shows the

same forks a short time later. To replicate

the lagging strand, DNA polymerase uses

a backstitching mechanism: it synthesizes

short pieces of DNA (called Okazaki

fragments) in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction and then

moves back along the template strand

(toward the fork) before synthesizing the

next fragment.

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