CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook

CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook

CGR2 - The Complete Gladiator's Handbook


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the sands and dodging missiles and sword blows, they<br />

gain this option.<br />

Recommended proficiencies for gladiators include<br />

Blind-Fighting, Endurance, Land-Based Riding, Rope<br />

Use, Tumbling, Charioteering, and Running. All of these<br />

enhance the PC’s abilities in the arena. Intimidation and<br />

Observation (found in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Complete</strong> Thief’s <strong>Handbook</strong>)<br />

are also useful, although they are more advantageous<br />

outside the ring than inside.<br />

More esoteric proficiencies for the gladiator include<br />

Mountaineering, Tightrope Walking, Juggling, and Animal<br />

Lore. Although they may seem to have no immediate<br />

use in the arena, consider that the advanced games of<br />

most cities call upon knowledge that most gladiators<br />

could not be expected to have. By taking physical proficiencies<br />

that may seem out of the ordinary, the gladiator<br />

can try to prepare himself for any twists the host of the<br />

Games may implement.<br />

Nonweapon Proficiencies Table<br />

Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier<br />

Arena Acting 1 Charisma -1<br />

Dirty Tricks 1 Wisdom -2<br />

Massage 1 Dexterity 0<br />

Tactics 1 Intelligence - 1<br />

Taunting<br />

Weakness<br />

1 Wisdom 0<br />

Identification 2 Wisdom -2<br />

Descriptions of New Proficiencies<br />

Arena Acting: <strong>The</strong> Acting proficiency allows the gladiator<br />

to feign a weakness in the arena to trick his opponent.<br />

If the check is successful, he has shown a weakness he<br />

does not really possess. For example, he could convince an<br />

enemy that his left side is overexposed, or that his weapons<br />

are unfamiliar in his hands. More often than not, these<br />

tricks succeed. If the enemy attack against the gladiator’s<br />

29<br />

assumed weakness, the PC attacks his foe with a +3<br />

bonus to attack and damage rolls. <strong>The</strong>se reflect the surprise<br />

the target feels upon realizing he has been duped.<br />

Arena Acting can work only once against any given<br />

opponent. <strong>The</strong>reafter, the enemy is far more cautious in<br />

his attacks.<br />

Dirty Tricks: <strong>The</strong> Dirty Tricks proficiency allows any<br />

fighter character (not just a gladiator) to learn how to fight<br />

dirty against an opponent. Although the exact methods<br />

may vary from character to character, the proficiency<br />

allows the PC to distract an opponent just long enough to<br />

get away with something otherwise not possible.<br />

<strong>The</strong> method of trickery must necessarily vary depending<br />

on terrain, the opponent, and numerous other factors.<br />

Even weather can have a serious effect on the tricks a gladiator<br />

can play. <strong>The</strong> Dirty Tricks proficiency gives a +1<br />

bonus to one of several actions the PC can take in the<br />

combat round, provided the PC makes a successful proficiency<br />

check. A foe may make a Wisdom check at -2 to<br />

detect the trick. A successful Wisdom check negates the<br />

Dirty Trick for that round.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dirty Tricks bonus may be applied to the user’s<br />

attack, initiative, or damage results. <strong>The</strong> Dirty Trickster<br />

may also choose to apply the bonus as a penalty (-1) to an<br />

opponent’s attack, initiative, or damage. <strong>The</strong> desired<br />

bonus must be announced before the proficiency is<br />

checked. A failed check indicates that the enemy is alert<br />

to such tricks, and will not fall prey to them later in the<br />

combat.<br />

Dirty Tricks generally work only once or twice against<br />

any given opponent, no matter what forms are used. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

remember those who engage in such tricks against them,<br />

usually with negative overtones. Only those with Average<br />

or lower Intelligence will succumb to a Dirty Trick played<br />

twice unless it is exceptionally clever. Players are encouraged<br />

to think of the tricks themselves, rather than simply<br />

rolling the dice.<br />

Each Dirty Trick played by the PC against the same<br />

enemy gives the enemy a +2 on his Wisdom check, mak-

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