Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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The Shape and Structure of Proteins


Figure 4−21 Ribbon models show three

different protein domains. (A) Cytochrome

b 562 is a single-domain protein involved in

electron transfer in E. coli. It is composed

almost entirely of α helices. (B) The

NAD-binding domain of the enzyme

lactate dehydrogenase is composed of a

mixture of α helices and β sheets. (C) An

immunoglobulin domain of an antibody

molecule is composed of a sandwich of two

antiparallel β sheets. In these examples,

the α helices are shown in green, while

strands organized as β sheets are red. The

protruding loop regions (yellow) are often

unstructured and can provide binding sites

for other molecules.

(A) (B) (C)

connected by relatively short, unstructured lengths of polypeptide chain.

The ubiquity of such intrinsically disordered sequences, which continually

bend and flex due to thermal buffeting, became appreciated only

after bioinformatics methods were developed that could recognize them

from their amino acid sequences. Present estimates suggest that a third

of all eukaryotic proteins also possess longer, unstructured regions—

greater than 30 amino acids in length—in their polypeptide chains. These

unstructured sequences ECB5 can 04.21 have a variety of important functions in

cells, as we discuss later in the chapter.

Few of the Many Possible Polypeptide Chains Will Be


In theory, a vast number of different polypeptide chains could be made

from 20 different amino acids. Because each amino acid is chemically

distinct and could, in principle, occur at any position, a polypeptide chain

four amino acids long has 20 × 20 × 20 × 20 = 160,000 different possible

sequences. For a typical protein with a length of 300 amino acids, that

means that more than 20 300 (that’s 10 390 ) different polypeptide chains

could theoretically be produced. And that’s just one protein.

Of the unimaginably large collection of potential polypeptide sequences,

only a minuscule fraction is actually made by cells. That’s because most

biological functions depend on proteins with stable, well-defined threedimensional

conformations. This requirement greatly restricts the list of

polypeptide sequences present in living cells. Another constraint is that

functional proteins must be “well-behaved” and not engage in unwanted

associations with other proteins in the cell—forming insoluble protein

aggregates, for example. Many potential protein sequences would

therefore have been eliminated by natural selection through the long

trial-and-error process that underlies evolution (discussed in Chapter 9).

Thanks to natural selection, the amino acid sequences of many presentday

polypeptides have evolved to adopt a stable conformation—one that

bestows upon the protein the exact chemical properties that will enable it

to perform a particular function. Such proteins are so precisely built that

a change in even a few atoms in one amino acid can sometimes disrupt

the structure of a protein and thereby eliminate its function. In fact, the

conformations of many proteins—and their constituent domains—are so

stable and effective that they have been conserved throughout the evolution

of a diverse array of organisms. For example, the three-dimensional

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