Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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162 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

the rate of selected chemical reactions. But, as we continue to learn more

about how proteins and enzymes exploit their unique conformations to

carry out their biological functions, our ability to make novel proteins

with useful functions can only improve.

family 1 family 2

(A) single-domain protein families

(B) a two-domain protein family

Figure 4−58 Most proteins belong to

structurally related families. (A) More

than two-thirds of all well-studied proteins

contain a single structural domain. The

members of these single-domain families

can have ECB5 different 04.58 amino acid sequences

but fold into a protein with a similar shape.

(B) During evolution, structural domains

have been combined in different ways to

produce families of multidomain proteins.

Almost all novelty in protein structure

comes from the way these single domains

are arranged. Unlike the number of novel

single domains, the number of multidomain

families being added to the public

databases is still rapidly increasing.

The Relatedness of Proteins Aids the Prediction of

Protein Structure and Function

Biochemists have made enormous progress over the past 150 years in

understanding the structure and function of proteins (see Table 4−2,

p. 160). These advances are the fruits of decades of painstaking research

on isolated proteins, performed by individual scientists working tirelessly

on single proteins or protein families, one by one, sometimes for their

entire careers. In the future, however, more and more of these investigations

of protein conformation and activity will likely take place on a

larger scale.

Improvements in our ability to rapidly sequence whole genomes, and

the development of methods such as mass spectrometry, have fueled

our ability to determine the amino acid sequences of enormous numbers

of proteins. Millions of unique protein sequences from thousands

of different species have thereby been deposited into publicly available

databases, and the collection is expected to double in size every

two years. Comparing the amino acid sequences of all of these proteins

reveals that the majority belong to protein families that share specific

“sequence patterns”—stretches of amino acids that fold into distinct

structural domains. In some of these families, the proteins contain only a

single structural domain. In others, the proteins include multiple domains

arranged in novel combinations (Figure 4−58).

Although the number of multidomain families is growing rapidly, the

discovery of novel single domains appears to be leveling off. This plateau

suggests that the vast majority of proteins may fold up into a limited

number of structural domains—perhaps as few as 10,000 to 20,000. For

many single-domain families, the structure of at least one family member

is known. And knowing the structure of one family member allows us

to say something about the structure of its relatives. By this account, we

have some structural information for almost three-quarters of the proteins

archived in databases (Movie 4.14).

A future goal is to acquire the ability to look at a protein’s amino acid

sequence and be able to deduce its structure and gain insight into its

function. We are coming closer to being able to predict protein structure

based on sequence information alone, but we still have a considerable

way to go. To date, computational methods that take an amino acid

sequence and search for the protein conformations with the lowest

energy have been successful for proteins less than 100 amino acids long,

or for longer proteins for which additional information is available (such

as homology with proteins whose structure is known).

Looking at an amino acid sequence and predicting how a protein will

function—alone or as part of a complex in the cell—is more challenging

still. But the closer we get to accomplishing these goals, the closer we

will be to understanding the fundamental basis of life.


• Living cells contain an enormously diverse set of protein molecules,

each made as a linear chain of amino acids linked together by covalent

peptide bonds.

• Each type of protein has a unique amino acid sequence, which

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