Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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of the enzyme but cannot undergo the reaction catalyzed

by it, what effects would you expect the addition of X to

the reaction to have? Compare the effects of X and of the

accumulation of P.


Which of the following amino acids would you expect

to find more often near the center of a folded globular

protein? Which ones would you expect to find more often

exposed to the outside? Explain your answers. Ser, Ser-P (a

Ser residue that is phosphorylated), Leu, Lys, Gln, His, Phe,

Val, Ile, Met, Cys–S–S–Cys (two cysteines that are disulfidebonded),

and Glu. Where would you expect to find the most

N-terminal amino acid and the most C-terminal amino acid?


Assume you want to make and study fragments of a protein.

Would you expect that any fragment of the polypeptide

chain would fold the same way as it would in the intact

protein? Consider the protein shown in Figure 4−20. Which

fragments do you suppose are most likely to fold correctly?


Neurofilament proteins assemble into long, intermediate

filaments (discussed in Chapter 17), found in abundance

running along the length of nerve cell axons. The C-terminal

region of these proteins is an unstructured polypeptide,

hundreds of amino acids long and heavily modified by the

addition of phosphate groups. The term “polymer brush”

has been applied to this part of the neurofilament. Can you

suggest why?


An enzyme isolated from a mutant bacterium grown at

20°C works in a test tube at 20°C but not at 37°C (37°C is

the temperature of the gut, where this bacterium normally

lives). Furthermore, once the enzyme has been exposed

to the higher temperature, it no longer works at the lower

one. The same enzyme isolated from the normal bacterium

works at both temperatures. Can you suggest what happens

(at the molecular level) to the mutant enzyme as the

temperature increases?


A motor protein moves along protein filaments in the cell.

Why are the elements shown in the illustration not sufficient

to mediate directed movement (Figure Q4–19)? With

reference to Figure 4−50, modify the illustration shown

here to include other elements that are required to create a

unidirectional motor, and justify each modification you make

to the illustration.

Figure Q4−19


Gel-filtration chromatography separates molecules

according to their size (see Panel 4−4, p. 166). Smaller

molecules diffuse faster in solution than larger ones, yet

smaller molecules migrate more slowly through a gelfiltration

column than larger ones. Explain this paradox.

What should happen at very rapid flow rates?


As shown in Figure 4−16, both α helices and the coiled-coil

structures that can form from them are helical structures,

but do they have the same handedness in the figure?

Explain why?


How is it possible that a change in a single amino acid in a

protein of 1000 amino acids can destroy protein function,

even when that amino acid is far away from any ligandbinding



The curve shown in Figure 4−35 is described by the

Michaelis–Menten equation:

rate (v) = V max [S]/(K M + [S])

Can you convince yourself that the features qualitatively

described in the text are accurately represented by this

equation? In particular, how can the equation be simplified

when the substrate concentration [S] is in one of the

following ranges: (A) [S] is much smaller than the K M ,

(B) [S] equals the K M , and (C) [S] is much larger than the K M ?


The rate of a simple enzyme reaction is given by the

standard Michaelis–Menten equation:

rate = V max [S]/(K M + [S])

If the V max of an enzyme is 100 μmole/sec and the K M is

1 mM, at what substrate concentration is the rate

50 μmole/sec? Plot a graph of rate versus substrate (S)

concentration for [S] = 0 to 10 mM. Convert this to a plot of

1/rate versus 1/[S]. Why is the latter plot a straight line?


Select the correct options in the following and explain your

choices. If [S] is very much smaller than K M , the active site

of the enzyme is mostly occupied/unoccupied. If [S] is very

much greater than K M , the reaction rate is limited by the

enzyme/substrate concentration.


A. The reaction rates of the reaction S → P, catalyzed by

enzyme E, were determined under conditions in which only

very little product was formed. The data in the table below

were measured, plot the data as a graph. Use this graph to

estimate the K M and the V max for this enzyme.

B. To determine the K M and V max values more precisely,

a trick is generally used in which the Michaelis–Menten

equation is transformed so that it is possible to plot the

data as a straight line. A simple rearrangement yields

1/rate = (K M /V max ) (1/[S]) + 1/V max

which is an equation of the form y = ax + b. Calculate

1/rate and 1/[S] for the data given in part (A) and then plot

ECB5 Q4.19/Q4.19

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