Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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152 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

Figure 4−45 The binding of a regulatory

ligand can change the equilibrium

between two protein conformations.

(A) Schematic diagram of a hypothetical,

allosterically regulated enzyme for which a

rise in the concentration of ADP molecules

(red wedges) increases the rate at which

the enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of

sugar molecules (blue hexagons).

(B) Due to thermal motions, the enzyme

will spontaneously interconvert between

the open (inactive) and closed (active)

conformations shown in (A). But when

ADP is absent, only a small fraction of

the enzyme molecules will be present

in the active conformation at any given

time. As illustrated, most remain in the

inactive conformation. (C) Because ADP

can bind to the protein only in its closed,

active conformation, an increase in ADP

concentration locks nearly all of the enzyme

molecules in the active form—an example

of positive regulation. In cells, rising

concentrations of ADP signal a depletion

of ATP reserves; increased oxidation of

sugars—in the presence of ADP—thus

provides more energy for the synthesis of

ATP from ADP.





(such as




(A) (B) without ADP, 10% active

(C) with ADP, 100% active

altered when the protein changes shape. Each ligand will stabilize the

conformation that it binds to most strongly. Therefore, at high enough

concentrations, a ligand will tend to “switch” the population of proteins

to the conformation that ECB5 it 04.45 favors (Figure 4−45B and C).

Phosphorylation Can Control Protein Activity by Causing

a Conformational Change

Another method that eukaryotic cells use to regulate protein activity

involves attaching a phosphate group covalently to one or more of the

protein’s amino acid side chains. Because each phosphate group carries

two negative charges, the enzyme-catalyzed addition of a phosphate

group can cause a conformational change by, for example, attracting a

cluster of positively charged amino acid side chains from somewhere else

in the same protein. This structural shift can, in turn, affect the binding

of ligands elsewhere on the protein surface, thereby altering the protein’s

activity. Removal of the phosphate group by a second enzyme will return

the protein to its original conformation and restore its initial activity.

Reversible protein phosphorylation controls the activity of many types

of proteins in eukaryotic cells. This form of regulation is used so extensively

that more than one-third of the 10,000 or so proteins in a typical

mammalian cell are phosphorylated at any one time. The addition and

removal of phosphate groups from specific proteins often occur in

response to signals that specify some change in a cell’s state. For example,

the complicated series of events that takes place as a eukaryotic cell

divides is timed largely in this way (discussed in Chapter 18). And many

of the intracellular signaling pathways activated by extracellular signals

depend on a network of protein phosphorylation events (discussed in

Chapter 16).

Protein phosphorylation involves the enzyme-catalyzed transfer of the

terminal phosphate group of ATP to the hydroxyl group on a serine, threonine,

or tyrosine side chain of the protein. This reaction is catalyzed

by a protein kinase. The reverse reaction—removal of the phosphate

group, or dephosphorylation—is catalyzed by a protein phosphatase

(Figure 4−46A). Phosphorylation can either stimulate protein activity or

inhibit it, depending on the protein involved and the site of phosphorylation

(Figure 4−46B). Cells contain hundreds of different protein kinases,

each responsible for phosphorylating a different protein or set of proteins.

Cells also contain a smaller set of different protein phosphatases;

some of these are highly specific and remove phosphate groups from only

one or a few proteins, whereas others act on a broad range of proteins.

The state of phosphorylation of a protein at any moment in time, and thus


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