Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


82 CHAPTER 3 Energy, Catalysis, and BiosynthesisFigure 3−1 A series of enzyme-catalyzedreactions forms a linked pathway. Eachchemical reaction is catalyzed by a distinctenzyme. Together, this set of enzymes,acting in series, converts molecule A tomolecule F.molecule molecule molecule molecule molecule moleculeACATALYSISBY ENZYME 1BCATALYSISBY ENZYME 2CCATALYSISBY ENZYME 3DCATALYSISBY ENZYME 4ECATALYSISBY ENZYME 5Fmolecule could in principle undergo. These enzyme-catalyzed reactionsare usually connected in series, so that the product of one reactionbecomes the starting material for the next (Figure 3−1). The long, linearreaction pathways that result are in turn linked to one another, forming acomplex web of interconnected reactions.ECB5 e3.01/3.01Rather than being an inconvenience, the necessity for catalysis is a benefit,as it allows the cell to precisely control its metabolism—the sumtotal of all the chemical reactions it needs to carry out to survive, grow,and reproduce. This control is central to the chemistry of life.Two opposing streams of chemical reactions occur in cells: the catabolicpathways and the anabolic pathways. The catabolic pathways (catabolism)break down foodstuffs into smaller molecules, thereby generatingboth a useful form of energy for the cell and some of the small moleculesthat the cell needs as building blocks. The anabolic, or biosynthetic, pathways(anabolism) use the energy harnessed by catabolism to drive thesynthesis of the many molecules that form the cell. Together, these twosets of reactions constitute the metabolism of the cell (Figure 3−2).The details of the reactions that comprise cell metabolism are part of thesubject matter of biochemistry, and they need not concern us here. Butthe general principles by which cells obtain energy from their environmentand use it to create order are central to cell biology. We thereforebegin this chapter by explaining why a constant input of energy is neededto sustain living organisms. We then discuss how enzymes catalyze thereactions that produce biological order. Finally, we describe the moleculesinside cells that carry the energy that makes life possible.THE USE OF ENERGY BY CELLSLeft to themselves, nonliving things eventually become disordered: buildingscrumble and dead organisms decay. Living cells, by contrast, notonly maintain but actually generate order at every level, from the largescalestructure of a butterfly or a flower down to the organization of themolecules that make up such organisms (Figure 3–3). This property of lifeis made possible by elaborate molecular mechanisms that extract energyfrom the environment and convert it into the energy stored in chemicalbonds. Biological structures are therefore able to maintain their form,even though the materials that form them are continually being brokendown, replaced, and recycled. Your body has the same basic structure ithad 10 years ago, even though you now contain atoms that, for the mostpart, were not part of your body then.usefulforms ofenergyFigure 3−2 Catabolic and anabolicpathways together constitute the cell’smetabolism. During catabolism, a majorportion of the energy stored in the chemicalbonds of food molecules is dissipated asheat. But some of this energy is convertedto the useful forms of energy needed todrive the synthesis of new molecules inanabolic pathways, as moleculesCATABOLICPATHWAYSlostheatthe manybuilding blocksfor biosynthesisANABOLICPATHWAYSthe manymoleculesthat formthe cell

