Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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The Shape and Structure of Proteins


Figure 4−27 A single type of protein subunit can pack together

to form a filament, a hollow tube, or a spherical shell. Actin

subunits, for example, form actin filaments (see Figure 4–26), whereas

tubulin subunits form hollow microtubules, and some virus proteins

form a spherical shell (capsid) that encloses the viral genome

(see Figure 4−28).



One large class of intracellular fibrous proteins resembles α-keratin,

which we met earlier when we introduced the α helix. Keratin filaments

are extremely stable: long-lived structures such as hair, horns, and nails

are composed mainly of this protein. An α-keratin molecule is a dimer

of two identical subunits, with the long α helices of each subunit forming

a coiled-coil (see Figure 4−16). These coiled-coil regions are capped

at either end by globular domains containing binding sites that allow

them to assemble into ropelike intermediate filaments—a component

of the cytoskeleton that gives cells mechanical strength (discussed in

Chapter 17).





Fibrous proteins are especially abundant outside the cell, where they form

the gel-like extracellular matrix that helps bind cells together to form tissues.

These proteins are secreted by the cells into their surroundings,

where they often assemble into sheets or long fibrils. Collagen is the most

abundant of these fibrous extracellular proteins in animal tissues. A collagen

molecule consists of three long polypeptide chains, each containing

the nonpolar amino acid glycine at every third position. This regular structure

allows the chains to wind around one another to generate a long,

regular, triple helix with glycine at its core (Figure 4−29A). Many such

collagen molecules bind to one another, side-by-side and end-to-end, to

create long, overlapping arrays called collagen fibrils, which are extremely

strong and help hold tissues together, as described in Chapter 20.

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In complete contrast to collagen is another fibrous protein in the extracellular

matrix, elastin. Elastin molecules are formed from relatively loose

and unstructured polypeptide chains that are covalently cross-linked into

a rubberlike elastic meshwork. The resulting elastic fibers enable skin and

other tissues, such as arteries and lungs, to stretch and recoil without

tearing. As illustrated in Figure 4−29B, the elasticity is due to the ability

of the individual protein molecules to uncoil reversibly whenever they

are stretched.

Extracellular Proteins Are Often Stabilized by Covalent


Many protein molecules are attached to the surface of a cell’s plasma

membrane or secreted as part of the extracellular matrix, which exposes

them to the potentially harsh conditions outside the cell. To help maintain

their structures, the polypeptide chains in such proteins are often stabilized

by covalent cross-linkages. These linkages can either tie together

two amino acids in the same polypeptide chain or join together many

polypeptide chains in a large protein complex—as for the collagen fibrils

and elastic fibers just described. A variety of different types of cross-links


Figure 4−28 Many viral capsids are essentially spherical protein

assemblies. They are formed from many copies of a small set of

protein subunits. The nucleic acid of the virus (DNA or RNA) is

packaged inside. The structure of the simian virus SV40, shown here,

was determined by x-ray crystallography and is known in atomic detail.

(Courtesy of Robert Grant, Stephan Crainic, and James M. Hogle.)

20 nm

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