Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


154 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and FunctionThe set of covalent modifications that a protein contains at any momentconstitutes an important form of regulation. The attachment or removalof these modifying groups can change a protein’s activity or stability, itsbinding partners, or its location inside the cell. Covalent modificationsthus enable the cell to make optimal use of the proteins it produces, andthey allow the cell to respond rapidly to changes in its environment.QUESTION 4–7Either protein phosphorylation orthe binding of a nucleotide (such asATP or GTP) can be used to regulatea protein’s activity. What do yousuppose are the advantages of eachform of regulation?Regulatory GTP-Binding Proteins Are Switched On andOff by the Gain and Loss of a Phosphate GroupEukaryotic cells have a second way to regulate protein activity by phosphateaddition and removal. In this case, however, the phosphate is notenzymatically transferred from ATP to the protein. Instead, the phosphateis part of a guanine nucleotide—guanosine triphosphate (GTP)—thatbinds tightly various types of GTP-binding proteins. These proteins actas molecular switches: they are in their active conformation when GTP isbound, but they can hydrolyze this GTP to GDP—which releases a phosphateand flips the protein to an inactive conformation (Movie 4.10). Aswith protein phosphorylation, this process is reversible: the active conformationis regained by dissociation of the GDP, followed by the bindingof a fresh molecule of GTP (Figure 4−48).Hundreds of GTP-binding proteins function as molecular switches incells. The dissociation of GDP and its replacement by GTP, which turns theswitch on, is often stimulated in response to cell signals. The GTP-bindingproteins activated in this way in turn bind to other proteins to regulatetheir activities. The crucial role GTP-binding proteins play in intracellularsignaling pathways is discussed in detail in Chapter 16.ATP Hydrolysis Allows Motor Proteins to ProduceDirected Movements in CellsWe have seen how conformational changes in proteins play a centralpart in enzyme regulation and cell signaling. But conformational changesalso play another important role in the operation of the eukaryotic cell:they enable certain specialized proteins to drive directed movements ofcells and their components. These motor proteins generate the forcesresponsible for muscle contraction and most other eukaryotic cell movements.They also power the intracellular movements of organelles andmacromolecules. For example, they help move chromosomes to oppositeends of the cell during mitosis (discussed in Chapter 18), and they moveorganelles along cytoskeletal tracks (discussed in Chapter 17).Figure 4−48 Many different GTP-bindingproteins function as molecular switches.A GTP-binding protein requires thepresence of a tightly bound GTP moleculeto be active. The active protein can shutitself off by hydrolyzing its bound GTPto GDP and inorganic phosphate (P i ),which converts the protein to an inactiveconformation. To reactivate the protein,the tightly bound GDP must dissociate. Asexplained in Chapter 16, this dissociation isa slow step that can be greatly acceleratedby important regulatory proteins calledguanine nucleotide exchange factors(GEFs). As indicated, once the GDPdissociates, a molecule of GTP quicklyreplaces it, returning the protein to itsactive conformation.ONACTIVEFASTGTP-binding proteinGTPGTPGTPBINDINGPGTPHYDROLYSISOFFINACTIVEGDPGDPDISSOCIATIONGDPOFFINACTIVESLOW

