Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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84 CHAPTER 3 Energy, Catalysis, and Biosynthesis

Figure 3–5 Living cells do not defy the

second law of thermodynamics. In the

diagram on the left, the molecules of both

the cell and the rest of the universe (the

environment) are depicted in a relatively

disordered state. In addition, red arrows

suggest the relative amount of thermal

motion of the molecules both inside and

outside the cell. In the diagram on the

right, the cell has taken in energy from

food molecules, carried out a reaction

that gives order to the molecules that the

cell contains, and released heat (yellow

arrows) into the environment. The released

heat increases the disorder in the cell’s

surroundings—as depicted here by the

increase in thermal motion of the molecules

in the environment and the distortion

of those molecules due to enhanced

vibration and rotation. The second law of

thermodynamics is thereby satisfied, even

as the cell grows and constructs larger


sea of matter


increased disorder


increased order

The measure of a system’s disorder is called the entropy of the system,

and the greater the disorder, the greater the entropy. Thus another way

to express the second law of thermodynamics is to say that systems

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will change spontaneously toward arrangements with greater entropy.

Living cells—by surviving, growing, and forming complex communities

and even whole organisms—generate order and thus might appear to

defy the second law of thermodynamics. This is not the case, however,

because a cell is not an isolated system. Rather, a cell takes in energy

from its environment—in the form of food, inorganic molecules, or photons

of light from the sun—and uses this energy to generate order within

itself, forging new chemical bonds and building large macromolecules.

In the course of performing the chemical reactions that generate order,

some energy is inevitably lost in the form of heat (see Figure 3–2). Heat

is energy in its most disordered form—the random jostling of molecules

(analogous to the random jostling of the coins in the box). Because the

cell is not an isolated system, the heat energy produced by metabolic

reactions is quickly dispersed into the cell’s surroundings. There, the

heat increases the intensity of the thermal motions of nearby molecules,

thereby increasing the entropy of the cell’s environment (Figure 3–5).

To satisfy the second law of thermodynamics, the amount of heat released

by a cell must be great enough that the increased order generated inside

the cell is more than compensated for by the increased disorder generated

in the environment. In other words, the chemical reactions inside a

cell must increase the total entropy of the entire system: that of the cell

plus its environment. Thanks to the cell’s activity, the universe thereby

becomes more disordered—and the second law of thermodynamics is


Cells Can Convert Energy from One Form to Another

Where does the heat released by cells as they generate order come from?

To understand that, we need to consider another important physical law.

According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or

destroyed—but it can be converted from one form to another (Figure 3−6).

Cells take advantage of this law of thermodynamics, for example, when

they convert the energy from sunlight into the energy in the chemical

bonds of sugars and other small organic molecules during photosynthesis.

Although the chemical reactions that power such energy conversions

can change how much energy is present in one form or another, the first

law tells us that the total amount of energy in the universe must always

be the same.

Heat, too, is a product of energy conversion. When an animal cell breaks

down foodstuffs, some of the energy in the chemical bonds in the food

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