Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


194CHAPTER 5DNA and Chromosomesforms: a pathogenic form that causes a lethal infectionwhen injected into animals, and a harmless form that iseasily conquered by the animal’s immune system anddoes not produce an infection.In the course of his investigations, Griffith injected variouspreparations of these bacteria into mice. He showedthat pathogenic pneumococci that had been killed byheating were no longer able to cause infection. Thesurprise came when Griffith injected both heat-killedpathogenic bacteria and live harmless bacteria intothe same mouse. This combination proved unexpectedlylethal: not only did the animals die of pneumonia,but Griffith found that their blood was teeming withlive bacteria of the pathogenic form (Figure 5–30). Theheat-killed pneumococci had somehow converted theharmless bacteria into the lethal form. What’s more,Griffith found that the change was permanent: he couldgrow these “transformed” bacteria in culture, and theyremained pathogenic. But what was this mysteriousmaterial that turned harmless bacteria into killers? Andhow was this change passed on to progeny bacteria?TransformationGriffith’s remarkable finding set the stage for the experimentsthat would provide the first strong evidencethat genes are made of DNA. The American bacteriologistOswald Avery, following up on Griffith’s work,discovered that the harmless pneumococcus could betransformed into a pathogenic strain in a test tube byexposing it to an extract prepared from the pathogenicstrain. It would take another 15 years, however, forAvery and his colleagues Colin MacLeod and MaclynMcCarty to successfully purify the “transforming principle”from this soluble extract and to demonstrate thatthe active ingredient was DNA. Because the transformingprinciple caused a heritable change in the bacteriathat received it, DNA must be the very stuff of whichgenes are made.The 15-year delay was in part a reflection of the academicclimate—and the widespread supposition thatthe genetic material was likely to be made of protein.Because of the potential ramifications of their work, theresearchers wanted to be absolutely certain that thetransforming principle was DNA before they announcedtheir findings. As Avery noted in a letter to his brother,also a bacteriologist, “It’s lots of fun to blow bubbles,but it’s wiser to prick them yourself before someone elsetries to.” So the researchers subjected the transformingmaterial to a battery of chemical tests (Figure 5–31).They found that it exhibited all the chemical propertiescharacteristic of DNA; furthermore, they showedthat enzymes that destroy proteins and RNA did notRNAS-strain cellsEXTRACT PREPARED ANDFRACTIONATED INTOCLASSES OF MOLECULESMOLECULES TESTED FOR ABILITY TO TRANSFORM R-STRAIN CELLSRstrainprotein DNA lipid carbohydrateRstrainSstrainRstrainCONCLUSION: The molecule that carries theheritable “transforming principle” is DNA.RstrainFigure 5–31 Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty demonstratedthat DNA is the genetic material. The researchers preparedan extract from the disease-causing S strain of pneumococciand showed that the “transforming ECB5 e5.04/5.04 principle” that wouldpermanently change the harmless R-strain pneumococci into thepathogenic S strain is DNA. This was the first evidence that DNAcould serve as the genetic material.affect the ability of the extract to transform bacteria,while enzymes that destroy DNA inactivated it. And likeGriffith before them, the investigators found that theirpurified preparation changed the bacteria permanently:DNA from the pathogenic species was taken up by theharmless species, and this change was faithfully passedon to subsequent generations of bacteria.This landmark study offered rigorous proof that purifiedDNA can act as genetic material. But the resulting paper,published in 1944, drew strangely little attention. Despitethe meticulous care with which these experiments wereperformed, geneticists were not immediately convincedthat DNA is the hereditary material. Many argued thatthe transformation might have been caused by sometrace protein contaminant in the preparations. Or thatthe extract might contain a mutagen that alters thegenetic material of the harmless bacteria—convertingthem to the pathogenic form—rather than containingthe genetic material itself.

