Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


156 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and FunctionFigure 4−51 “Protein machines” cancarry out complex functions. Thesemachines are made of individual proteinsthat collaborate to perform a specific task(Movie 4.11). The movement of proteins isoften coordinated and made unidirectionalby the hydrolysis of a bound nucleotidesuch as ATP. Conformational changes ofthis type are especially useful to the cellif they occur in a large protein assemblyin which the activities of several differentprotein molecules can be coordinated bythe movements within the complex, asschematically illustrated here.ADP PADP + PATPATPPADPATPADP+PATPQUESTION 4–8Explain why the hypotheticalenzymes in Figure 4−51 have agreat advantage in opening thesafe if they work together in aprotein complex, as opposed toworking individually in an unlinked,sequential manner.the ensemble of proteins to move coordinately (Figure 4−51). In thesemachine-like complexes, the appropriate enzymes can be positioned tocarry out successive reactions in a series—as during the synthesis of proteinson a ribosome, for example (discussed in Chapter 7). And during celldivision, a large protein machine moves rapidly along DNA to replicatethe DNA double helix (discussed in Chapter 6 and shown in Movie 6.3and Movie 6.4).A large number of different protein machines have evolved to performmany critical biological tasks. Cells make wide use of protein machinesfor the same reason that humans have invented mechanical and electronicmachines: for almost any job, manipulations that are spatially andtemporally coordinated through linked processes are much more efficientthan is the sequential use of individual tools.Many Interacting Proteins Are Brought Together byScaffoldsWe have seen that proteins rely on interactions with other molecules tocarry out their biological functions. Enzymes bind substrates and regulatoryligands—many of which are generated by other enzymes in thesame reaction pathway. Receptor proteins in the plasma membrane,when activated by extracellular ligands, can recruit a set of intracellularsignaling proteins that interact with and activate one another, propagatingthe signal to the cell interior. In addition, the proteins involved in DNAreplication, gene transcription, DNA repair, and protein synthesis formprotein machines that carry out these complex and crucial tasks withgreat efficiency.ECB5 04.51But how do proteins find the appropriate partners—and the sites wherethey are needed—within the crowded conditions inside the cell (seeFigure 3−22)? Many protein complexes are brought together by scaffoldproteins, large molecules that contain binding sites recognized bymultiple proteins. By binding a specific set of interacting proteins, a scaffoldcan greatly enhance the rate of a particular chemical reaction or cellprocess, while also confining this chemistry to a particular area of thecell—for example, drawing signaling proteins to the plasma membrane.Although some scaffolds are rigid, the most abundant scaffolds in cellsare very elastic. Because they contain long unstructured regions thatallow them to bend and sway, these scaffolds serve as flexible tethersthat greatly enhance the collisions between the proteins that are bound

