Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Four is ruled by Rahu, an enemy of both the Sun and the Moon. Rahu, the

north node of the Moon, is also called the magnetic north pole of the Moon.

The north and south nodes form the two fixed points on the elliptical path of

the Moon.

Number 2 people are naturally attracted to numbers 4s, who grow and

develop from this relationship. Twos face hardships and difficulties in

association with destiny number 4, except when the 4 is a husband or

business partner. Then the 2s are benefited by the relationship, and both

partners experience peace and prosperity. Number 4s are a good number for

2s. Being a number of sudden changes, a 4 is not bothered by the changing

nature of a 2.

When the 2 is a man and the 4 a woman, they do have difficulties and

hardships early in their marital relationship, but these difficulties produce

good results. They progress in their life without suffering and, although they

might neglect their domestic and family matters and feel irritated toward each

other, their family and business life goes well. If 2s are interested in politics,

teaching, research, philosophy, or occult practices, they advance in these

fields with the mutual support and cooperation of 4s.

If number 2s have a destiny number of 4, their marriage can be delayed.

The latter part of their life is good.

Number 2 and Number 5

Five is ruled by Mercury. Since Mercury is not a friend of the Moon, these

two numbers are not in perfect harmony with each other. Psychic number 2

natives with a destiny number of 5 face problems in their life related to

family, children, and parents. They are also self-critical. Psychic number 2

people are advised to avoid emotional bonds with destiny 5s. If they marry,

the marriage will not last for more than four or five years. Their relationship

as life or business partners will not be harmonious.

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