Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Number 2 and Number 6

Six is ruled by Venus. Venus, although a universal friend, is not a friend to

the Moon; it is neutral in relationship to the moon. For this reason, 2s and 6s

enjoy a good friendship but do not make ideal life or business partners.

Number 6s receive more financial benefit from this relationship than 2s; they

also get popularity, name, and fame. Venus is a beneficial planet that brings

2s good luck with 6s, but they are not ideal as married couples. This is

especially true if the 2 is a man and the 6 a woman. Friendships and

businesses between 2s and 6s are always mutually beneficial.

Number 2 and Number 7

Seven is ruled by Ketu, an enemy and the exact opposite of the number 2.

Since the Moon (2) always must pass through its southpole (7) while on its

elliptical path, 2s benefit from 7s. However, the opposite is not true. Number

7s guide and always lead 2s toward the right path, yet they are not ideal

couples. Since a 2 is an even, static number and a 7 is an odd, dynamic

number, their friendship brings positive results for 2s.

Number 2 and Number 8

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