How Proteins Are Controlled155Figure 4−49 Changes in conformation can allow a protein to“walk” along a cytoskeletal filament. This protein cycles betweenthree different conformations (A, B, and C) as it moves along thefilament. But, without an input of energy to drive its movement in asingle direction, the protein can only wander randomly back and forth,ultimately getting nowhere.But how can the changes in shape experienced by proteins be used togenerate such orderly movements? A protein that is required to walkalong a cytoskeletal fiber, for example, can move by undergoing a seriesof conformational changes. However, with nothing to drive these changesin one direction or the other, the shape changes will be reversible and theprotein will wander randomly back and forth (Figure 4−49).To force the protein to proceed in a single direction, the conformationalchanges must be unidirectional. To achieve such directionality, one of thesteps must be made irreversible. For most proteins that are able to movein a single direction for long distances, this irreversibility is achieved bycoupling one of the conformational changes to the hydrolysis of an ATPmolecule that is tightly bound to the protein—which is why motor proteinsare also ATPases. A great deal of free energy is released when ATP ishydrolyzed, making it very unlikely that the protein will undergo a reverseshape change—as required for moving backward. (Such a reversal wouldrequire that the ATP hydrolysis be reversed, by adding a phosphate moleculeto ADP to form ATP.) As a consequence, the protein moves steadilyforward (Figure 4−50).Many different motor proteins generate directional movement by usingthe hydrolysis of a tightly bound ATP molecule to drive an orderly seriesof conformational changes. These movements can be rapid: the musclemotor protein myosin walks along actin filaments at about 6 μm/sec duringmuscle contraction (discussed in Chapter 17).Proteins Often Form Large Complexes That Function asMachinesAs proteins progress from being small, with a single domain, to beinglarger with multiple domains, the functions they can perform becomemore elaborate. The most complex tasks are carried out by large proteinassemblies formed from many protein molecules. Now that it is possibleto reconstruct biological processes in cell-free systems in a test tube, itis clear that each central process in a cell—including DNA replication,gene transcription, protein synthesis, vesicle budding, and transmembranesignaling—is catalyzed by a highly coordinated, linked set of manyproteins. For most such protein machines, the hydrolysis of boundnucleoside triphosphates (ATP or GTP) drives an ordered series of conformationalchanges in some of the individual protein subunits, enablingABCBCACBCBAAP PPBPAP PCECB5 04.49PAATPBINDINGATP HYDROLYSISCREATES ANIRREVERSIBLE STEPA P PRELEASE OFADP AND P idirection ofmovementFigure 4−50 A schematic model of how a motor protein uses ATP hydrolysis to move in one direction along a cytoskeletalfilament. An orderly transition among three conformations is driven by the hydrolysis of a bound ATP molecule and the release ofthe products, ADP and inorganic phosphate (P i ). Because these transitions are coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP, the entire cycle isessentially irreversible. Through repeated cycles, the protein moves continuously to the right along the filament.

154 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

The set of covalent modifications that a protein contains at any moment

constitutes an important form of regulation. The attachment or removal

of these modifying groups can change a protein’s activity or stability, its

binding partners, or its location inside the cell. Covalent modifications

thus enable the cell to make optimal use of the proteins it produces, and

they allow the cell to respond rapidly to changes in its environment.


Either protein phosphorylation or

the binding of a nucleotide (such as

ATP or GTP) can be used to regulate

a protein’s activity. What do you

suppose are the advantages of each

form of regulation?

Regulatory GTP-Binding Proteins Are Switched On and

Off by the Gain and Loss of a Phosphate Group

Eukaryotic cells have a second way to regulate protein activity by phosphate

addition and removal. In this case, however, the phosphate is not

enzymatically transferred from ATP to the protein. Instead, the phosphate

is part of a guanine nucleotide—guanosine triphosphate (GTP)—that

binds tightly various types of GTP-binding proteins. These proteins act

as molecular switches: they are in their active conformation when GTP is

bound, but they can hydrolyze this GTP to GDP—which releases a phosphate

and flips the protein to an inactive conformation (Movie 4.10). As

with protein phosphorylation, this process is reversible: the active conformation

is regained by dissociation of the GDP, followed by the binding

of a fresh molecule of GTP (Figure 4−48).

Hundreds of GTP-binding proteins function as molecular switches in

cells. The dissociation of GDP and its replacement by GTP, which turns the

switch on, is often stimulated in response to cell signals. The GTP-binding

proteins activated in this way in turn bind to other proteins to regulate

their activities. The crucial role GTP-binding proteins play in intracellular

signaling pathways is discussed in detail in Chapter 16.

ATP Hydrolysis Allows Motor Proteins to Produce

Directed Movements in Cells

We have seen how conformational changes in proteins play a central

part in enzyme regulation and cell signaling. But conformational changes

also play another important role in the operation of the eukaryotic cell:

they enable certain specialized proteins to drive directed movements of

cells and their components. These motor proteins generate the forces

responsible for muscle contraction and most other eukaryotic cell movements.

They also power the intracellular movements of organelles and

macromolecules. For example, they help move chromosomes to opposite

ends of the cell during mitosis (discussed in Chapter 18), and they move

organelles along cytoskeletal tracks (discussed in Chapter 17).

Figure 4−48 Many different GTP-binding

proteins function as molecular switches.

A GTP-binding protein requires the

presence of a tightly bound GTP molecule

to be active. The active protein can shut

itself off by hydrolyzing its bound GTP

to GDP and inorganic phosphate (P i ),

which converts the protein to an inactive

conformation. To reactivate the protein,

the tightly bound GDP must dissociate. As

explained in Chapter 16, this dissociation is

a slow step that can be greatly accelerated

by important regulatory proteins called

guanine nucleotide exchange factors

(GEFs). As indicated, once the GDP

dissociates, a molecule of GTP quickly

replaces it, returning the protein to its

active conformation.




GTP-binding protein

















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