Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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How Proteins Are Controlled


Feedback inhibition is a form of negative regulation: it prevents an

enzyme from acting. Enzymes can also be subject to positive regulation,

in which the enzyme’s activity is stimulated by a regulatory molecule

rather than being suppressed. Positive regulation occurs when a product

in one branch of the metabolic maze stimulates the activity of an enzyme

in another pathway. But how do these regulatory molecules change an

enzyme’s activity?

Allosteric Enzymes Have Two or More Binding Sites That

Influence One Another

Feedback inhibition was initially puzzling to those who discovered it, in

part because the regulatory molecule often has a shape that is totally different

from the shape of the enzyme’s preferred substrate. Indeed, when

this form of regulation was discovered in the 1960s, it was termed allostery

(from the Greek allo, “other,” and stere, “solid” or “shape”). Given the

numerous, specific, noncovalent interactions that allow enzymes to interact

with their substrates within the active site, it seemed likely that these

regulatory molecules were binding somewhere else on the surface of

the protein. As more was learned about feedback inhibition, researchers

realized that many enzymes must contain at least two different binding

sites: an active site that recognizes the substrates and one or more sites

that recognize regulatory molecules. These sites must somehow “communicate”

to allow the catalytic events at the active site to be influenced

by the binding of the regulatory molecule at a separate location.

The interaction between sites that are located in different regions on a

protein molecule is now known to depend on a conformational change

in the protein. The binding of a ligand to one of the sites causes a shift

in the protein’s structure from one folded shape to a slightly different

folded shape, and this alters the shape of a second binding site that can

be far away. Many enzymes have two conformations that differ in activity,

each of which can be stabilized by the binding of a different ligand.

During feedback inhibition, for example, the binding of an inhibitor at a

regulatory site on a protein causes the protein to spend more time in a

conformation in which its active site—located elsewhere in the protein—

becomes less accommodating to the substrate molecule (Figure 4−44).

As schematically illustrated in Figure 4–45A, many—if not most—protein

molecules are allosteric: they can adopt two or more slightly different

conformations, and their activity can be regulated by a shift from one

to another. This is true not only for enzymes, but also for many other

proteins as well. The chemistry involved here is extremely simple in concept.

Because each protein conformation will have somewhat different

contours on its surface, the protein’s binding sites for ligands will be

active site



5 nm






bound CTP


Figure 4−44 Feedback inhibition triggers

a conformational change in an enzyme.

Aspartate transcarbamoylase from E. coli,

a large multisubunit enzyme used in early

studies of allosteric regulation, catalyzes

an important reaction that begins the

synthesis of the pyrimidine ring of

C, U, and T nucleotides (see Panel 2–7,

pp. 78–79). One of the final products of

this pathway, cytidine triphosphate (CTP),

binds to the enzyme to turn it off whenever

CTP is plentiful. This diagram shows the

conformational change that occurs when

the enzyme is turned off by CTP binding to

its four regulatory sites, which are distinct

from the active site where the substrate

binds. Figure 4−10 shows the structure of

aspartate transcarbamoylase as seen from

the top. This figure depicts the enzyme as

seen from the side.

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