Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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How Proteins Work


rate of reaction

V max

½V max

K M substrate concentration

ECB5 04.35

of substrate, the amount of enzyme−substrate complex—and the rate at

which product is formed—will depend solely on the concentration of the

substrate. If the concentration of substrate added is large enough, however,

all of the enzyme molecules will be filled with substrate. When this

happens, the rate of product formation depends on how rapidly the substrate

molecule can undergo the reaction that will convert it to product.

At this point, the enzymes are working as fast as they can, a value termed

V max . For many enzymes operating at V max , the number of substrate molecules

converted to product is in the vicinity of 1000 per second, although

turnover numbers ranging from 1 to 100,000 molecules per second have

been measured for different enzymes. Enzymes can speed up the rate of

a chemical reaction by a factor of a million or more.

The same type of experiment can be used to gauge how tightly an enzyme

interacts with its substrate, a value that is related to how much substrate

it takes to fully saturate a sample of enzyme. Because it is difficult to

determine at what point an enzyme sample is “fully occupied,” biochemists

instead determine the concentration of substrate at which an enzyme

works at half its maximum speed. This value, called the Michaelis constant,

K M , was named after one of the biochemists who worked out

the relationship (Figure 4−35). In general, a small K M indicates that a

substrate binds very tightly to the enzyme—due to a large number of

noncovalent interactions (see Figure 4−31A); a large K M , on the other

hand, indicates weak binding. We describe the methods used to analyze

enzyme performance in How We Know, pp. 144–145.

Lysozyme Illustrates How an Enzyme Works

We have discussed how enzymes recognize their substrates. But how do

they catalyze the chemical conversion of these substrates into products?

To find out, we take a closer look at lysozyme—an enzyme that acts

as a natural antibiotic in egg white, saliva, tears, and other secretions.

Lysozyme severs the polysaccharide chains that form the cell walls of

bacteria. Because the bacterial cell is under pressure due to intracellular

osmotic forces, cutting even a small number of polysaccharide chains

causes the cell wall to rupture and the bacterium to burst, or lyse—hence

the enzyme’s name. Because lysozyme is a relatively small and stable

protein, and can be isolated easily in large quantities, it has been studied

intensively. It was the first enzyme to have its structure worked out at

the atomic level by x-ray crystallography, and its mechanism of action is

understood in great detail.

The reaction catalyzed by lysozyme is a hydrolysis: the enzyme adds a

molecule of water to a single bond between two adjacent sugar groups in

the polysaccharide chain, thereby causing the bond to break (see Figure

2−19). This reaction is energetically favorable because the free energy of

the severed polysaccharide chains is lower than the free energy of the

intact chain. However, the pure polysaccharide can sit for years in water

Figure 4−35 An enzyme’s performance

depends on how rapidly it can process its

substrate. The rate of an enzyme reaction

(V ) increases as the substrate concentration

increases, until a maximum value (V max ) is

reached. At this point, all substrate-binding

sites on the enzyme molecules are fully

occupied, and the rate of the reaction is

limited by the rate of the catalytic process

on the enzyme surface. For most enzymes,

the concentration of substrate at which

the reaction rate is half-maximal (K M ) is a

direct measure of how tightly the substrate

is bound, with a large value of K M (a large

amount of substrate needed) corresponding

to weak binding.


Use drawings to explain how

an enzyme (such as hexokinase,

mentioned in the text) can

distinguish its normal substrate

(here, D-glucose) from the optical

isomer L-glucose, which is not a

substrate. (Hint: remembering

that a carbon atom forms four

single bonds that are tetrahedrally

arranged and that the optical

isomers are mirror images of each

other around such a bond, draw the

substrate as a simple tetrahedron

with four different corners and

then draw its mirror image. Using

this drawing, indicate why only

one optical isomer might bind to a

schematic active site of an enzyme.)

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