Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


80 CHAPTER 2 Chemical Components of CellsQUESTION 2–15Which of the following statements are correct? Explain youranswers.A. Proteins are so remarkably diverse because each is madefrom a unique mixture of amino acids that are linked inrandom order.B. Lipid bilayers are macromolecules that are made upmostly of phospholipid subunits.C. Nucleic acids contain sugar groups.D. Many amino acids have hydrophobic side chains.E. The hydrophobic tails of phospholipid molecules arerepelled from water.F. DNA contains the four different bases A, G, U, and C.QUESTION 2–16A. How many different molecules composed of (a) two,(b) three, and (c) four amino acids, linked together bypeptide bonds, can be made from the set of 20 naturallyoccurring amino acids?B. Assume you were given a mixture consisting of onemolecule each of all possible sequences of a smallish proteinof molecular mass 4800 daltons. If the average molecularmass of an amino acid is, say, 120 daltons, how much wouldthe sample weigh? How big a container would you need tohold it?C. What does this calculation tell you about the fractionof possible proteins that are currently in use by livingorganisms (the average molecular mass of proteins is about30,000 daltons)?QUESTION 2–17This is a biology textbook. Explain why the chemicalprinciples that are described in this chapter are important inthe context of modern cell biology.QUESTION 2–18A. Describe the similarities and differences between van derWaals attractions and hydrogen bonds.B. Which of the two bonds would form (a) between twohydrogens bound to carbon atoms, (b) between a nitrogenatom and a hydrogen bound to a carbon atom, and(c) between a nitrogen atom and a hydrogen bound to anoxygen atom?QUESTION 2–19What are the forces that determine the folding of amacromolecule into a unique shape?QUESTION 2–20Fatty acids are said to be “amphipathic.” What is meant bythis term, and how does an amphipathic molecule behave inwater? Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.QUESTION 2–21Are the formulas in Figure Q2–21 correct or incorrect?Explain your answer in each case.H 2 NHCCOOH+H 3 NHCCOOR 1R 2NNH 2N(A)O(E)CH 2O OP PO OOPOOCH 2(B)CH BASE2 OOH OHCH 3(F)CH 2C NC CNNOSUGAR(C)(D)COOHH C H OH C HH HOH C HH HH C H OOH NaHH hydrogen bond(G)(H)ClCH 2 OHH+ – + HOOHOδOδCδOOHOHCOOHH 2 NH 2 OCNO(I)(J)(K)Figure Q2–21

CHAPTER THREE3Energy, Catalysis, andBiosynthesisOne property above all makes living things seem almost miraculouslydifferent from nonliving matter: they create and maintain order in a universethat is tending always toward greater disorder. To accomplish thisremarkable feat, the cells in a living organism must continuously carryout a never-ending stream of chemical reactions to maintain their structure,meet their metabolic needs, and stave off unrelenting chemicaldecay. In these reactions, small organic molecules—amino acids, sugars,nucleotides, and lipids—can be taken apart or modified to supplythe many other small molecules that the cell requires. These moleculesare also used to construct an enormously diverse range of large molecules,including the proteins, nucleic acids, and other macromoleculesthat constitute most of the mass of living systems and endow them withtheir distinctive properties.THE USE OF ENERGY BY CELLSFREE ENERGY AND CATALYSISACTIVATED CARRIERS ANDBIOSYNTHESISEach cell can be viewed as a tiny chemical factory, performing many millionsof reactions every second. This incessant activity requires both asource of atoms in the form of food molecules and a source of energy.Both the atoms and the energy must come, ultimately, from the nonlivingenvironment. In this chapter, we discuss why cells require energy, andhow they use energy and atoms from their environment to create andmaintain the molecular order that makes life possible.Most of the chemical reactions that cells perform would normally occuronly at temperatures that are much higher than those inside a cell. Eachreaction therefore requires a major boost in chemical reactivity to enableit to proceed rapidly within the cell. This boost is provided by a largeset of specialized proteins called enzymes, each of which accelerates, orcatalyzes, just one of the many possible reactions that a particular



Energy, Catalysis, and


One property above all makes living things seem almost miraculously

different from nonliving matter: they create and maintain order in a universe

that is tending always toward greater disorder. To accomplish this

remarkable feat, the cells in a living organism must continuously carry

out a never-ending stream of chemical reactions to maintain their structure,

meet their metabolic needs, and stave off unrelenting chemical

decay. In these reactions, small organic molecules—amino acids, sugars,

nucleotides, and lipids—can be taken apart or modified to supply

the many other small molecules that the cell requires. These molecules

are also used to construct an enormously diverse range of large molecules,

including the proteins, nucleic acids, and other macromolecules

that constitute most of the mass of living systems and endow them with

their distinctive properties.





Each cell can be viewed as a tiny chemical factory, performing many millions

of reactions every second. This incessant activity requires both a

source of atoms in the form of food molecules and a source of energy.

Both the atoms and the energy must come, ultimately, from the nonliving

environment. In this chapter, we discuss why cells require energy, and

how they use energy and atoms from their environment to create and

maintain the molecular order that makes life possible.

Most of the chemical reactions that cells perform would normally occur

only at temperatures that are much higher than those inside a cell. Each

reaction therefore requires a major boost in chemical reactivity to enable

it to proceed rapidly within the cell. This boost is provided by a large

set of specialized proteins called enzymes, each of which accelerates, or

catalyzes, just one of the many possible reactions that a particular

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