CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook

CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook

CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook


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Intelligence or less simply try to minimize the danger by<br />

presenting a different side to the attacker. Thus, if two or<br />

more gladiators attack a weakened creature, there is a<br />

good chance they can continue exploiting its weakness<br />

throughout the battle as it shifts the damaged area from<br />

one side to another.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bonus conferred by this proficiency can be communicated<br />

to one’s allies. However, if the creature under<br />

attack understands the language used to effect this communication,<br />

anyone attacking the creature does so with a<br />

-2 penalty.<br />

When used against a gladiator with the Arena Acting<br />

proficiency, the two sides involved must have a proficiency<br />

contest. Each character must make their respective Proficiency<br />

checks. <strong>The</strong> degree of success in this is measured<br />

by the difference between the target number and the<br />

actual die roll. <strong>The</strong> winner is the character with the higher<br />

degree of success. If the winner is using Weakness Identification,<br />

he spots the acting through some small flaw in the<br />

performance. Likewise, if the Arena Actor has the greater<br />

number, the one with Weakness Identification falls for it.<br />

Example: Bythal has an Arena Acting proficiency of<br />

14. His opponent Haarna has a Weakness Identification<br />

proficiency of 13. Bythal's roll is a 7, while Haarna's is a 3.<br />

Since Haarna's difference is greater at 10 (13-3=10)<br />

than Bythal’s 7 (14-7=7), Haarna can easily see that<br />

Bythal is acting. He is not drawn in, and Bythal’s bonus is<br />

negated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> interchange here can be complicated. Some gladiators<br />

take both Arena Acting and Weakness Identification.<br />

Arena Acting should be checked first, so that the<br />

enemy may be fooled from the first instant he spies his<br />

opponent. After the gladiator assumes his weakness, he<br />

can begin checking his enemy for the same thing. Both<br />

these rolls should be rolled where only the DM can see<br />

them, so that the player does not know if he was successful<br />

in his various attempts.<br />

3I<br />

Weapon Proficiencies<br />

<strong>The</strong> gladiator need never worry about having to swing an<br />

unfamiliar weapon in a pinch; for a gladiator, there is no<br />

such thing as an unfamiliar weapon. If nothing designed<br />

specifically as a weapon is available, he can make one<br />

from his surroundings.<br />

Gladiators never suffer a nonproficiency penalty when<br />

picking up a weapon. Even when the gladiator has never<br />

seen a weapon of its like, he can easily fathom its purpose<br />

and the way it is used—just in time to eliminate his foes.<br />

Unlike most others, the gladiator is trained extensively in<br />

the understanding of weapons and awareness of his body’s<br />

capabilities.<br />

Indeed, the gladiator’s ability with weapons is such<br />

that he can specialize in more than one weapon at 1st<br />

level. Gladiators may specialize in as many weapons as<br />

their available weapon proficiencies allow. Whenever<br />

the gladiator gains enough proficiencies to qualify for<br />

another weapon specialization, he may take it. When<br />

trying to gain new weapon specialization, the gladiator<br />

must pay the full cost for his weapon specialization; that<br />

is, he must pay both the initial slot for proficiency in<br />

that weapon, as well as the additional slots required to<br />


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