195Virus cocktailsThe debate was not settled definitively until 1952, whenAlfred Hershey and Martha Chase fired up their laboratoryblender and demonstrated, once and for all, thatgenes are made of DNA. The researchers were studyingT2—a virus that infects and eventually destroys thebacterium E. coli. These bacteria-killing viruses behavelike tiny molecular syringes: they inject their geneticmaterial into the bacterial host cell, while the emptyvirus heads remain attached outside (Figure 5–32A).Once inside the bacterial cell, the viral genes direct theformation of new virus particles. In less than an hour,the infected cells explode, spewing thousands of newviruses into the medium. These then infect neighboringbacteria, and the process begins again.The beauty of T2 is that these viruses contain only twokinds of molecules: DNA and protein. So the geneticmaterial had to be one or the other. But which? Theexperiment was fairly straightforward. Because theviral genes enter the bacterial cell, while the rest of thevirus particle remains outside, the researchers decidedto radioactively label the protein in one batch of virusand the DNA in another. Then, all they had to do wasfollow the radioactivity to see whether viral DNA orviral protein wound up inside the bacteria. To do this,Hershey and Chase incubated their radiolabeled viruseswith E. coli; after allowing a few minutes for infection totake place, they poured the mix into a Waring blenderand hit “puree.” The blender’s spinning blades shearedthe empty virus heads from the surfaces of the bacterialcells. The researchers then centrifuged the sampleto separate the heavier, infected bacteria, which formeda pellet at the bottom of the centrifuge tube, from theempty viral coats, which remained in suspension (Figure5–32B).As you have probably guessed, Hershey and Chasefound that the radioactive DNA entered the bacterialcells, while the radioactive proteins remained outsidewith the empty virus heads. They found that the radioactiveDNA was also incorporated into the next generationof virus particles.This experiment demonstrated conclusively that viralDNA enters bacterial host cells, whereas viral proteindoes not. Thus, the genetic material in this virus hadto be made of DNA. Together with the studies done byAvery, MacLeod, and McCarty, this evidence clinchedthe case for DNA as the agent of heredity.E. coli(A)virus head(B)DNA labeledwith 32 PE. colicellviral genetic material:protein or DNA?CENTRIFUGEprotein labeledwith 35 Sviruses allowed toinfect E. coliviral headssheared offthe bacteriainfected bacteriacontain 32 P butnot 35 SFigure 5–32 Hershey and Chase showed definitively that genes are made of DNA. (A) The researchers worked with T2 viruses,which are made entirely of protein and DNA. Each virus acts as a molecular syringe, injecting its genetic material into a bacterium;the empty viral capsule remains attached to the outside of the cell. (B) To determine whether the genetic material of the virus is madeof protein or DNA, the researchers labeled the DNA in one batch of viruses with radioactive phosphorous ( 32 P) and the proteins in asecond batch of viruses with radioactive sulfur ( 35 S). Because DNA lacks sulfur and the proteins lack phosphorus, these radioactiveisotopes allowed the researchers to distinguish these two ECB5 types e5.05/5.05 of molecules. The radioactively labeled viruses were allowed to infectE. coli, and the mixture was then disrupted by brief pulsing in a Waring blender and centrifuged to separate the infected bacteria fromthe empty viral heads. When the researchers measured the radioactivity, they found that much of the 32 P-labeled DNA had enteredthe bacterial cells, while the vast majority of the 35 S-labeled proteins remained in solution with the spent viral particles. Furthermore,the radioactively labeled DNA also made its way into subsequent generations of virus particles, confirming that DNA is the heritable,genetic material.


Virus cocktails

The debate was not settled definitively until 1952, when

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase fired up their laboratory

blender and demonstrated, once and for all, that

genes are made of DNA. The researchers were studying

T2—a virus that infects and eventually destroys the

bacterium E. coli. These bacteria-killing viruses behave

like tiny molecular syringes: they inject their genetic

material into the bacterial host cell, while the empty

virus heads remain attached outside (Figure 5–32A).

Once inside the bacterial cell, the viral genes direct the

formation of new virus particles. In less than an hour,

the infected cells explode, spewing thousands of new

viruses into the medium. These then infect neighboring

bacteria, and the process begins again.

The beauty of T2 is that these viruses contain only two

kinds of molecules: DNA and protein. So the genetic

material had to be one or the other. But which? The

experiment was fairly straightforward. Because the

viral genes enter the bacterial cell, while the rest of the

virus particle remains outside, the researchers decided

to radioactively label the protein in one batch of virus

and the DNA in another. Then, all they had to do was

follow the radioactivity to see whether viral DNA or

viral protein wound up inside the bacteria. To do this,

Hershey and Chase incubated their radiolabeled viruses

with E. coli; after allowing a few minutes for infection to

take place, they poured the mix into a Waring blender

and hit “puree.” The blender’s spinning blades sheared

the empty virus heads from the surfaces of the bacterial

cells. The researchers then centrifuged the sample

to separate the heavier, infected bacteria, which formed

a pellet at the bottom of the centrifuge tube, from the

empty viral coats, which remained in suspension (Figure


As you have probably guessed, Hershey and Chase

found that the radioactive DNA entered the bacterial

cells, while the radioactive proteins remained outside

with the empty virus heads. They found that the radioactive

DNA was also incorporated into the next generation

of virus particles.

This experiment demonstrated conclusively that viral

DNA enters bacterial host cells, whereas viral protein

does not. Thus, the genetic material in this virus had

to be made of DNA. Together with the studies done by

Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty, this evidence clinched

the case for DNA as the agent of heredity.

E. coli


virus head


DNA labeled

with 32 P

E. coli


viral genetic material:

protein or DNA?


protein labeled

with 35 S

viruses allowed to

infect E. coli

viral heads

sheared off

the bacteria

infected bacteria

contain 32 P but

not 35 S

Figure 5–32 Hershey and Chase showed definitively that genes are made of DNA. (A) The researchers worked with T2 viruses,

which are made entirely of protein and DNA. Each virus acts as a molecular syringe, injecting its genetic material into a bacterium;

the empty viral capsule remains attached to the outside of the cell. (B) To determine whether the genetic material of the virus is made

of protein or DNA, the researchers labeled the DNA in one batch of viruses with radioactive phosphorous ( 32 P) and the proteins in a

second batch of viruses with radioactive sulfur ( 35 S). Because DNA lacks sulfur and the proteins lack phosphorus, these radioactive

isotopes allowed the researchers to distinguish these two ECB5 types e5.05/5.05 of molecules. The radioactively labeled viruses were allowed to infect

E. coli, and the mixture was then disrupted by brief pulsing in a Waring blender and centrifuged to separate the infected bacteria from

the empty viral heads. When the researchers measured the radioactivity, they found that much of the 32 P-labeled DNA had entered

the bacterial cells, while the vast majority of the 35 S-labeled proteins remained in solution with the spent viral particles. Furthermore,

the radioactively labeled DNA also made its way into subsequent generations of virus particles, confirming that DNA is the heritable,

genetic material.

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