Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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130 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

(A) normal protein can, on occasion, adopt

an abnormal, misfolded prion form





amyloid fibril

abnormal prion form

of protein

the prion form of the protein can bind

to the normal form, inducing conversion

to the abnormal conformation


conversion of normal

protein to abnormal

prion form

(C) abnormal prion proteins propagate

and aggregate to form amyloid fibrils

Figure 4−19 Prion diseases are caused by proteins whose

misfolding is infectious. (A) A protein undergoes a rare

conformational change to produce an abnormally folded prion form.

(B) The abnormal form causes the conversion of normal proteins

in the host’s brain into the misfolded prion form. (C) The prions

aggregate into amyloid fibrils, which can disrupt brain-cell function,

causing a neurodegenerative disorder (see also Figure 4–18). Some

of the abnormal amyloid fibrils that form in major neurodegenerative

disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease may be able to propagate from

cell to cell in this way.

Studies of the conformation, function, and evolution of proteins have

also revealed the importance of a level of organization distinct from

the four just described. This organizational unit is the protein domain,

which is defined as any segment of a polypeptide chain that can fold

independently into a compact, stable structure. A protein domain usually

contains between 40 and 350 amino acids—folded into α helices and

β sheets and other elements of structure—and it is the modular unit from

which many larger proteins are constructed (Figure 4−20).

Different domains of a protein are often associated with different functions.

For example, the bacterial catabolite activator protein (CAP),

illustrated in Figure 4−20, has two domains: a small domain that binds

to DNA and a large domain that binds cyclic AMP, a small intracellular

signaling molecule. When the large domain binds cyclic AMP, it causes a

conformational change in the protein that enables the small domain to

bind to a specific DNA sequence and thereby promote the expression of

an adjacent gene. To provide a sense of the many different domain structures

observed in proteins, ribbon models of three different domains are

shown in Figure 4−21.

Proteins Also Contain Unstructured Regions

Small protein molecules, such as the oxygen-carrying muscle protein

myoglobin, contain only a single domain (see Figure 4−10). Larger proteins

can contain as many as several dozen domains, which are often

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Figure 4−20 Many proteins are composed

of separate functional domains. Elements

of secondary structure such as α helices

and β sheets pack together into stable,

independently folding, globular elements

called protein domains. A typical protein

molecule is built from one or more domains,

linked by a region of polypeptide chain

that is often relatively unstructured. The

ribbon diagram on the right represents the

bacterial transcription regulatory protein

CAP, which consists of one large cyclic

AMP-binding domain (outlined in blue) and

one small DNA-binding domain (outlined

in yellow). The function of this protein is

described in Chapter 8 (see Figure 8−9).

α helix

β sheet



single protein


protein molecule

made of two

different domains

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