Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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How Proteins Work



For proteins, form and function are inextricably linked. Dictated by the

surface topography of a protein’s side chains, this union of structure,

chemistry, and activity gives proteins the extraordinary ability to orchestrate

the large number of dynamic processes that occur in cells. But the

fundamental question remains: How do proteins actually work? In this

section, we will see that the activity of proteins depends on their ability

to bind specifically to other molecules, allowing them to act as catalysts,

structural supports, tiny motors, and so on. The examples we review here

by no means exhaust the vast functional repertoire of proteins. However,

the specialized functions of the proteins you will encounter elsewhere in

this book are based on the same principles.

All Proteins Bind to Other Molecules

The biological properties of a protein molecule depend on its physical

interaction with other molecules. Antibodies attach to viruses or bacteria

as part of the body’s defenses; the enzyme hexokinase binds glucose and

ATP to catalyze a reaction between them; actin molecules bind to one

another to assemble into long filaments; and so on. Indeed, all proteins

stick, or bind, to other molecules in a specific manner. In some cases, this

binding is very tight; in others, it is weak and short-lived.

The binding of a protein to other biological molecules always shows great

specificity: each protein molecule can bind to just one or a few molecules

out of the many thousands of different molecules it encounters. Any substance

that is bound by a protein—whether it is an ion, a small organic

molecule, or a macromolecule—is referred to as a ligand for that protein

(from the Latin ligare, “to bind”).

The ability of a protein to bind selectively and with high affinity to a ligand

is due to the formation of a set of weak, noncovalent interactions—hydrogen

bonds, electrostatic attractions, and van der Waals attractions—plus

favorable hydrophobic forces (see Panel 2−3, pp. 70–71). Each individual

noncovalent interaction is weak, so that effective binding requires

many such bonds to be formed simultaneously. This is possible only if

the surface contours of the ligand molecule fit very closely to the protein,

matching it like a hand in a glove (Figure 4−31).

When molecules have poorly matching surfaces, few noncovalent interactions

occur, and the two molecules dissociate as rapidly as they come

together. This is what prevents incorrect and unwanted associations

from forming between mismatched molecules. At the other extreme,

when many noncovalent interactions are formed, the association will

persist (see Movie 2.4). Strong binding between molecules occurs in cells

whenever a biological function requires that the molecules remain tightly

associated for a long time—for example, when a group of macromolecules

come together to form a functional subcellular structure such as

a ribosome.

The region of a protein that associates with a ligand, known as its binding

site, usually consists of a cavity in the protein surface formed by

a particular arrangement of amino acid side chains. These side chains

can belong to amino acids that are widely separated on the linear polypeptide

chain, but are brought together when the protein folds (Figure

4−32). Other regions on the surface often provide binding sites for different

ligands that regulate the protein’s activity, as we discuss later. Still

other parts of the protein may be required to attract or attach the protein

to a particular location in the cell—for example, the hydrophobic α helix

of a membrane-spanning protein allows it to be inserted into the lipid

bilayer of a cell membrane (see Figure 4−15 and discussed in Chapter 11).




Hair is composed largely of fibers

of the protein keratin. Individual

keratin fibers are covalently crosslinked

to one another by many

disulfide (S–S) bonds. If curly hair is

treated with mild reducing agents

that break a few of the cross-links,

pulled straight, and then oxidized

again, it remains straight. Draw a

diagram that illustrates the three

different stages of this chemical and

mechanical process at the level of

the keratin filaments, focusing on

the disulfide bonds. What do you

think would happen if hair were

treated with strong reducing agents

that break all the disulfide bonds?

noncovalent bonds



Figure 4−31 The binding of a protein to

another molecule is highly selective.

Many weak interactions are needed to

enable a protein to bind tightly to a second

molecule (a ECB5 ligand). 04.31 The ligand must

therefore fit precisely into the protein’s

binding site, so that a large number of

noncovalent interactions can be formed

between the protein and the ligand.

(A) Schematic drawing showing the binding

of a hypothetical protein and ligand;

(B) space-filling model of the ligand–protein

interaction shown in Figure 4−32.

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