Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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124 CHAPTER 4 Protein Structure and Function

newly synthesized,

partially folded proteins





one polypeptide

chain is sequestered

by the chaperone



chain folds


correctly folded

protein is released

when cap


Figure 4–9 Some chaperone proteins act as isolation chambers that help a

polypeptide fold. In this case, the barrel of the chaperone provides an enclosed

chamber in which a newly synthesized polypeptide chain can fold without the risk of

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aggregating with other polypeptides in the crowded conditions of the cytoplasm.

This system also requires an input of energy from ATP hydrolysis, mainly for the

association and subsequent dissociation of the cap that closes off the chamber.

Proteins Come in a Wide Variety of Complicated Shapes

Proteins are the most structurally diverse macromolecules in the cell.

Although they range in size from about 30 amino acids to more than

10,000, the vast majority are between 50 and 2000 amino acids long.

Proteins can be globular or fibrous, and they can form filaments, sheets,

rings, or spheres (Figure 4−10). We will encounter many of these structures

throughout the book.

To date, the structures of about 100,000 different proteins have been

determined (using techniques we discuss later in the chapter). Most proteins

have a three-dimensional conformation so intricate and irregular

that their structure would require the rest of the chapter to describe in

detail. But we can get some sense of the intricacies of polypeptide structure

by looking at the conformation of a relatively small protein, such as

the bacterial transport protein HPr.

This small protein, only 88 amino acids long, facilitates the transport

of sugar into bacterial cells. In Figure 4−11, we present HPr’s threedimensional

structure in four different ways, each of which emphasizes

different features of the protein. The backbone model (see Figure 4−11A)

shows the overall organization of the polypeptide chain and provides a

straightforward way to compare the structures of related proteins. The

ribbon model (see Figure 4−11B) shows the polypeptide backbone in a

way that emphasizes its most conspicuous folding patterns, which we

describe in detail shortly. The wire model (see Figure 4−11C) includes the

positions of all the amino acid side chains; this view is especially useful

for predicting which amino acids might be involved in the protein’s activity.

Finally, the space-filling model (see Figure 4−11D) provides a contour

map of the protein surface, which reveals which amino acids are exposed

on the surface and shows how the protein might look to a small molecule

such as water or to another macromolecule in the cell.

The structures of larger proteins—or of multiprotein complexes—are even

more complicated. To visualize such detailed and intricate structures,

scientists have developed various computer-based tools to emphasize

different features of a protein, only some of which are depicted in

Figure 4–11. All of these images can be displayed on a computer screen

and readily rotated and magnified to view all aspects of the structure

(Movie 4.1).

When the three-dimensional structures of many different protein molecules

are compared, it becomes clear that, although the overall

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