Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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How Proteins Are Controlled


Another example of a protein that contains a nonprotein portion essential

for its function is hemoglobin (see Figure 4−24). A molecule of

hemoglobin carries four noncovalently bound heme groups, ring-shaped

molecules each with a single central iron atom (Figure 4−41B). Heme

gives hemoglobin—and blood—its red color. By binding reversibly to dissolved

oxygen gas through its iron atom, heme enables hemoglobin to

pick up oxygen in the lungs and release it in tissues that need it.

Enzymes, too, make use of nonprotein molecules: they frequently have a

small molecule or metal atom associated with their active site that assists

with their catalytic function. Carboxypeptidase, an enzyme that cuts polypeptide

chains, carries a tightly bound zinc ion in its active site. During

the cleavage of a peptide bond by carboxypeptidase, the zinc ion forms

a transient bond with one of the substrate atoms, thereby assisting the

hydrolysis reaction. In other enzymes, a small organic molecule—often

referred to as a coenzyme—serves a similar purpose. Biotin, for example,

is found in enzymes that transfer a carboxyl group (–COO – ) from one

molecule to another (see Figure 3−38). Biotin participates in these reactions

by forming a covalent bond to the –COO – group to be transferred,

thereby producing an activated carrier (see Table 3–2, p. 109). This small

molecule is better suited for this function than any of the amino acids

used to make proteins.

Because biotin cannot be synthesized by humans, it must be provided in

the diet; thus biotin is classified as a vitamin. Other vitamins are similarly

needed to make small molecules that are essential components of our

proteins; vitamin A, for example, is needed in the diet to make retinal, the

light-sensitive part of rhodopsin.


Thus far, we have examined how binding to other molecules allows proteins

to perform their specific functions. But inside the cell, most proteins

and enzymes do not work continuously, or at full speed. Instead, their

activities are regulated in a coordinated fashion so the cell can maintain

itself in an optimal state, producing only those molecules it requires

to thrive under current conditions. By coordinating not only when—and

how vigorously—proteins perform, but also where in the cell they act, the

cell ensures that it does not deplete its energy reserves by accumulating

molecules it does not need or waste its stockpiles of critical substrates.

We now consider how cells control the activity of their enzymes and

other proteins.

The regulation of protein activity occurs at many levels. At the most fundamental

level, the cell controls the amount of each protein it contains.

It can do so by controlling the expression of the gene that encodes that

protein (discussed in Chapter 8). It can also regulate the rate at which

the protein is degraded (discussed in Chapter 7). The cell also controls

protein activities by confining the participating proteins to particular subcellular

compartments. Some of these compartments are enclosed by

membranes (as discussed in Chapters 11, 12, 14, and 15); others are created

by the proteins that are drawn there, as we discuss shortly. Finally,

the activity of an individual protein can be rapidly adjusted at the level of

the protein itself.

All of these mechanisms rely on the ability of proteins to interact with

other molecules—including other proteins. These interactions can cause

proteins to adopt different conformations, and thereby alter their function,

as we see next.

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