Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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158 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

protein scaffolds




RNA scaffolds

(B) (C) (D)

2 µm 1 µm 1 µm

Figure 4−54 Intracellular condensates

can form biochemical subcompartments

in cells. These large aggregates form as a

result of multiple weak binding interactions

between scaffolds and other macromolecules.

When these macromolecule–macromolecule

interactions become sufficiently strong, a

“phase separation” occurs. This creates two

distinct aqueous compartments, in one of

which the interacting molecules are densely

aggregated. Such intracellular condensates

concentrate a select set of macromolecules,

thereby producing regions with a special

biochemistry without the use of an

encapsulating membrane.

(A) Schematic illustration of a phaseseparated

intracellular condensate. These

condensates can create a factory that

catalyzes the formation of a specific type of

product, or they can serve to store important

entities, such as specific mRNA molecules,

for later use. As shown, reversible amyloid

structures often help to create these

aggregates. These β-sheet structures form

between regions of unstructured amino acid

sequence within the larger protein scaffolds.

(B–D) Three examples that illustrate how

intracellular condensates (colorized regions)

are thought to be used by cells. (B) Inside the

interphase nucleus, the nucleolus is a large

factory that produces ribosomes. In addition,

many scattered RNA production factories

concentrate the protein machines that

transcribe the genome. (C) In the cytoplasm,

a matrix forms the centrosome that nucleates

the assembly of microtubules. (D) In a patch

underlying the plasma membrane at the

synapse where communicating nerve cells

touch, multiple interacting scaffolds produce

large protein assemblies; these create a local

biochemistry that makes possible memory

formation and storage in the nerve cell

network. (B, courtesy of E.G. Jordan and

J. McGovern; C, from M. McGill,

D.P. Highfield, T.M. Monahan, and

B.R. Brinkley, J. Ultrastruct. Res. 57:43–53,

1976. With permission from Elsevier;

D, courtesy of Cedric Raine.)

“hydrogel” that pulls other molecules into the condensate (Figure 4−54).

Amyloid-forming proteins thus have functional roles in cells. But for a

handful of these amyloid-forming proteins, mutation or perturbation can

lead to neurological disease, which is how some of them were initially



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Understanding how a particular protein functions calls for detailed structural

and biochemical analyses—both of which require large amounts of

pure protein. But isolating a single type of protein from the thousands

of other proteins present in a cell is a formidable task. For many years,

proteins had to be purified directly from the source—the tissues in which

they are most plentiful. That approach was inconvenient, entailing, for

example, early-morning trips to the slaughterhouse. More importantly,

the complexity of intact tissues and organs is a major disadvantage when

trying to purify particular molecules, because a long series of chromatography

steps is generally required. These procedures not only take weeks

to perform, but they also yield only a few milligrams of pure protein.

Nowadays, proteins are more often isolated from cells that are grown in

a laboratory (see, for example, Figure 1−39). Often these cells have been

“tricked” into making large quantities of a given protein using the genetic

engineering techniques discussed in Chapter 10. Such engineered cells

frequently allow large amounts of pure protein to be obtained in only a

few days.

In this section, we outline how proteins are extracted and purified from

cultured cells and other sources. We describe how these proteins are

analyzed to determine their amino acid sequence and their three-dimensional

structure. Finally, we discuss how technical advances are allowing

proteins to be analyzed, cataloged, manipulated, and even designed from


Proteins Can Be Purified from Cells or Tissues

Whether starting with a piece of liver or a vat of bacteria, yeast, or animal

cells that have been engineered to produce a protein of interest, the

first step in any purification procedure involves breaking open the cells

to release their contents. The resulting slurry is called a cell homogenate

or extract. This physical disruption is followed by an initial fractionation

procedure to separate out the class of molecules of interest—for example,

all the soluble proteins in the cell (Panel 4−3, pp. 164–165).

With this collection of proteins in hand, the job is then to isolate the

desired protein. The standard approach involves purifying the protein

through a series of chromatography steps, which use different materials

to separate the individual components of a complex mixture into

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