Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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true because 3s are ruled by Jupiter. If they enter into a business partnership,

3s suffer losses but 4s benefit. As friends, 3s are helpful and understanding to

4s; 4s gain strength by following the advice of 3s. The relationship is not

harmful to a 3, if the 3 is a man and the 4 a woman. But if reversed, the

marriage will not be very successful. This is because 4s are characterized by

sudden changes and secrecy, which is not tolerated by number 3 women.

Number 3 and Number 5

The numbers 3 and 5 are both odd and dynamic. Since 5s are ruled by

Mercury, both numbers are ruled by benefic planets. Mercury and Jupiter are

not friends, although Jupiter, being a neutral universal helper, helps 5s.

Number 3s are good advisers and friends. Since 5s are princes and

entertainers, and 3s are also happy numbers, they make good company.

Neither follow a traditional religion; they are free thinkers. So they help each

other. Because of their restless nature, 5s are not ideal business or marriage

partners for 3s. However, since 5s are merchants, 3s can learn about business

from them. Marriage between a 5 and a 3 can be beneficial if 3 is the man and

5 the woman, but the reverse is not successful.

Number 3 and Number 6

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