How Proteins Are Controlled157unstructuredregionrapidcollisionsstructureddomainscaffold proteininteractingproteinsscaffold readyfor reuse+proteincomplexFigure 4−52 Scaffold proteins canconcentrate interacting proteins in thecell. In this hypothetical example, each ofa set of interacting proteins is bound to aspecific structured domain within a long,otherwise unstructured scaffold protein. Theunstructured regions of the scaffold act asflexible tethers, and they enhance the rateof formation of the functional complex bypromoting the rapid, random collision ofthe proteins bound to the them (Figure 4−52). Some other scaffolds are not proteins but longmolecules of RNA. We encounter these RNA scaffolds when we discussRNA synthesis and processing in Chapter 7.Scaffolds allow proteins to be assembled and activated only when andwhere they are needed. Nerve cells, for example, deploy large, flexiblescaffold proteins—some more than 1000 amino acids in length—toorganize the specialized proteins involved in transmitting and receivingthe signals that carry information from one nerve cell to the next. Theseproteins cluster beneath the plasma membranes of communicating nerveECB5 04.52cells (see Figure 4–54), allowing them both to transmit and to respond tothe appropriate messages when stimulated to do so.Weak Interactions Between Macromolecules CanProduce Large Biochemical Subcompartments in CellsThe aggregates formed by sets of proteins, RNAs, and protein machinescan grow quite large, producing distinct biochemical compartmentswithin the cell. The largest of these is the nucleolus—the nuclear compartmentin which ribosomal RNAs are transcribed and ribosomalsubunits are assembled. This cell structure, which is formed when thechromosomes that carry the ribosomal genes come together during interphase(see Figure 5−17), is large enough to be seen in a light microscope.Smaller, transient structures assemble as needed in the nucleus to generate“factories” that carry out DNA replication, DNA repair, or mRNAproduction (see Figure 7–24). In addition, specific mRNAs are sequesteredin cytoplasmic granules that help to control their use in protein synthesis.The general term used to describe such assemblies, many of which containboth protein and RNA, is an intracellular condensate. Some ofthese condensates, including the nucleolus, can take the form of spherical,liquid droplets that can be seen to break up and fuse (Figure 4–53).Although these condensates resemble the sort of phase-separated compartmentsthat form when oil and water mix, their interior makeup iscomplex and structured. Some are based on amyloid structures, reversibleassemblies of stacked β sheets that come together to produce aindividual nucleolifused nucleoli0 min 15 min31 min 58 min10 µmFigure 4−53 Spherical, liquid-drop-like nucleoli can be seen to fuse in the light microscope. In these experiments, the nucleoliare present inside a nucleus that has been dissected from Xenopus oocytes and placed under oil on a microscope slide. Here, threenucleoli are seen fusing to form one larger nucleolus (Movie 4.12). A very similar process occurs following each round of division, whensmall nucleoli initially form on multiple chromosomes, but then coalesce to form a single, large nucleolus. (FromC.P. Brangwynne, T.J. Mitchison, and A.A. Hyman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:4334–4339, 2011.)ECB5 04.53

156 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

Figure 4−51 “Protein machines” can

carry out complex functions. These

machines are made of individual proteins

that collaborate to perform a specific task

(Movie 4.11). The movement of proteins is

often coordinated and made unidirectional

by the hydrolysis of a bound nucleotide

such as ATP. Conformational changes of

this type are especially useful to the cell

if they occur in a large protein assembly

in which the activities of several different

protein molecules can be coordinated by

the movements within the complex, as

schematically illustrated here.













Explain why the hypothetical

enzymes in Figure 4−51 have a

great advantage in opening the

safe if they work together in a

protein complex, as opposed to

working individually in an unlinked,

sequential manner.

the ensemble of proteins to move coordinately (Figure 4−51). In these

machine-like complexes, the appropriate enzymes can be positioned to

carry out successive reactions in a series—as during the synthesis of proteins

on a ribosome, for example (discussed in Chapter 7). And during cell

division, a large protein machine moves rapidly along DNA to replicate

the DNA double helix (discussed in Chapter 6 and shown in Movie 6.3

and Movie 6.4).

A large number of different protein machines have evolved to perform

many critical biological tasks. Cells make wide use of protein machines

for the same reason that humans have invented mechanical and electronic

machines: for almost any job, manipulations that are spatially and

temporally coordinated through linked processes are much more efficient

than is the sequential use of individual tools.

Many Interacting Proteins Are Brought Together by


We have seen that proteins rely on interactions with other molecules to

carry out their biological functions. Enzymes bind substrates and regulatory

ligands—many of which are generated by other enzymes in the

same reaction pathway. Receptor proteins in the plasma membrane,

when activated by extracellular ligands, can recruit a set of intracellular

signaling proteins that interact with and activate one another, propagating

the signal to the cell interior. In addition, the proteins involved in DNA

replication, gene transcription, DNA repair, and protein synthesis form

protein machines that carry out these complex and crucial tasks with

great efficiency.

ECB5 04.51

But how do proteins find the appropriate partners—and the sites where

they are needed—within the crowded conditions inside the cell (see

Figure 3−22)? Many protein complexes are brought together by scaffold

proteins, large molecules that contain binding sites recognized by

multiple proteins. By binding a specific set of interacting proteins, a scaffold

can greatly enhance the rate of a particular chemical reaction or cell

process, while also confining this chemistry to a particular area of the

cell—for example, drawing signaling proteins to the plasma membrane.

Although some scaffolds are rigid, the most abundant scaffolds in cells

are very elastic. Because they contain long unstructured regions that

allow them to bend and sway, these scaffolds serve as flexible tethers

that greatly enhance the collisions between the proteins that are bound

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