The Use of Energy by Cells83(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)20 nm50 nm10 µm0.5 mm20 mmBiological Order Is Made Possible by the Release ofHeat Energy from CellsThe universal tendency of things to become disordered is expressed ina fundamental law of physics called the second law of thermodynamics.This law states that in the universe as a whole, or in any isolated system(a collection of matter that is completely cut off from the rest of theuniverse), the degree of disorder can only increase. ECB5 The e3.03/3.03 second law ofthermodynamics has such profound implications for living things that itis worth restating in several ways.We can express the second law in terms of probability by stating thatsystems will change spontaneously toward those arrangements that havethe greatest probability. Consider a box in which 100 coins are all lyingheads up. A series of events that disturbs the box—for example, someonejiggling it a bit—will tend to move the arrangement toward a mixture of50 heads and 50 tails. The reason is simple: there is a huge number ofpossible arrangements of the individual coins that can achieve the 50–50result, but only one possible arrangement that keeps them all orientedheads up. Because the 50–50 mixture accommodates a greater numberof possibilities and places fewer constraints on the orientation of eachindividual coin, we say that it is more “disordered.” For the same reason,one’s living space will become increasingly disordered without anintentional effort to keep it organized. Movement toward disorder is aspontaneous process, and requires a periodic input of energy to reverseit (Figure 3–4).Figure 3–3 Biological structures arehighly ordered. Well-defined, ornate,and beautiful spatial patterns can befound at every level of organization inliving organisms. Shown are: (A) proteinmolecules in the coat of a virus (a parasitethat, although not technically alive, containsthe same types of molecules as thosefound in living cells); (B) the regular arrayof microtubules seen in a cross section of asperm tail; (C) surface contours of a pollengrain; (D) cross section of a fern stem,showing the patterned arrangement ofcells; and (E) a spiral array of leaves, eachmade of millions of cells. (A, courtesy ofRobert Grant, Stéphane Crainic, and JamesM. Hogle; B, courtesy of Lewis Tilney;C, courtesy of Colin MacFarlane andChris Jeffree; D, courtesy of Jim Haseloff.)“SPONTANEOUS“ REACTIONas time elapsesORGANIZED EFFORT REQUIRING ENERGY INPUTFigure 3–4 The spontaneous tendencytoward disorder is an everydayexperience. Reversing this natural tendencytoward disorder requires an intentionaleffort and an input of energy. In fact, fromthe second law of thermodynamics, wecan be certain that the human interventionrequired will release enough heat to theenvironment to more than compensate forthe reestablishment of order in this room.

The Use of Energy by Cells


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

20 nm

50 nm

10 µm

0.5 mm

20 mm

Biological Order Is Made Possible by the Release of

Heat Energy from Cells

The universal tendency of things to become disordered is expressed in

a fundamental law of physics called the second law of thermodynamics.

This law states that in the universe as a whole, or in any isolated system

(a collection of matter that is completely cut off from the rest of the

universe), the degree of disorder can only increase. ECB5 The e3.03/3.03 second law of

thermodynamics has such profound implications for living things that it

is worth restating in several ways.

We can express the second law in terms of probability by stating that

systems will change spontaneously toward those arrangements that have

the greatest probability. Consider a box in which 100 coins are all lying

heads up. A series of events that disturbs the box—for example, someone

jiggling it a bit—will tend to move the arrangement toward a mixture of

50 heads and 50 tails. The reason is simple: there is a huge number of

possible arrangements of the individual coins that can achieve the 50–50

result, but only one possible arrangement that keeps them all oriented

heads up. Because the 50–50 mixture accommodates a greater number

of possibilities and places fewer constraints on the orientation of each

individual coin, we say that it is more “disordered.” For the same reason,

one’s living space will become increasingly disordered without an

intentional effort to keep it organized. Movement toward disorder is a

spontaneous process, and requires a periodic input of energy to reverse

it (Figure 3–4).

Figure 3–3 Biological structures are

highly ordered. Well-defined, ornate,

and beautiful spatial patterns can be

found at every level of organization in

living organisms. Shown are: (A) protein

molecules in the coat of a virus (a parasite

that, although not technically alive, contains

the same types of molecules as those

found in living cells); (B) the regular array

of microtubules seen in a cross section of a

sperm tail; (C) surface contours of a pollen

grain; (D) cross section of a fern stem,

showing the patterned arrangement of

cells; and (E) a spiral array of leaves, each

made of millions of cells. (A, courtesy of

Robert Grant, Stéphane Crainic, and James

M. Hogle; B, courtesy of Lewis Tilney;

C, courtesy of Colin MacFarlane and

Chris Jeffree; D, courtesy of Jim Haseloff.)


as time elapses


Figure 3–4 The spontaneous tendency

toward disorder is an everyday

experience. Reversing this natural tendency

toward disorder requires an intentional

effort and an input of energy. In fact, from

the second law of thermodynamics, we

can be certain that the human intervention

required will release enough heat to the

environment to more than compensate for

the reestablishment of order in this room.

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